Taxation is immoral. I'll never think differently

Absolutely. It never worked out in the end. These communities like the Amish are really small, too. Those ideas would never work for a country as large as this one.

Our country shouldn’t don’t be as large as it is. The more power is centralized and consolidated the less of a voice is people have. This is why every election has become high stakes, because we have given so much ungodly amount of control to the federal government. If we had a loose confederation then We could be safe in our states and whoever being president wouldn’t be as big of an issue.
I have a GREAT suggestion. Tell Grind NOT to pay his Property Tax. Then when the County sells his Property for NOT paying Taxes, and the NEW OWNER has the Sheriff evict Grind from his OWN HOUSE, tell Grind to 'resist arrest' so they have to shoot him 9 or 10 times. That should get Grind's mind right.

You know, Mott. It's funny how people really think they own their 'Real Estate Property'. The fact is: You only 'own' your house as long as you pay 'a fief' (Property Tax) to the Local Lord (the County).
I actually understand libertarianism as a personal philosophy....but as a governing or political philosophy there are just some ugly facts about human nature that Libertarians don't want to deal with. There are also ugly facts about governing and politics that they don't accept.

Is taxation immoral? For most of human history it has been. Most governments in history have been one form or another of kleptocracy's (and mostly still are to this day) where the ruling classes use coercion to take from those who produce to enrich themselves.

However there are many public services that enrich all of our lives and they have to be paid somehow. I'm all ears for a more equitable way of paying for these services than taxation. No one has ever come up with one that actually works.

Libertarians have the same credibility problem that Creationist and Supply Side Economist have. They can't show that libertarianism can work as a governing or political philosophy and until they do, they won't have much credibility. It's like they have this great idea of how the world should be ran but don't won't to provide the evidence that their ideas actually work or ignore ugly facts that indicate their ideas wouldn't work.
Athens had, in classical times, gold mines worked by slaves. It is about the only way I know of of escaping taxes in any kind of civilization whatever, other than socialism. Extreme-right Americans are very, very weird!
I think much of society might have to die off, which is fine. They are being artificially kept alive by taxes.

society would need a complete re working. We’d either have to do some type of voluntary contribution and possibly go back to city states where people would have many options to choose which societies to be a part of. Then they can vote with their feet.

The asshole who hold the "taxes are immoral" view...CAN VOTE WITH THEIR FEET RIGHT NOW.

They don't go because they are full of shit.
I have always been curious about this argument that taxes are immoral and should be abolished altogether. How would such a society work? How would you be able to protect the average citizen from being taken advantage of? Greed is also immoral, and an unfettered free market usually doesn't account for that. I am not here to change anyone's mind; I am just asking to see how that would work.
Those are questions that Libertarians can't answer and that's why there are no Libertarian governments in the world.
I actually understand libertarianism as a personal philosophy....but as a governing or political philosophy there are just some ugly facts about human nature that Libertarians don't want to deal with. There are also ugly facts about governing and politics that they don't accept.

Is taxation immoral? For most of human history it has been. Most governments in history have been one form or another of kleptocracy's (and mostly still are to this day) where the ruling classes use coercion to take from those who produce to enrich themselves.

However there are many public services that enrich all of our lives and they have to be paid somehow. I'm all ears for a more equitable way of paying for these services than taxation. No one has ever come up with one that actually works.

Libertarians have the same credibility problem that Creationist and Supply Side Economist have. They can't show that libertarianism can work as a governing or political philosophy and until they do, they won't have much credibility. It's like they have this great idea of how the world should be ran but don't won't to provide the evidence that their ideas actually work or ignore ugly facts that indicate their ideas wouldn't work.

It's all about the Money. That's MY view.
How do you pay for anything?

You work and produce a commodity ---that others pay for.

When a Dictator "Nationalizes Large Industry" ---that dictator can't get the industry to pay taxes--- but it can earn its own income by selling to the public.

When EZ-Pass scans & collects money the government is at work and paying for itself as it goes.

Find an Industry that the government can own outright and let them turn a profit ---and if they need a bail out ---we can sue them
I think much of society might have to die off, which is fine. They are being artificially kept alive by taxes.

society would need a complete re working. We’d either have to do some type of voluntary contribution and possibly go back to city states where people would have many options to choose which societies to be a part of. Then they can vote with their feet.

Yeah, I have heard that a good chunk of society should die off before. So, that would be the elderly and the disabled, right?

Should we look to Ancient Greece for the models of the city-states?
Grind is one of the Internets most beloved and influential political thinkers and deep-level theorists in the modern era.

He rose to prominence in early 2015 when he alleged, contrary to the dominant theory of Christiefanism of the time, that Bill Clintons' wife was indeed running for president and wasn't considering settling down to be a grandmother.

In 2016, Grind was one of the key figures in proposing the new revolutionary theory of "30% is not a rare occurrence" which shook up the JPP political landscape like no other theory ever had before.

His academic prowess, deep-level analysis and remarkable insight into human nature and psychology will undoubtedly result in further complexities being untangled and laid bare.
Absolutely. It never worked out in the end. These communities like the Amish are really small, too. Those ideas would never work for a country as large as this one.

They also don't reward laziness and then shun anyone who doesn't walk in lockstep with the majority.
Oh boy! Grind shows up and you immediately put on your knee pads. (shaking head) That's just ... I don't know, ... disgusting.

Grind is one of the Internets most beloved and influential political thinkers and deep-level theorists in the modern era.

He rose to prominence in early 2015 when he alleged, contrary to the dominant theory of Christiefanism of the time, that Bill Clintons' wife was indeed running for president and wasn't considering settling down to be a grandmother.

In 2016, Grind was one of the key figures in proposing the new revolutionary theory of "30% is not a rare occurrence" which shook up the JPP political landscape like no other theory ever had before.

His academic prowess, deep-level analysis and remarkable insight into human nature and psychology will undoubtedly result in further complexities being untangled and laid bare.
Individuals should be allowed to OPT out. Police and fire can be paid as a fine if you ever need it. You can pay a car tax for roads. Anything not sustainable by the free market should be eliminated.


You can only take such a stand if you believe that anarchy is better than a civilized society with laws and rules. How old are you, if I may ask?
You can opt out you ninny patted libertarian. Renounce your citizenship and get the fuck out of our country you free loading moocher.
