Taco Bell

Havana Moon
It looks like your daughter is jinxed. First the food poisoning and now Washington state where she is just had a record 1,250 lightning strikes. Tell her to keep her head down. :whoa:
Havana Moon
It looks like your daughter is jinxed. First the food poisoning and now Washington state where she is just had a record 1,250 lightning strikes. Tell her to keep her head down. :whoa:

Didn't realize the storm was that big. I heard one massive thunderclap that was within a mile, and that was it.
Havana Moon
It looks like your daughter is jinxed. First the food poisoning and now Washington state where she is just had a record 1,250 lightning strikes. Tell her to keep her head down. :whoa:

Last week she sliced her finger while dicing tomatoes for the tacos and spilled some hot nacho cheese on her brand new work sneakers.
Now one of them has a yellow stain on it.

Then she got cut back from 35 to 30 hours per week.


Poor gal can't catch a break.
That sucks but why the heck would anyone go to Taco Bell when visiting a place like San Fransisco? It boggles the mind. California has some of the best Mexican outside Mexico and it's cheap.

San Fran sicko doesn't have good Mexican food. You have to go San Luis Obispo and South.
More "look at me" bullshit from the forum wanker. :lolup:

The reality is more likely that she works at a Taco Bell in some shithole town like Huddersfield, and got sick from eating tacos after she went to the bathroom and didn't wash her hands.


Don't talk about your mom like that! Angry stupid asshole.
My daughter-in-law is in San Francisco at the moment on business. She bought a taco from Taco Bell and ended up with acute food poisoning.

It's San Francisco, they have fecal matter all over the place, it's bound to get tracked into Taco Bell. I eat Taco Bell all the time, I've never gotten sick from it.
Eh, it happens. I have my complaints with Taco Bell, though. For future reference, never buy their tacos. Jack-in-the-Box serves more enjoyable tacos. Grab whatever is the most hilariously inventive thing you can find on the menu, and that's what is good. For me, it's the Quesarito. Beyond that, they serve decent burritos.

I LOVE Jack tacos. I eat them by the truck load whenever I visit San Diego, or North Carolina.
Aren't you concerned about the hygiene and safety of food trucks?

As compared to many restaurants? Nope. They are probably cleaner.

I turned in a restaurant I have occasionally dined / ordered out from due to an extremely unhygienic condition. They have been shut down.

I don't know why you would judge trucks over restaurants.