Taking a break, to serve my health better.

I hope you didn't come up with this as part of some ruse or scheme.
Like, if Mason snitches you out as being that TerriTank guy, I'm going to be ... well, ... mmmmm, impressed.

I decided to take a break from here as part of restoring my health. I thought I'd just mention it so I don't raise any concern. I need to lessen time on the computer, and dealing with politics. I especially need a break from baby trolls, and bigoted man children.:rolleyes: The sight is swamped lately, so now is the perfect time to go. Be back in a couple weeks - to a month.

we will miss you




never forget these are not real people

they are programs designed to create American division
Jaded whines about mean people while insulting numerous people in a crybaby look at me thread.

You might need more than a month to sort yourself out.
You know what? ... I think Jade is reading all these things we are saying about him, ... and he wants to respond, ... but has put himself in the Trick Bag (once again) by saying he is 'leaving'.