Taco Bell

WTF are you eating face food!

WTF are you speaking? Gibberish? What is "face food"? Where else do you put food? Wait, don't tell me, I don't want to know.

If Masontroll is not Legion, that is one hell of a name call coincidence. Yurtski? Seriously?

Mason seems to dumb to be Legion. Though that could be his gig troll.
I agree. He has a sock fetish. Oh, and he likes running multiple forum accounts too, lol.

What is interesting is that only one poster has ever called me Yurtski. There are only two options :

1. Mason is a sock who knew that about 7 or more years ago a poster known for socks, called me Yurtski.

2. Mason is Legion.
What is interesting is that only one poster has ever called me Yurtski. There are only two options :

1. Mason is a sock who knew that about 7 or more years ago a poster known for socks, called me Yurtski.

2. Mason is Legion.

I've figured it out. We are ALL Mason and Mason is ALL of us. You're welcome.
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