Sure, Trump is a convicted felon but....

Corporate greed! Do you want price control? Republicans use to be against large government!
Tell me, how is Biden responsible for what corporations charge for goods?
No one ever answers this question.
Biden has acted against the formation of more oligopolies. He recognizes the problem. The Repubs are happy for more consolidation in markets and price controls. Trump has already signaled more tax cuts for corporations. That will be a richer rich and poorer poor. But that is good for America if you see America as a market for the super-rich to get more health and power.
Biden has acted against the formation of more oligopolies. He recognizes the problem. The Repubs are happy for more consolidation in markets and price controls. Trump has already signaled more tax cuts for corporations. That will be a richer rich and poorer poor. But that is good for America if you see America as a market for the super-rich to get more health and power.
Fuck you asshole

Give it time. College will change him.

Give it time. College will change him.


Tip o' the hat to Vivek:

One who want's to be a rebel, to stand against the establishment in our Universities will be a conservative and push back against Marxist orthodoxy that controls academia.

True courage is pushing back on the Stalinist dogma that academia pushes.

Give it time. College will change him.

trump wasn't a good father. Even his 1st wife said all the responsibilities for the kids fell on her.

"In another account of Don Jr.’s college years, Scott Melker, a former Penn classmate, wrote on Facebook: “Donald Jr. was a drunk in college. Every memory I have of him is of him stumbling around on campus falling over or passing out in public, with his arm in a sling from injuring himself while drinking.”

After graduating, Don Jr. initially declined to join the family business, instead moving to Aspen, Colorado, where he hunted, fished, camped, lived out of the back of a truck, and bartended, according to Vanity Fair — which also reported that Don Jr. stopped talking to his father during this time.

He returned to the East Coast to join the Trump Organization in 2001, the same year he spent 11 hours in a New Orleans jail on charges of public drunkenness."

I couldn't care what the fuck you think. And where have I ever been on the left you braindead cocksucker?


It's fun when you traitorous commie scum fight with each other..

I'm betting on you to win, Douche Duck! You have double Truthy's IQ - all the way up to 36!

It's fun when you traitorous commie scum fight with each other..

I'm betting on you to win, Douche Duck! You have double Truthy's IQ - all the way up to 36!
No what's actually funny is watching left wing retards like him and right wing retards like you each tell me I'm on the other person's side all because I called this gerontocracy farce out for what it is.
My excuse for what? You being a retard?

Awww, is the little commie frustrated and lashing out.

I know, this is all so confusing - and all the big words...

No, I have zero interest in voting for either candidate, dumb cunt.

Sure - you'll vote Joe if the party tells you to, Comrade. A good Marxist like you must serve the party in all things. Marx is your god.