'Slavery' was a world-wide practice for thousands of years. It was more of an 'economic' activity. This may shock you, but it's mentioned in the Bible.
'Civil Rights Movement' was about racism.
'Slavery' was a world-wide practice for thousands of years. It was more of an 'economic' activity. This may shock you, but it's mentioned in the Bible.
'Civil Rights Movement' was about racism.
I don't think anybody has 'ignored racism'. We have tried to rectify it in the last 50 years. 'Equality' is the goal. Have we reached that?
'Something has to be done' ... agree, I support a unifying agenda of 'Brotherhood'. Teaching school children how their ancestors got fucked over by another ethnic group doesn't accomplish that Goal. It only teaches a reason for hatred. A basic roadmap to end up like Yugoslavia.
I don't know what other perspective could be used to teach slavery. Something like "benevolent capitalists grew their businesses with some upaid but welcome help?"
I don't know what other perspective could be used to teach slavery. Something like "benevolent capitalists grew their businesses with some upaid but welcome help?"
We learned about slavery and Indian genocide in school. That was a long time ago, too. All that stuff was already being taught.
Teaching racial hate and division is something newly introduced to schools.
They came to America in chains of their own free will, searching for the American Dream.
Were you taught that 'one in three Romans was a Slave'? That's a pretty widespread understanding. Weren't the Hebrews Slaves in Egypt? 'Slavery' was an established economic model used for thousands of years.
That is not true. We did not have Jim Crow to make things even. It was the opposite. The same for separate but unequal schools. The minorities were getting the shitty end of the stick.
Can you teach who we are without discussing slavery, the KKK and lynching? Can you be honest without discussing voter repression? We have had redlining for many decades keeping minorities poorer and unable to amass wealth. Video cameras showed us how cops treat minorities it is shameful and illegal.
It does not teach hatred. It shows it exists. Perhaps that generation will feel sorry and rectify it. Ours did not. The right wants to cover it up.
They came to America in chains of their own free will, searching for the American Dream.
Whataboutism what?
The slavery in the ancient world wasn't based on racism. Anyone of any color could be a slave.'Slavery' was a world-wide practice for thousands of years. It was more of an 'economic' activity. This may shock you, but it's mentioned in the Bible.
'Civil Rights Movement' was about racism.
Yes, I was taught those things but don't consider evil practices dating back millennia as justification for slavery in 19th century America.
Well, that's the point. It was a world wide practice that had been going on for a long time.
Did you know that a lot of White people fought in a War to end the practice?
That is not true. We did not have Jim Crow to make things even. It was the opposite. The same for separate but unequal schools. The minorities were getting the shitty end of the stick.
Can you teach who we are without discussing slavery, the KKK and lynching? Can you be honest without discussing voter repression? We have had redlining for many decades keeping minorities poorer and unable to amass wealth. Video cameras showed us how cops treat minorities it is shameful and illegal.
It does not teach hatred. It shows it exists. Perhaps that generation will feel sorry and rectify it. Ours did not. The right wants to cover it up.
Using this a a reason not to teach CRT? 'Slavery' was a world-wide practice for thousands of years. It was more of an 'economic' activity. This may shock you, but it's mentioned in the Bible.
It could be a foundation for teaching slavery. It would show how some human life was devalued as far back as recorded history goes.
The slavery in the ancient world wasn't based on racism. Anyone of any color could be a slave.
The confedates pointed to ancient Greece and Rome to justify slavery.
By the 19th century, the world had evolved and most of the civilized world outside the American south had banned the practice.
Pointing to Rome in the year 70 AD as an excuse just didn't cut the mustard anymore.
Jim Crow, lynchings, slavery, aren't happening NOW. Affirmative Action is happening NOW. I'm not sure which 'generation' you belonged to, mine has been fighting for Equality since the 60s.
CRT, in my opinion, is for people who have reached a level of maturity that they can 'tease out' any ongoing racial disparities in our Society today. 'Children' don't have that capability.
Really? I had no idea.