Taking a break, to serve my health better.

I'm taking a sabbatical from my health improving activities, and coming back here for a bit. It's going to be too miserable outside to do any of my gardening, or other activities.
I'm taking a sabbatical from my health improving activities, and coming back here for a bit. It's going to be too miserable outside to do any of my gardening, or other activities.

IOW, another cry for attention. You didn't even last a week.

I decided to take a break from here as part of restoring my health. I thought I'd just mention it so I don't raise any concern. I need to lessen time on the computer, and dealing with politics. I especially need a break from baby trolls, and bigoted man children.:rolleyes: The sight is swamped lately, so now is the perfect time to go. Be back in a couple weeks - to a month.

Look up 4 days you dumb bitch. 4 days isn't even a week, let alone "a couple of weeks - to a month."


Attention whore.
You being unable to count is your problem, not anyone else's. I'm gone after the heatwave anyway.

Do you deny writing:

Be back in a couple weeks - to a month.

You left for four (4) whole days. Explain to me how I can't count the difference from at least 14 days to 30 days from 4 days.

We both know you won't. Because you're a dummy and a coward.
Do you deny writing:

Be back in a couple weeks - to a month.

You left for four (4) whole days. Explain to me how I can't count the difference from at least 14 days to 30 days from 4 days.

We both know you won't. Because you're a dummy and a coward.

Yurt is so happy Jade popped in!
Thank you! Don't worry, we've given her safe sanctuary. You'll never hurt her again. You pervert.

How did I ever hurt anyone? And "safe sanctuary"... You give women and true sanctuary issues a bad name. You're pathetic.

Tell me, how am I a pervert you lying bitch?