Yes. From Pre-School on, we must drumbeat the difference between 'Black' and 'White'. We must stress on a daily basis how Black people came from Africa as Slaves, and White people came from Europe as Colonists and Conquerors. Only through constant re-inforcing of hatred can we ever become Brothers and Sisters. Whites need to know what they did, how they single-handedly fucked the world up. And Blacks need to know that whatever their shortcomings are, it's the White people that caused it. Naturally, we won't mention that Slavery has been around for 10,000 years nor that Blacks enslaved Blacks in Africa and sold them to whoever had the money. Africa would have put the First Man on the Moon, except ... for White people. Same with the Auto, another invention Black people would have invented ... except for White people. Electricity, Steam Engine, Nuclear Power, the list goes on, all could have been invented in Africa, but ... White people. Indoctrinating our young children with Racial Hatred would be good for America. Maybe we could have a Civil War? China and Russia would love that.
Good Thinking, Poli. Let's not try and live in a Post Racial society. Let's keep churning the pot. Why identify as 'Americans' when we can keep the division alive with racial designations like 'African-Americans'? I really doubt that do that anywhere else. 'African-French'? 'African-Argentine'? 'Africa-Filipino'?