Taylor Swift- 'You have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threats violence

I am a Free Man, I do what I do.

Sure you do because you like living in a Liberal state with high taxes so you have something to bitch about. I get it. Freedom of choice. I chose to move from one state without income tax to another state without income tax. It's awesome.
Sure you do because you like living in a Liberal state with high taxes so you have something to bitch about. I get it. Freedom of choice. I chose to move from one state without income tax to another state without income tax. It's awesome.

Did you miss the notice that I have been a Premier Trump Groupie since 9.10.15?
Did you miss the notice that I have been a Premier Trump Groupie since 9.10.15?

Trump isn't a Republican. He was a Democrat a lot longer, but in reality, he's just for Trump. You're a staunch Party of Trump member. I get it, but you are certainly no Republican and no Goldwater conservative.
Trump isn't a Republican. He was a Democrat a lot longer, but in reality, he's just for Trump. You're a staunch Party of Trump member. I get it, but you are certainly no Republican and no Goldwater conservative.
what's a Goldwater conservative? who cares in 2020? you are living in the past.
Trump is a populist sent to DC to battle the stale entrenched powers only answerable to themselves
instead of POTUS in the executive branch. i.e. NSC types/Deep State types

You can add in stale politicians like McCnnell and Pelosi and Shumer as well -though they are elected officials
They play DC games first and foremost - occasionally croaking out some legislation.

Trump is an agitator -what I want and he has agitated well for the US in foreign and economic policies

Who cares what this faux "woke" dumb bitch thinks or says. She's overproduced and only got "woke" to gain a younger fan base.
Trump isn't a Republican. He was a Democrat a lot longer, but in reality, he's just for Trump. You're a staunch Party of Trump member. I get it, but you are certainly no Republican and no Goldwater conservative.

I am not a staunch anything other than a Truth Teller. Trump is chemo....needed medicine in desperate times..... this is my only interest in Trump.
I am not a staunch anything other than a Truth Teller. Trump is chemo....needed medicine in desperate times..... this is my only interest in Trump.

You and I can debate your "Truth Teller" abilities at a later time. What medicine do you think Trump is curing? He's not draining the Swamp, he's using it as his personal playground. He's lining his own pockets at the expense of the public. He's chipping away at the military services by denigrating their abilities and pardoning war criminals. He's a conspiracy theorist who has a delusional view of the world. He's a crappy leader who never takes responsibility for failure but always claims credit were none is due.

The best thing I can say for Trump is he isn't Hillary. I've never voted Democrat and don't plan on doing it this year either. I'm glad Trump beat Hillary and I hope he beats Biden. That said, he's a shitty President who is delusional and corrupt. Our country deserves better. If he was incapacitated by COVID and Pence became President, I'd vote for Pence.
Goldwater's influence is still a major part of the RNC today. It's the reason the South still votes Republican.

The South votes Republican, for the most part, because we are conservative, patriotic and love our country.

President Trump loves America and Americans and has proved it.
She lives in a little bubble, not the real world. She and her Hollyweird libtards may "vote bad orange man out", the guy on Main Street, not so much.

i hope the hell Trump rains hellfire down on these pieces of shit destroying innocent peoples' livelihoods.

I have zero sympathy for this rabid savage garbage.

Well, she is about 1,000 times richer than Donald Trump- AND HAS MANY MORE AWARDS!

Let me tell you who lives in a Bubble! DONALD TRUMP! And his bubble is already too pooped to pop! LOL!

Taylor Swift on Friday tore into President Trump for threatening “shooting” in response to protesting and looting in Minneapolis, accusing him of "stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism" throughout his time in office.

“After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?” Swift wrote on Twitter.

“‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November," she added, tagging the president.

Taylor Swift


After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? ‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November. @realdonaldtrump
8:33 AM - May 29, 2020

Enjoy more @ source...... :)

Yeah because we REALLY wanted T swifts opinion this.... LMAO