Suicide by Tylenol

If you can't figure out,why your post was stupid,can't help you troll

Since you can't answer why you FEEL it was stupid, it means you're just a troll. :good4u:

Cheezus Christ. Acetaminophen (APAP) is Tylenol. "Tylenol" is the brand name when the drug was still a script-only medication. You do understand the difference between brand name and drug name? Here's a handy breakdown for you.

"Advil" = ibuprofen
"Tagamet" = cimetidine
"Zantac" = ranitidine
"Tylenol" = acetaminophen

You're welcome.

Untrue; because it's just a MAIN INGREDIANT.
Untrue; because it's just a MAIN INGREDIANT.

It's spelled "ingredient." The whole point is here, tardtrollboy, that however you want to label it -- APAP/acetaminophen/tylenol -- is a main ingredient in many OTC and script medications. Take too much, and your liver dies and so do you.
It's spelled "ingredient." The whole point is here, tardtrollboy, that however you want to label it -- APAP/acetaminophen/tylenol -- is a main ingredient in many OTC and script medications. Take too much, and your liver dies and so do you.

Thanks for agreeing.

Acetaminophen is a main ingredient in Tylenol; but that doesn't mean that acetaminophen is Tylenol. :good4u:
Acetaminophen is Tylenol.

Common Over-the-Counter Brand Name Medicines That Contain Acetaminophen (also known as APAP)

Alka-Seltzer Plus®
Formula 44®
Goody’s® Powders
Saint Joseph® Aspirin-Free
TYLENOL® Brand Products
So? Not like you'd have to clean it up. Quick and certain, and be a massive inconvenience to the world one last time.

A pretty crappy and selfish way, though, to remove yourself from the world and make some train driver guy have nightmares and guilt forever. Want to off yourself without inflicting mess and guilt on others? Jump off a cliff. Hike out into the wilderness in winter without gear. Walk out into the desert in summer without water/gear. Or maybe just think about it some and deal with it.
A pretty crappy and selfish way, though, to remove yourself from the world and make some train driver guy have nightmares and guilt forever. Want to off yourself without inflicting mess and guilt on others? Jump off a cliff. Hike out into the wilderness in winter without gear. Walk out into the desert in summer without water/gear. Or maybe just think about it some and deal with it.

Kiss Yurt on the lips,would it too!
A pretty crappy and selfish way, though, to remove yourself from the world and make some train driver guy have nightmares and guilt forever. Want to off yourself without inflicting mess and guilt on others? Jump off a cliff. Hike out into the wilderness in winter without gear. Walk out into the desert in summer without water/gear. Or maybe just think about it some and deal with it.

Or act like you have a gun and threaten the Police.

A pretty crappy and selfish way, though, to remove yourself from the world and make some train driver guy have nightmares and guilt forever. Want to off yourself without inflicting mess and guilt on others? Jump off a cliff. Hike out into the wilderness in winter without gear. Walk out into the desert in summer without water/gear. Or maybe just think about it some and deal with it.
Live by the troll, die by the troll.

I'd still go out suicide by cop though.