Taco Bell

Yes she is now, but started to feel sick on the plane from New York to San Francisco. I can't imagine how bad it is to be stuck on a plane for hours with severe stomach pains.

Did YOU have anything to do with it? Like, did you tell her Taco Bell was real authentic Mexican food and she should try the Burritos or something?
I have to go with Jack-in-the-Box tacos. I used to live off those things . 6 for a dollar. Mmmmmmmmm ... good! (1960s)

Not ate there since the mid 80's..... I still remember the location in San Ramon, Ca...

I had on a long sleeve white shirt & after several times scratching my arm/elbow I look & there is a red oil line down my sleeve. In shock I squeezed the 2/$1 taco & a couple ounces of red greasy oil comes out........ (they fry them frozen & the pocket fills w/ the grease)..

I walked out leaving the other taco sitting next to the puddle & crushed taco & never, ever even thought of going to another.......

Havana, hopefully she is OK........
1. They claim to have a 'secret' ingredient. Maybe it's the 'red greasy oil'?
2. YOU, obviously, were NOT born in California. You are a Foreigner and a Transplant. So where are you ORIGINALLY from?

Not ate there since the mid 80's..... I still remember the location in San Ramon, Ca...

I had on a long sleeve white shirt & after several times scratching my arm/elbow I look & there is a red oil line down my sleeve. In shock I squeezed the 2/$1 taco & a couple ounces of red greasy oil comes out........ (they fry them frozen & the pocket fills w/ the grease)..

I walked out leaving the other taco sitting next to the puddle & crushed taco & never, ever even thought of going to another.......

Havana, hopefully she is OK........
It's not really a rule for me, because I don't demand authenticity. Taco Bell's tacos are putrid due to their poor quality. I enjoy the tacos at Taco Time and Del Taco.

But, yeah, food trucks are always a good option. My wife gets excited when she spots one.

Aren't you concerned about the hygiene and safety of food trucks?
1. They claim to have a 'secret' ingredient. Maybe it's the 'red greasy oil'?
2. YOU, obviously, were NOT born in California. You are a Foreigner and a Transplant. So where are you ORIGINALLY from?

Cause I don't like red grease???? lol

I was raised in SJ,CA...... Born in Wash..

Cause I don't like red grease???? lol

I was raised in SJ,CA...... Born in Wash..


Born: Oakland.
Raised: San Diego.

Lived in Auburn, Washington State for awhile.

I was in 2nd Grade in Auburn and we were all told to draw a 'picture of your Family'. So we all went to work drawing away with the usual People, House, Dogs, and Cats. Then, ... some guy leaned over and started laughing at my Drawing. He said something like "Is your Family orange?". Perplexed, I looked around at the Drawings of others. They had ALL used the color 'white' to represent their Families.
:) In Southern California, we all have year around suntans, so we color people as 'orange'. HERE, in Washington State, where it seems to rain a lot and is overcast, the people are extremely 'pasty white'. (hahahaha)

Born: Oakland.
Raised: San Diego.

Lived in Auburn, Washington State for awhile.

I was in 2nd Grade in Auburn and we were all told to draw a 'picture of your Family'. So we all went to work drawing away with the usual People, House, Dogs, and Cats. Then, ... some guy leaned over and started laughing at my Drawing. He said something like "Is your Family orange?". Perplexed, I looked around at the Drawings of others. They had ALL used the color 'white' to represent their Families.
:) In Southern California, we all have year around suntans, so we color people as 'orange'. HERE, in Washington State, where it seems to rain a lot and is overcast, the people are extremely 'pasty white'. (hahahaha)


LOL, yes I heard that a lot about the weather....... I was born in Everett but moved when I was around 2 to San Jose.......

You in SD now?? I was thinking of moving back to Wash, still have fam there.

They all say the weather is depressing.. I like outdoor activities so I am reluctant to go back up there....... Maybe Oregon or up in the foothilles east of of here........

I think the first taco bell I was @ was in San Jose, on Alum Rock Ave sometime in the late 60's... My favorite then was the frijoles.
New Orleans (Sauna City)

LOL, yes I heard that a lot about the weather....... I was born in Everett but moved when I was around 2 to San Jose.......

You in SD now?? I was thinking of moving back to Wash, still have fam there.

They all say the weather is depressing.. I like outdoor activities so I am reluctant to go back up there....... Maybe Oregon or up in the foothilles east of of here........

I think the first taco bell I was @ was in San Jose, on Alum Rock Ave sometime in the late 60's... My favorite then was the frijoles.
Born: Oakland.
Raised: San Diego.

Lived in Auburn, Washington State for awhile.

I was in 2nd Grade in Auburn and we were all told to draw a 'picture of your Family'. So we all went to work drawing away with the usual People, House, Dogs, and Cats. Then, ... some guy leaned over and started laughing at my Drawing. He said something like "Is your Family orange?". Perplexed, I looked around at the Drawings of others. They had ALL used the color 'white' to represent their Families.
:) In Southern California, we all have year around suntans, so we color people as 'orange'. HERE, in Washington State, where it seems to rain a lot and is overcast, the people are extremely 'pasty white'. (hahahaha)


I live next door in Federal Way. Anyway, I always drew white people as "orange," because it always seemed closer to the skin tone, even without a tan. Unless you are drawing a geisha, or something.

Yes. I'm a little OCD about any restaurant. Too many here get shut down by the County Health Dept. because of food safety problems, usually keeping food at unsafe temperatures, broken refrigerators, employees not washing their hands after using the bathroom, stuff like that. Even some of the high-end places got tagged.
He's truly obnoxious along with his erstwhile bro Domer, although they seem to have fallen out big time recently.

I'm obnoxious to YOU because....

1) you're obnoxious to me, and...

2) next to Dork Sole, you're the biggest phony on this board.

There are few things smaller, more petty and lower class than pouncing on every opportunity to boast to strangers about one's self or family members. Especially given that there's no way of verifying that you're even telling the truth, which AfAIC, you're not.

It's so obvious that the point of your little story wasn't really about your daughter getting sick eating after eating a taco. The point was for you to have a convenient excuse to portray her as a big shot business executive flying around the globe to major cities and instructing other big shot executives how to do their jobs properly.

What a fucking load.

If you had really just wanted to relate a story about your daughter getting food poisoning from a taco, you would have confined your comments to something like... "My daughter was travelling on business and got sick after eating a taco from Taco Bell."


All that other fluffy garbage was just you being a phony baloney arse.

Sod off.