Tart Reform

SF...ya want to kiss darlas cool...but please quit with the daddy thingee...you a a child in my books and alot of others viewing from afar!...lmao!

He's not kissing anything and I haven't convinced him of anything. I like SF. But I know you could never believe something so simple, and that says a lot about you, but nothing about me, and nothing about SF.
I will not go out with you because you are the terrorist supporter that came to the drive through White Castle window is where its at. That's what's for dinner when the rain casts a shadow on the lawn furniture from Venus is what's on sale at Walmart. But you're too so brainwashed by your conservative 7th grade professors you can't handle the truth when it falls from the balloon in the sky.

"Babe....babe...babe.......I'm gonna leave you....." Led Zepplin rocks!

Tiana, I usually consider myself the funniest poster here, being the modest person that I am, but...today I couldn't say that.
SF...ya want to kiss darlas cool...but please quit with the daddy thingee...you a a child in my books and alot of others viewing from afar!...lmao!

I know 36 is very young too you. Sorry if the daddy comment got to you. But seriously, do you really think your comments were appropriate?

I know 36 is very young too you. Sorry if the daddy comment got to you. But seriously, do you really think your comments were appropriate?

In case you have not noticed...(I know being in 'boing' got you distracted and all)...but darla has made a career out of calling people who disagree with her nasty names...she calls out for Lady T to back her and the dog pile begins...I can take all their childish rants...I just feed them more ammo so they can enjoy a night out on the town...I feel sorry for loser girls..thats all...have a nice night SF!:D
I did not say that Darla. I have no problem with people believing it was wrong to go into Iraq. But I do think they have a lot of brainwashed idiots who refuse to accept that anything positive might happen in Iraq hanging on their every word. If you condemn a report months before it comes out simply because it might disagree with you, then yes, I do consider that a brainwashed position. Because you are thus incapable of accepting anything that contradicts what you have been told to believe.

If you condemn a report months before it comes out simply because it might disagree with you, then yes, I do consider that a brainwashed position

Odd. Because Darla, USC, Me, Tiana, etc predicted months ago what the report would say. And we were right. They (the bushies) knew what they were going to "report" months ago. Its was a forgone conclusion. It was a set up.

But, of course - smooch, smooch, smooch, - you "weren't talking about Darla.


In case you have not noticed...(I know being in 'boing' got you distracted and all)...but darla has made a career out of calling people who disagree with her nasty names...she calls out for Lady T to back her and the dog pile begins...I can take all their childish rants...I just feed them more ammo so they can enjoy a night out on the town...I feel sorry for loser girls..thats all...have a nice night SF!:D

Maybe if you'd been in 'nam like me and USC you'd know what to do on a Saturday night to have some fun by the river there are leeches that get under your skin much like you! But whatever, carryon being brainwashed little dried up conservative hack that likes twizzlers by the boat load. Are you fat? what do you look like? I know you're lonely because you're dog won't talk to you because he can only bark is what I was saying when you do the cartwheels near the edge of the embankment

Maybe if you'd been in 'nam like me and USC you'd know what to do on a Saturday night to have some fun by the river there are leeches that get under your skin much like you! But whatever, carryon being brainwashed little dried up conservative hack that likes twizzlers by the boat load. Are you fat? what do you look like? I know you're lonely because you're dog won't talk to you because he can only bark is what I was saying when you do the cartwheels near the edge of the embankment


People are looking at me now.