Tattoo or no tattoo?

I would not put a tattoo on myself?!!


Not for me. Wouldn’t consider it, not even a discreet one.

yes I jhave them but I got them all for a reason or event Such as when I overcame my fear of snakes.
I was running around with a little skinny newish gal who was a stripper. I hated snakes and always killed any that were poison I ate the rattle snakes .
But her I was hanging around her narrow ass and she got me to overcome my fear and I ened up having 2 ball pythons a red tail boa about a 9 foot a 13 foot Burmese python , Not a snake for small people mine was aggressive . A solemn Island ground boa a savanna water monitor , Dont advise people to get they are piss mean lol. A pack-man frog .

I tried to tame a wild 5 foot black snake but it was piss mean and tried to kick my ass every time I got it out.Little bastard.
I wouldn't get a tattoo but I enjoy them on others, especially sexy girls.
I can handle a discreet one or two. But plastered all over their arms , legs and wherever else makes them very unsexy. I dumped a gal that wanted to fuck me badly because of leg tats and a ring thru one of her nipples.
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It seems most people spend about the first 30 years of their life “finding themselves”, another 20 living with themselves and the last 20-30 learning to accept themselves.

It’s the 40 year age range were married guys can go nuts such as trading in his high school sweetheart, the mother of his now-grown children, in for a couple of much younger bimbos. Classic mid-life crisis scenario.

Oddly, many of the Insurrectionists are in that range.

It’s natures way of trying to diversify the population

Only truely decent men with larger minds than danglers can see the folly in those jollies
I can handle a discreet one or two. But plastered all over their arms and wherever else makes them very unsexy. I dumped a gal that wanted to fuck me badly because of leg tats and a ring thru one of her nipples.

You saved her from delving you deep enough to know just how shallow you are
I can handle a discreet one or two. But plastered all over their arms and wherever else makes them very unsexy. I dumped a gal that wanted to fuck me badly because of leg tats and a ring thru one of her nipples.

In other words it's your loss. ;)