Taylor Swift- 'You have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threats violence

I am going to be very interested to see if going forwards Celebs are increasingly mocked and ignored

trump has not been much of a property developer in 20 years. he is more a celeb, and the scummiest of celebs, a reality tv "star".
Calling for violence against America, and the American government is unacceptable in the real world.
Criminals committing violence against innocent Americans, destroying their property and their lives, is unacceptable in the real world.

Time to take out the trash.

Terrorist lover.

Makes me want to :barf:

I'm fairly certain that feelings of disgust for her and others like her are part of the reason for Trump's support.

I wonder how many on-the-fencers and middle-of-the-roaders she and her ilk have driven over to the dark side.


I know you’re not addressing me but I think there is some validity to what you are saying. If everyone voted the way Hollywood and celebrities recommended there would never be a Republican in office. And Hollywood folks and celebrities are entitled to their opinions like everyone else but at a certain point, and to your point, people get tired of being talked down to and lectured at by celebrities and it probably does have a negative effect (of you want Democrats elected) when it comes to voting.
Taylor Swift is a ding-a-ling, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

She's entitled to express her opinion, but repeating it won't advance the left's cause with many around here.

I wonder who writes her opinions for her.

Agreed. She's free to post on Twitter whatever she likes IAW Twitter rules just like Trump.
Calling for violence against America, and the American government is unacceptable in the real world.

While I agree, every generation or so has to relearn that lesson because they obviousl don't remember or read much history.

The 50th anniversary of Kent State massacre is this month. Maybe Trump wants to renew it.


I know you’re not addressing me but I think there is some validity to what you are saying. If everyone voted the way Hollywood and celebrities recommended there would never be a Republican in office. And Hollywood folks and celebrities are entitled to their opinions like everyone else but at a certain point, and to your point, people get tired of being talked down to and lectured at by celebrities and it probably does have a negative effect (of you want Democrats elected) when it comes to voting.

By the same token, if people voted the way conservative religious and right-wing talk radio celebrities recommended, there would never be a Democrat in office. These folks are entitled to their opinion like everyone else but at a certain point, and to your point, people get tired of being preached to and lectured at by (conservative) celebrities and it probably does have a negative effect (if you want Republicans elected) when it comes to voting.

It all works both ways, you see.
By the same token, if people voted the way conservative religious and right-wing talk radio celebrities recommended, there would never be a Democrat in office. These folks are entitled to their opinion like everyone else but at a certain point, and to your point, people get tired of being preached to and lectured at by (conservative) celebrities and it probably does have a negative effect (if you want Republicans elected) when it comes to voting.

It all works both ways, you see.

I would never argue otherwise
Just making a point.

It’s like when certain people on the right say “I don’t know why those n*words don’t vote Republican.” Well geez, I wonder.

I have no problem acknowledging my “side” turns off certain voters.

I was just speaking to your specific topic
I knew you were an anti-American. How is your country dealing with the COVID epidemic? Is it hiding it or open about it?
1. so you weren't around as an anti-war protestor during Vietnam?
2. Or were you a "law and order type" who supported Nixon? the crook?
3. Or did you serve? in which case thanks, but the war was still a disaster for both the US and Vietnam
4. or do you just want to be on your high horse and dodge the issue?

pick one of the above: There were millions of us who tried to end that meat grinder of a war.
1. so you weren't around as an anti-war protestor during Vietnam?
2. Or were you a "law and order type" who supported Nixon? the crook?
3. Or did you serve? in which case thanks, but the war was still a disaster for both the US and Vietnam
4. or do you just want to be on your high horse and dodge the issue?

pick one of the above: There were millions of us who tried to end that meat grinder of a war.

You dodged. Go fuck yourself, commie.
You dodged. Go fuck yourself, commie.
ha ha ha ha ha.. you are a laughable joke.
You make ridiculous charges -I call you out and pin you down- and you weasel away with an ad hom?
you are the MOST FULL OF SHIT POSTER ON HERE ( and that takes some doing)
ha ha ha ha ha.. you are a laughable joke.
You make ridiculous charges -I call you out and pin you down- and you weasel away with an ad hom?
you are the MOST FULL OF SHIT POSTER ON HERE ( and that takes some doing)
Then you should put me on ignore or simply "Groan" me and run like the fucking Stolen Valor coward always does.
ha ha ha ha ha.. you are a laughable joke.
You make ridiculous charges -I call you out and pin you down- and you weasel away with an ad hom?
you are the MOST FULL OF SHIT POSTER ON HERE ( and that takes some doing)


He lies too.