Taking a break, to serve my health better.

I decided to take a break from here as part of restoring my health. I thought I'd just mention it so I don't raise any concern. I need to lessen time on the computer, and dealing with politics. I especially need a break from baby trolls, and bigoted man children.:rolleyes: The sight is swamped lately, so now is the perfect time to go. Be back in a couple weeks - to a month.

Hope the surgery goes well. So exciting for you. Hopefully you'll finally feel like you have the right parts for your particular model. Cheers to you, brave soul. You are paving the way for countless trans-persons to follow you. A great honor and you wear it well.
Stop crying you two faced bitch. You are the most pathetic person I've met on life or the internet. You can't accept personal responsibility. It is always some other fault.

You have been a complete jerk to me since day one. Quit your whining and take what you dish.

He only lasted a day before he was back bitching again!
Going back on my break. Finally, I think I have my diet plan figured out and I'm not happy.:cuss: Back after the fast.