Tart Reform


They are late bloomers...momma and pappa influenced them way too much...spoiled em'...they willgrow up someday...I willnot judge kids who were borne with silver spoons in thier mouths...it was not their fault!

Now I understand why you supported bush BB :)

Neither one of tarts are 40 yet, so no need to settle down.

Like you or I or anyone else ever really grows up...I think not we are all kids at heart...if ya believe differently well hell move to a Islam Country...or not!...lol:pke:
Like you or I or anyone else ever really grows up...I think not we are all kids at heart...if ya believe differently well hell move to a Islam Country...or not!...lol:pke:

I was born sort of old BB.
Dad dying when I was 16... and then Nam finished the job.

I was born sort of old BB.
Dad dying when I was 16... and then Nam finished the job.

The old sympathy card!..Sorry Charlie we all have personal family issues...time to move into the light Sgt...or not... cry another river for me...or not!...Let's keep it light hearted...I don't dwell on the past!
some of us whine and take it out on ex spouse or kids
other excell and create positive memories.
I'm a glass mostly full guy, US is a someone shattered my glass guy.
Like you or I or anyone else ever really grows up...I think not we are all kids at heart...if ya believe differently well hell move to a Islam Country...or not!...lol:pke:

I see. So, no matter how retarded and pointless the issue - this one being whether you believe that people "grow up" - if someone disagrees with you, they should move to an Islamic country?

And you call yourself an American?
I see. So, no matter how retarded and pointless the issue - this one being whether you believe that people "grow up" - if someone disagrees with you, they should move to an Islamic country?

And you call yourself an American?

Kind of like a piece of shit group like Moveon.org calling a General a traitor because he dared mention anything that might contradict what they have told their brainwashed followers.
Kind of like a piece of shit group like Moveon.org calling a General a traitor because he dared mention anything that might contradict what they have told their brainwashed followers.

You seem to think that people who believe the war is wrong, and have always believed it was wrong, not to mention a stupid mistake, have been "brainwashed"

That's offensive, but also, incorrect.
The old sympathy card!..Sorry Charlie we all have personal family issues...time to move into the light Sgt...or not... cry another river for me...or not!...Let's keep it light hearted...I don't dwell on the past!

sympathy card ? Perhaps so. I will never mention it here again.
Don't be so hard on Darla.........

Kind of like a piece of shit group like Moveon.org calling a General a traitor because he dared mention anything that might contradict what they have told their brainwashed followers.

She is a lonely 'Ms.Piggy'...Saturday night dates leave her at the back of the room...thats why she goes to anti-war rallies...a pretend date is better than none...I feel sorry for her!
Or not...her personality also sucks big time!
You seem to think that people who believe the war is wrong, and have always believed it was wrong, not to mention a stupid mistake, have been "brainwashed"

That's offensive, but also, incorrect.

I did not say that Darla. I have no problem with people believing it was wrong to go into Iraq. But I do think they have a lot of brainwashed idiots who refuse to accept that anything positive might happen in Iraq hanging on their every word. If you condemn a report months before it comes out simply because it might disagree with you, then yes, I do consider that a brainwashed position. Because you are thus incapable of accepting anything that contradicts what you have been told to believe.
and when I say "you" I do not refer to you personally Darla. Just the brain dead idiots who created the traitor ad for the NY Times long before the report even came out.
She is a lonely 'Ms.Piggy'...Saturday night dates leave her at the back of the room...thats why she goes to anti-war rallies...a pretend date is better than none...I feel sorry for her!
Or not...her personality also sucks big time!

Somehow I really don't think she cares what you think of her.... nor do I. Go back to your bottle.