Taylor Swift- 'You have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threats violence

:hand: :hand: Me likes this idea...........:cool::cool::cool:

Even if Twitter shut down for only a couple days, the Shitstorm would be epic! A week would draw global attention to the company and to Donald J. Trump.

such liberal claptrap.
Trump has worked tirelessly for the American people ( all the American people) -
despite constant opposition by Dems.

Before the corona black and minority employments and job opportunities we the best ever because of Trumps economy
If you shoveled that much shit earlier in the year, you could grow a lot of tomatoes by mid-summer.
Do you really think no one understood the point you made and my response to it?
dude. a writing tip. look at anything you write and see if it can stand on it's own..
Like here you make a reference to a prior post where you basically said nothing ( except a rant) and then you refer to it, and then you tell Me...WTF was it??
Try to say something more then your usual blandishments while you're at it
dude. a writing tip. look at anything you write and see if it can stand on it's own..
Like here you make a reference to a prior post where you basically said nothing ( except a rant) and then you refer to it, and then you tell Me...WTF was it??
Try to say something more then your usual blandishments while you're at it

Agreed on the writing tip. Please take your own advice.
Hello Bill,

Taylor Swift on Friday tore into President Trump for threatening “shooting” in response to protesting and looting in Minneapolis, accusing him of "stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism" throughout his time in office.

“After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?” Swift wrote on Twitter.

“‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November," she added, tagging the president.

Taylor Swift


After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? ‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November. @realdonaldtrump
8:33 AM - May 29, 2020

Enjoy more @ source...... :)

Right on, Taylor.

You tell 'im!

We are WITH YOU.

I hope everybody votes against him.

Time to toss the garbage out.
Hello Bill,

Right on, Taylor.

You tell 'im!

We are WITH YOU.

I hope everybody votes against him.

Time to toss the garbage out.

Horse mierda, America hater.

When a person decides to riot, burn and steal cell phones and TV's, that person is responsible, no one else.

So, you justify the anarchy and blame it on the action of a white police officer killing a black person. Does that mean that when a black police officer kills a white citizen, the whites are justified for rioting, stealing and burning?

You are nuts, America hater.

The source of the virus from China is China. They lied about the source and their number of fatalities. They would not share data with our health professionals that might have mitigated their virus from China. They nailed shut the doors of those with the virus from China They did not stop flights out of China and the virus from China spread around the world.

China must be held accountable for the hundreds of thousands of deaths and the economic loss around the world.

Count on the far left loon apologists to defend China and falsely blame it on our great president whose closure of flights from China saved countless lives.

The president is following the advice of the health professionals and the states are opening their economies following the guidelines.
Horse mierda, America hater.

When a person decides to riot, burn and steal cell phones and TV's, that person is responsible, no one else.

So, you justify the anarchy and blame it on the action of a white police officer killing a black person. Does that mean that when a black police officer kills a white citizen, the whites are justified for rioting, stealing and burning?

You are nuts, America hater.

The source of the virus from China is China. They lied about the source and their number of fatalities. They would not share data with our health professionals that might have mitigated their virus from China. They nailed shut the doors of those with the virus from China They did not stop flights out of China and the virus from China spread around the world.

China must be held accountable for the hundreds of thousands of deaths and the economic loss around the world.

Count on the far left loon apologists to defend China and falsely blame it on our great president whose closure of flights from China saved countless lives.

The president is following the advice of the health professionals and the states are opening their economies following the guidelines.
Stolen Valor assholes are America haters: they have no respect for the thousands of Americans who gave their lives in the service of our nation.

Add to this those who support lying draft-dodging cowards as President of the United States as being anti-military, anti-American and supporting the corruption and fall of the United States of America. Anyone who actually took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States should understand this concept.


All lying, POS Stolen Valor assholes should groan this post!
Stolen Valor assholes are America haters: they have no respect for the thousands of Americans who gave their lives in the service of our nation.

Add to this those who support lying draft-dodging cowards as President of the United States as being anti-military, anti-American and supporting the corruption and fall of the United States of America. Anyone who actually took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States should understand this concept.
Fuck the War and Stuff the Corps
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Would not bother me in the least.

There is a perfectly awesome life without it.

Seems like it's nothing but a rumor mill on steroids.
It is also where breaking news can be read before msm releases it and in-depth analysis of issues also not covered by msm. You have to filter out the bots.

Taylor Swift on Friday tore into President Trump for threatening “shooting” in response to protesting and looting in Minneapolis, accusing him of "stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism" throughout his time in office.

“After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?” Swift wrote on Twitter.

“‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November," she added, tagging the president.

Taylor Swift


After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? ‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November. @realdonaldtrump
8:33 AM - May 29, 2020

Enjoy more @ source...... :)

Go GIRL Go !
such liberal claptrap.
Trump has worked tirelessly for the American people ( all the American people) -
despite constant opposition by Dems.

Before the corona black and minority employments and job opportunities we the best ever because of Trumps economy

as long a you didn't get stopped by the police