Suicide by Tylenol

Does Nyquil have Tylenol?

No; but it does have acetaminophen, which is also an active ingredient in Tylenol.

Read the warning label and stop taking medication that you know nothing about.

Can patients mix Tylenol and NyQuil together

Patients should never take Tylenol and Nyquil together! Both products contain acetaminophen as an active ingredient, so if they mix them, they may exceed the allowable daily dose (more than 4g), causing potentially fatal condition called Acetaminophen’s induced hepatic necrosis
No; but it does have acetaminophen, which is also an active ingredient in Tylenol.

Read the warning label and stop taking medication that you know nothing about.

Can patients mix Tylenol and NyQuil together

Patients should never take Tylenol and Nyquil together! Both products contain acetaminophen as an active ingredient, so if they mix them, they may exceed the allowable daily dose (more than 4g), causing potentially fatal condition called Acetaminophen’s induced hepatic necrosis

Possibly your stupidest post.
How many people don't know that and take two Tylenol and Nyquil and go to bed!

I know, right? And that's just OTC stuff. A lot of compounded prescription pain medications (Vicodin, Percocet, etc.) contain APAP as well. (APAP = abbreviation for acetaminophen). I believe that all OTC meds containing APAP now come with a warning. Here's a source for patients regarding OTC and scripts that contain APAP:
Your link doesn't say it contains Tylenol.

The active ingredients in NyQuil are:

dextromethorphan HBr
doxylamine succinate.

Cheezus Christ. Acetaminophen (APAP) is Tylenol. "Tylenol" is the brand name when the drug was still a script-only medication. You do understand the difference between brand name and drug name? Here's a handy breakdown for you.

"Advil" = ibuprofen
"Tagamet" = cimetidine
"Zantac" = ranitidine
"Tylenol" = acetaminophen

You're welcome.
I dunno why they don't just find a train to jump in front of. Pretty sure fire way to get the job done. Or "reach" during a traffic stop.