Tattoo or no tattoo?

I have never felt the need

I understand why some do it

It’s an affirmation of their life

To each their own
I have never felt the need

I understand why some do it

It’s an affirmation of their life

To each their own

It seems most people spend about the first 30 years of their life “finding themselves”, another 20 living with themselves and the last 20-30 learning to accept themselves.

It’s the 40 year age range were married guys can go nuts such as trading in his high school sweetheart, the mother of his now-grown children, in for a couple of much younger bimbos. Classic mid-life crisis scenario.

Oddly, many of the Insurrectionists are in that range.
can't imagine anyone wanting one or especially the whole sleeve or face or neck bullshit. they have that right, but we have the right to laugh, at least to ourselves.
I am generally a fan though I dont have any. My wife does. I liked them better when they were more rare. A lot of them are poorly done now, and I am increasingly bored.
can't imagine anyone wanting one or especially the whole sleeve or face or neck bullshit. they have that right, but we have the right to laugh, at least to ourselves.
We also have the right to not hire someone with tattoos….at least until some Democrat starts pushing for “Rights of the Stupid”.

It seems most people spend about the first 30 years of their life “finding themselves”, another 20 living with themselves and the last 20-30 learning to accept themselves.

It’s the 40 year age range were married guys can go nuts such as trading in his high school sweetheart, the mother of his now-grown children, in for a couple of much younger bimbos. Classic mid-life crisis scenario.

Oddly, many of the Insurrectionists are in that range.

The election was stolen. That may be the end of real elections in America forever.
I have a tattoo on my it when I was 67. It has a name. Patamanthua. That is a word from the Piscawata Indians of Eastern America that loosely translates to, "Stay away from tattoo parlors when you are stoned."

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