Taco Bell

cancel2 2022

My daughter-in-law is in San Francisco at the moment on business. She bought a taco from Taco Bell and ended up with acute food poisoning.
My daughter-in-law is in San Francisco at the moment on business. She bought a taco from Taco Bell and ended up with acute food poisoning.

You have to wonder whether it was the food or the fact that it's in the quickly becoming a sh*thole, San Francisco. I bet it was a bit of both. I've had pretty good luck with Taco Bell's food. I think I got the runs one time from their food, but that's it.
My daughter-in-law is in San Francisco at the moment on business. She bought a taco from Taco Bell and ended up with acute food poisoning.

Eh, it happens. I have my complaints with Taco Bell, though. For future reference, never buy their tacos. Jack-in-the-Box serves more enjoyable tacos. Grab whatever is the most hilariously inventive thing you can find on the menu, and that's what is good. For me, it's the Quesarito. Beyond that, they serve decent burritos.
That sucks but why the heck would anyone go to Taco Bell when visiting a place like San Fransisco? It boggles the mind. California has some of the best Mexican outside Mexico and it's cheap.
Eh, it happens. I have my complaints with Taco Bell, though. For future reference, never buy their tacos. Jack-in-the-Box serves more enjoyable tacos. Grab whatever is the most hilariously inventive thing you can find on the menu, and that's what is good. For me, it's the Quesarito. Beyond that, they serve decent burritos.

I have to go with Jack-in-the-Box tacos. I used to live off those things . 6 for a dollar. Mmmmmmmmm ... good! (1960s)
That sucks but why the heck would anyone go to Taco Bell when visiting a place like San Fransisco? It boggles the mind. California has some of the best Mexican outside Mexico and it's cheap.

She was only supposed to be there for several days doing presentations for British startup companies. She has been to the US twice already this year and flown all over from coast to coast. Don't know how she does it to be honest, she ends up flying over 13,000 miles in less than three weeks.
She was only supposed to be there for several days doing presentations for British startup companies. She has been to the US twice already this year and flown all over from coast to coast. Don't know how she does it to be honest, she ends up flying over 13,000 miles in less than three weeks.

has she ever done any work for Baker Perkins?.......my son works for them here in Grand Rapids........they make the machines that produce food in shapes......things like goldfish crackers and gummi bears.......
has she ever done any work for Baker Perkins?.......my son works for them here in Grand Rapids........they make the machines that produce food in shapes......things like goldfish crackers and gummi bears.......

She works for a company that does presentations on behalf of British IT startups. She goes to New York, Boston, San Francisco and Seattle to find investors and venture capitalists.
Was it the one Eddy St by chance? That place is "special".

Back in 1994, the Seattle area was the center point for Jack-in-the-Box restaurants whose meats were contaminated with E-coli. I think that one branch was eventually shutdown when it failed to comply with new safety standards.
The nearest Jack-in-the-Box for me is 50 miles away. When I head to Baton Rouge, I make a special stop there just so I can get '2 tacos for 2 bucks'.
Eh, it happens. I have my complaints with Taco Bell, though. For future reference, never buy their tacos. Jack-in-the-Box serves more enjoyable tacos. Grab whatever is the most hilariously inventive thing you can find on the menu, and that's what is good. For me, it's the Quesarito. Beyond that, they serve decent burritos.
Better rule, never but a Mexican from a fast food place unless it’s a good food truck.
Better rule, never but a Mexican from a fast food place unless it’s a good food truck.

It's not really a rule for me, because I don't demand authenticity. Taco Bell's tacos are putrid due to their poor quality. I enjoy the tacos at Taco Time and Del Taco.

But, yeah, food trucks are always a good option. My wife gets excited when she spots one.
It's not really a rule for me, because I don't demand authenticity. Taco Bell's tacos are putrid due to their poor quality. I enjoy the tacos at Taco Time and Del Taco.

But, yeah, food trucks are always a good option. My wife gets excited when she spots one.
People from the North generally have that rule never having experienced great Mexican food. I was raised on it, fresh tortillas, refried beans made with lard, fresh pico and salsa, real Mexican cheese. My taste buds are offended by unauthentic food.
People from the North generally have that rule never having experienced great Mexican food. I was raised on it, fresh tortillas, refried beans made with lard, fresh pico and salsa, real Mexican cheese. My taste buds are offended by unauthentic food.

The Pacific Northwest is ground zero for lack-of-quality Mexican food. If you travel to the agrarian parts of Eastern WA, that starts to change a bit. This frustrates my wife a great deal. That's why she loves the taco trucks.

Whenever we go to SoCal, I get dragged off to all of the good places. We find better options in SW Utah, such as Alfredo's, in the town of Hurricane.
Was it the one on Eddy St by chance? That place is "special".

She just clarified the situation. She bought the tacos in New York, Seventh Ave. to be exact, and then flew to San Francisco. It was when she got to the hotel that she became violently sick although she started to feel bad on the plane, truly a nightmare.

Anyway, this is her event she organised for Seattle on the 10th.

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She just clarified the situation. She bought the tacos in New York, Seventh Ave. to be exact, and then flew to San Francisco. It was when she got to the hotel that she became violently sick although she started to feel bad on the plane, truly a nightmare.

Anyway, this is her event she organised for Seattle on the 10th.


5 hours later ?
