Taco Bell

Yes, I'm third generation Mexican American. My grandparents on both sides were from Mexico.

I haven't seen any Pho restaurants in Ohio yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

My d-i-l asked me to point out that Americans need to know the correct pronunciation of Phở.

Your views are Democrat, but since you've been called on it, you are no longer sticking to your views.

I have occasionally changed my views due to a discussion or debate I had on this board, however, my core beliefs had pretty much remained the same.

Maybe that makes me pig headed. I don't know. I do know I am willing to see and listen to an opposing view point. And don't be pendatic about see and listening.

I don't remember all who have altered and educated my POV, but off the top of my head... Oncelcer, Grind, Damocles, Rana....probably others but they don't post here anymore.

I believe in an open mind. Debate is key to that. I strongly believe in the Socrate Method. It can be abused, however, if used fairly and honestly, I believe it to be one of the best methods of discourse.

You believe in the "Socrate Method"?
Have a hemlock on ice!