Taylor Swift- 'You have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threats violence

Yes so why the ellipsis?

Trump rode on Obama's wave. No clue why people don't get it.

"Trump rode on Obama's wave" Wow, that really takes the cake for stupidity or ignorance or both. Unless, that it, it's intended to be some kind of weird attempt at humour ? If it is, I don't geddit?

Hello Phantasmal,

It is also where breaking news can be read before msm releases it and in-depth analysis of issues also not covered by msm. You have to filter out the bots.

I know there is a huge information race to get news out ASAP, but I am totally fine with waiting until the mainstream media releases a story, which, if the story is big and pressing enough happens within minutes.

The problem with twitter is it is so full of garbage. You can waste all day and have nothing to show for it. I have no use for it.

But that's not unusual. I am not on FB, either.

This place is my splurge for wasting time. I wanna relax a few minutes and feed my mind, I'll come here, take a load off, see what's up. After a while, I'm ready to get busy again.
Enjoy more @ source...... :)

Well, I'd never defend Trump and I don't disagree with the underlying sentiment, but....

Taylor Swift????? :yay:

Really????? :palm:

Is anyone supposed to actually give a shit about Taylor Swift or her opinions?

Is the fact that this was Tweeted by her supposed to give it more weight or importance????

Honestly, if that's the best you can come up with, why bother???

Seems like you could have found any one of hundreds of other famous people better suited to quote than Little Miss M.T. Noggin.

Using a spoiled little over-exposed, no-talent ding-a-ling like her to bash Trump, does more to help help him than hurt him.

dude. a writing tip. look at anything you write and see if it can stand on it's own..
Like here you make a reference to a prior post where you basically said nothing ( except a rant) and then you refer to it, and then you tell Me...WTF was it??
Try to say something more then your usual blandishments while you're at it

Here's a writing tip for you, "dude"... (What are you, a 16 year old?) :palm:

Take your face out of Trump's ass crack so you can actually see the drivel you shit around here.
Well, I'd never defend Trump and I don't disagree with the underlying sentiment, but....

Taylor Swift????? :yay:Was

Really????? :palm:

Is anyone supposed to actually give a shit about Taylor Swift or her opinions?

Is the fact that this was Tweeted by her supposed to give it more weight or importance????

Honestly, if that's the best you can come up with, why bother???

Seems like you could have found any one of hundreds of other famous people better suited to quote than Little Miss M.T. Noggin.

Using a spoiled little over-exposed, no-talent ding-a-ling like her to bash Trump, does more to help help him than hurt him.

Her fans care. She has a large fan base. They are also younger voters.

[h=1]Search Results[/h][h=2]Featured snippet from the web[/h]Taylor Swift (86.1m followers)
Being one of the biggest pop stars on the planet not only brings you fame and fortune, but Twitter followers too. Swift is also the most influential person on Twitter according to our research.6 hours ago

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[h=3]The 20 Most Followed Accounts on Twitter | Brandwatch[/h]

Young voters don’t vote much.

They are too busy getting political advice from a loon like Taylor Swift.
Well, I'd never defend Trump and I don't disagree with the underlying sentiment, but....

Taylor Swift????? :yay:

Really????? :palm:

Is anyone supposed to actually give a shit about Taylor Swift or her opinions?

Is the fact that this was Tweeted by her supposed to give it more weight or importance????

Honestly, if that's the best you can come up with, why bother???

Seems like you could have found any one of hundreds of other famous people better suited to quote than Little Miss M.T. Noggin.

Using a spoiled little over-exposed, no-talent ding-a-ling like her to bash Trump, does more to help help him than hurt him.


I share your sentiment. I mean she’s entitled to her opinion like we all are. And unlike us, who just scream at each other on daily basis on an anonymous message board, she has a platform. But just because she can sell a bunch of records doesn’t mean her opinion is more important or smarter than anyone else. I’m not sure why grown men care. (And let’s be real, she’s in the entertainment industry where most people are liberal. It would be one thing, maybe, if her opinion was against the grain of her industry but it’s not.)
Her fans care. She has a large fan base. They are also younger voters.

[h=1]Search Results[/h][h=2]Featured snippet from the web[/h]Taylor Swift (86.1m followers)
Being one of the biggest pop stars on the planet not only brings you fame and fortune, but Twitter followers too. Swift is also the most influential person on Twitter according to our research.6 hours ago

Brandwatch › most-twitter-followers

[h=3]The 20 Most Followed Accounts on Twitter | Brandwatch[/h]


Makes me want to :barf:

I'm fairly certain that feelings of disgust for her and others like her are part of the reason for Trump's support.

I wonder how many on-the-fencers and middle-of-the-roaders she and her ilk have driven over to the dark side.


Makes me want to :barf:

I'm fairly certain that feelings of disgust for her and others like her are part of the reason for Trump's support.

I wonder how many on-the-fencers and middle-of-the-roaders she and her ilk have driven over to the dark side.

Not as many as Trump, he is far more outlandish and dangerous then Swift will ever be.
Certainly that goes without saying, but posting one empty head's critical Tweet about another empty head, doesn't advance the left's cause much.

They weren’t empty headed opinions, what she says about Trump is true.
He managed to beat the smartest living female politician in the world . :laugh:

So you're saying that because a charlatan snake oil salesman managed to bamboozle and bullshit enough low-educated dullards by exploiting their stupidity, that makes him smart too?

No wonder he succeeded in it.
They weren’t empty headed opinions, what she says about Trump is true.

Taylor Swift is a ding-a-ling, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

She's entitled to express her opinion, but repeating it won't advance the left's cause with many around here.

I wonder who writes her opinions for her.
She lives in a little bubble, not the real world. She and her Hollyweird libtards may "vote bad orange man out", the guy on Main Street, not so much.

Calling for violence against America, and the American government is unacceptable in the real world.
We need a clean-up in Aisle 5! Reichwing brains all over the place!

There is so much anger from the Alt Right. They won, and still they are raging.

It will not do them well in the next election. They have no policy to offer other than mass murder.