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Stone strikes me as the type that uses Viagra to masturbate.
Who in their right mind would pop Viagra just for their naughty little sessions? Oh, wait, that's usually the accuser, hummm that would be YOU. At least you can pocket a few of those blue pills for later, now that you can fantasize about sitting all cozy on Bragg's lap with his...let's say, excitement popping up, while he reads out Trump's sentence.. LOL, Libtards are as predictable as the sun rising each morning. Their evil fantasies cloud their vision. You all done messed up again. lol hahahaha and you're not smart enough to know it..............again. lol
Now that you've had your moment of relief, how about you go out and get a job? Buy your own damn lotion. Your mom has been footing the bill for your lazy ass for way too long. She deserves to enjoy the good lotion she buys with her hard-earned cash, not have it wasted on your sad little fantasies.
Come on, Libtards, your hair should've grown back by now. There are just no more excuses. Time to step up, clean up, and grow up.