"He later divorced his wife because she was a N-- lover."
(You actually have to say 'Nigger Lover' or the comment falls flat)

"He later divorced his wife because she was a N-- lover."
(You actually have to say 'Nigger Lover' or the comment falls flat)![]()
Oh, I thought this forum had automatic censor. I didn't bother....so, thanks.
Slaughter, enslavement, and rape.
Phantasmal is the 'automatic censor'.![]()
French and Indian war... War of 1812 and Tecumseh's role in that... The Trail of Tears... The Apache and Seminole issues...
You don't know the historyin theirmi
It is okay to make racist comment if you use the right words.
yet again, go fuck yourself
Awww... You can't stand it when you look stupid. You must be angry a lot...
No, I am rarely angry. Nice try though
Only morons think racism is an issue after 1970.
In fact, it wasn't from 1970 until 2008 and Obama. I could've sworn that would all be over 2 years after he was gone but yet here we are.
It doesn't drive any of my actions, I'll tell you that.
Telling it like it is, which you can't comprehend in the drug-addled stupor you stay in.
I sure do look stupid a lot, I am number 1 stupid on this board.
The right seems to have a big problem with racism.
The Trump Party has made it perfectly clear they want to preserve white privilege. (Even though most of them don't want to admit it.)
CRT is nothing but a proxy battle over racism.
The Trump Party is very clear they do not want something called CRT taught in schools. Most of them don't even know what it is, or that it is not actually taught, but they know they don't want it. They have been told by Tucker Carlson that CRT means before you can have a discussion about racism, that you first have to admit: if you are white, then you are a racist.
That's their understanding of it, and that's all they need to know to know they don't want it.
They don't want to have to admit they are a racist because they don't feel like a racist.
OK, I'm good with that.
If you're not a racist then you should have no objection to teaching all about our racial history in public schools.
I'm sure there already is some teaching about racial history in schools. It's probably not enough, whatever they do. Mention it sometimes? Racial tension is a huge problem in America.
We have got to take definitive steps to address this issue.
It's cross-generational. It's been going on for many generations.
We have to try to improve the situation. We need to teach our young people about the problem and talk about changing the way we think about this, maybe having some children try to approach it differently than their parents.
We need to teach our real racial history in schools and talk about how people should act differently than they do now. The next generation is the future. We can help shape that now.
Should American schools teach about our real racial history and how it has and does affect our country?
Poli: "We need to teach our young people about the problem and talk about changing the way we think about this, maybe having some children try to approach it differently than their parents."
Jack: You seem to be saying you want children taught about past grievances so they can have a reason to be hateful.
NOT productive in my opinion.
I don't think anybody has 'ignored racism'. We have tried to rectify it in the last 50 years. 'Equality' is the goal. Have we reached that?
'Something has to be done' ... agree, I support a unifying agenda of 'Brotherhood'. Teaching school children how their ancestors got fucked over by another ethnic group doesn't accomplish that Goal. It only teaches a reason for hatred. A basic roadmap to end up like Yugoslavia.
CRT, in my opinion, is for people who have reached a level of maturity that they can 'tease out' any ongoing racial disparities in our Society today. 'Children' don't have that capability.
Pfft. Only white ppl believe that racism isn't still a thing in the U.S.