Sure, Trump is a convicted felon but....

Who? The folks licking Trump's perineum?
Keep your Trump penis fantasies to yourself, bruh.

Corporate greed! Do you want price control? Republicans use to be against large government!
Tell me, how is Biden responsible for what corporations charge for goods?
No one ever answers this question.
Oh I will.


Read section 6 and 7, that's where Biden did it.
You see, everything in the US moves around by diesel and gas, and Biden messed up America's supply of those on day 1.
(Take note of the date of the EO.)
A little ways down he trashed a project to fix water supply in The West.
Corporate greed! Do you want price control? Republicans use to be against large government!
Tell me, how is Biden responsible for what corporations charge for goods?
No one ever answers this question.
Good points. They also can't explain why inflation is worldwide -- and in many countries far worse than it is in the U.S. I suppose the feeble, senile elderly incompetent (according to MAGAT myth) in the White House controls that, too. **eyeroll**