Taylor Swift- 'You have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threats violence

1. so you weren't around as an anti-war protestor during Vietnam?
2. Or were you a "law and order type" who supported Nixon? the crook?
3. Or did you serve? in which case thanks, but the war was still a disaster for both the US and Vietnam
4. or do you just want to be on your high horse and dodge the issue?

pick one of the above: There were millions of us who tried to end that meat grinder of a war.

I don't believe the lying sock served.

I never met any officer like this piece of mierda.
There is so much anger from the Alt Right. They won, and still they are raging.

It will not do them well in the next election. They have no policy to offer other than mass murder.

You're right. All this time (until the markets dropped due to the virus), I've seen Trumpanzee after Reichwinger heap praises on #COVID45 for the great economy. Yet not a single one could ever explain what, exactly, the moron has done to make it great other than come with an (R) after his accursed name. As far as I can see, the Toadstool's only claim to fame is Instigator-in-Chief. Need a target for your free-floating rage and hatred? Just check out his Twitter account.
Criminals committing violence against innocent Americans, destroying their property and their lives, is unacceptable in the real world.

Time to take out the trash.

Terrorist lover.

I wonder if you'll still be saying that as little by little, it's revealed that those arrested aren't from the areas being vandalized -- and many of them are whites.

Taylor Swift on Friday tore into President Trump for threatening “shooting” in response to protesting and looting in Minneapolis, accusing him of "stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism" throughout his time in office.

“After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?” Swift wrote on Twitter.

“‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November," she added, tagging the president.

Taylor Swift


After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? ‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November. @realdonaldtrump
8:33 AM - May 29, 2020

Enjoy more @ source...... :)

She's a wet brained retarded cunt who was likely molested throughout her entire childhood career by the sick fucks running the entertainment industry.
"Trump rode on Obama's wave" Wow, that really takes the cake for stupidity or ignorance or both. Unless, that it, it's intended to be some kind of weird attempt at humour ? If it is, I don't geddit?


Oh you're in first grade? Okay, it's simple. Trump inherited strong economy.
Oh you're in first grade? Okay, it's simple. Trump inherited strong economy.

1.6% economic growth in 2016 and the weakest recovery since the Great Depression is a strong economy? That can definitely be argued otherwise. We had a booming stock market thanks to the Fed but that's not the economy. What we had was a debt driven (bubble) economy.
1.6% economic growth in 2016 and the weakest recovery since the Great Depression is a strong economy? That can definitely be argued otherwise. We had a booming stock market thanks to the Fed but that's not the economy. What we had was a debt driven (bubble) economy.

You get it...it is no different than putting a third of your household spending on a credit cards month after month year after year and then saying "This is the good life....we have so much money...We are Rich!".

That so few of our peers speak as if they understand this is alarming.
You get it...it is no different than putting a third of your household spending on a credit cards month after month year after year and then saying "This is the good life....we have so much money...We are Rich!".

That so few of our peers speak as if they understand this is alarming.

What people are not understanding is that the unemployment rate has been going down steadily, especially among minorities.

Now, because of coronavirus, everything is fucked.
What people are not understanding is that the unemployment rate has been going down steadily, especially among minorities.

Now, because of coronavirus, everything is fucked.

The bigger problem is that increasingly Americans suffer from some combination of unwillingness and inability to work, and so the unemployment number that is based only on the numbers of people who are looking for work is increasingly useless.

The labor force participation rate numbers are more instructive but they are flawed as well..... mostly because the labor black market is so big because The Owners dont want to crack down on the black market because so many immigrants are doing it....which figures given that we often dont hold immigrants to the demands that they follow the law.
The bigger problem is that increasingly Americans suffer from some combination of unwillingness and inability to work, and so the unemployment number that is based only on the numbers of people who are looking for work is increasingly useless.

The labor force participation rate numbers are more instructive but they are flawed as well..... mostly because the labor black market is so big because The Owners dont want to crack down on the black market because so many immigrants are doing it....which figures given that we often dont hold immigrants to the demands that they follow the law.

If that is true, then where do they get their money? Why would a person purposely make their lives miserable?
If that is true, then where do they get their money? Why would a person purposely make their lives miserable?

Government hand-outs, working on the black market, deciding 'Fuck It" and becoming one of the Street People (Though lots of them are currently in hotels, paid for by government....they just last week burned down a hotel in Olympia).

When I had my restaurant I noticed a lot of people who worked just enough to quality for unemployment then they would stop showing up for work till I fired them....they then supplemented there unemployment checks with black market work.....they thus lived a very nice life putting in far less work than the rule followers did. When the unemployment stopped they would eventually go back to work for a spell.
You still have your command persona intact. Pearl groaned for you on command. Good dog. lol

LOL. My ex would agree....but being former enlisted, she had a different term for it. :)

"Pearl's" actions are easy to predict. Like a chimpanzee, he has a narrow vocabulary and range of actions.

His blindly groaning anyone he dislikes, regardless of the content, is indicative of a child-like, very emotional person.
Government hand-outs, working on the black market, deciding 'Fuck It" and becoming one of the Street People (Though lots of them are currently in hotels, paid for by government....they just last week burned down a hotel in Olympia).

Government handouts aren't all they are cracked up to be. Maybe in your state, but not Texas. Why is black market a more common alternative to working a "real job"? Only the top dogs make the money. The worker bees make peanuts and risk going to jail.

I do not know about any vagrants living in hotels on Federal tax dollars. Do you have a link?
Government handouts aren't all they are cracked up to be. Maybe in your state, but not Texas. Why is black market a more common alternative to working a "real job"? Only the top dogs make the money. The worker bees make peanuts and risk going to jail.

I do not know about any vagrants living in hotels on Federal tax dollars. Do you have a link?

I never said federal....please try to pay attention.
you keep replying, I keep exposing you as a weasel.
I have no idea WTF you are talking about "stolen valor"; nor do i care

No, you just keep deflecting by calling me a weasel. I'm sure most intelligent adults can figure it out. Heck, maybe they'll think we're both weasels. LOL

Of course you don't. You're not an American. No worries.
