Teach Racial History In Schools?

Hello Jack,

You mentioned 'children'. And you mentioned giving one group of children a reason to hate another group of children. They are 'blank slates'. Why teach a reason to be hateful? At that age, what is the purpose?

There is no viable reason for hatred. That is what needs to be taught. Whatever reason anybody thinks they have to hate another person because of a racial difference is false.

And no, children entering school are not 'blank slates.' Children are not learning to be racist from school curricula. They are learning it at home. Schools have been placed in the uncomfortable position of trying to undo wrong learning from past generations so that future generations are not plagued with it.

It's a tall order but I don't think it is helping if they shy away from the challenge. That is a challenge that needs to be accepted and taken up.
Hello christiefan915,

I don't know what other perspective could be used to teach slavery. Something like "benevolent capitalists grew their businesses with some upaid but welcome help?"


Yeah, right.

It would be logical if people realized that we have a problem and then sought to try to solve it.

What we are seeing is a sad acceptance of it and a total reluctance to do anything about it. It's like an utterly shameful and complete surrender.

People need to believe in themselves and in our ability to change things for the better. We have to spread vision.
Hello Jack,

Yes. Some people are racist. Both Black and White. I support a Goal of 'Brotherhood'. Teaching 'A Reason to Hate' is not part of that Goal.

Then teach a reason for brotherly love. Shouldn't be hard to do. Don't they learn that in Christianity, too? It's the same theme.
Hello Nordberg,

That is not true. We did not have Jim Crow to make things even. It was the opposite. The same for separate but unequal schools. The minorities were getting the shitty end of the stick.
Can you teach who we are without discussing slavery, the KKK and lynching? Can you be honest without discussing voter repression? We have had redlining for many decades keeping minorities poorer and unable to amass wealth. Video cameras showed us how cops treat minorities it is shameful and illegal.
It does not teach hatred. It shows it exists. Perhaps that generation will feel sorry and rectify it. Ours did not. The right wants to cover it up.


All that has to be brought out in the open. Yes, it is shameful. And if we don't talk about it the problem will only fester and grow.
Hello Jack,

Why you continually attempt to flip the meaning that way?

The idea is to become aware of the problem so that the situation can be improved.

Obviously, not talking about it is not working.

Question, Jack: Do you agree with the following statement: 'Racial tension is a huge problem in America.'

If so, do you have any ideas on how to try to solve it or at least improve it.

That is the entire reason for the thread. Trying to solve or improve our racial tensions in America.

Doing nothing is not helping.

You're the one claiming children need to know the truth. What truth? That Blacks were once Slaves? I think that is being taught and is general knowledge.
'Aware' of the problem? What is the 'Problem'? We still have Slavery?
Poli: "Obviously, not talking about it is not working." Have you heard of 'BlackLivesMatter'? Who's NOT talking about it?
Poli: "Question, Jack: Do you agree with the following statement: 'Racial tension is a huge problem in America.' " The 'racial tension' is only felt in poor urban areas amongst Blacks. And I blame that on economics

Poli: "If so, do you have any ideas on how to try to solve it or at least improve it."
Jack: Yeah. One. Raise the minimum Wage to $15/hr. Two. Stop importing Third World Labor to take jobs from poor urban Blacks.
Hello Jack,

Were you taught that 'one in three Romans was a Slave'? That's a pretty widespread understanding. Weren't the Hebrews Slaves in Egypt? 'Slavery' was an established economic model used for thousands of years.

True. And we moved beyond that. There is very little slavery left in the world. Racism is the next big challenge. We are learning that it is a much bigger problem than we thought. Looks like we will not solve it in one lifetime. But we must try. We have to at least improve things. I don't see much improvement lately. We seem to be in a period of reverting. The problem is growing worse, not getting better. We have to change what we are doing. The responsibility falls upon us.

Our forefathers created this nation. That took lots of courage and sacrifice. This nation was handed to us. It's not a free ride. We have to give something back. We have to make it better going forward. That is the American dream that MLK spoke of.
Hello Jack,

Sounds like you want to mask our history.

I don't think it's possible to teach our racial history without teaching that one group was treated badly by another group.

We have to first be honest about our past, and then we can envision and enact a better future. Positive change.

Improvement through learning.

Not sure you went to school here in America. I learned about the Civil War and the causes for it in High School.
Hello Jack,

I am not advocating for teaching CRT.

I said to simply teach about our history.

We have to be honest with ourselves. Burying something like this will never work out well.

Honesty is the best policy.

Who's 'burying' anything?
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Yes, it would be very new if it was happening, which it is not. Teaching kids that racism was and is a factor in our national life is not teaching them to hate each other, nor is it meant to make white kids feel guilty. Do you think that teaching that stealing is wrong is creating criminals? Do you think that teaching about human reproduction is going to make kids rush out and try it to see if it works?

Such logic can only be disputed by fear and intransigence.
We are changing things for the better and not a moment too soon.......the Party of Parents...We all benefit...but most importantly, our children will....
Hello Jack,

There is no viable reason for hatred. That is what needs to be taught. Whatever reason anybody thinks they have to hate another person because of a racial difference is false.

And no, children entering school are not 'blank slates.' Children are not learning to be racist from school curricula. They are learning it at home. Schools have been placed in the uncomfortable position of trying to undo wrong learning from past generations so that future generations are not plagued with it.

It's a tall order but I don't think it is helping if they shy away from the challenge. That is a challenge that needs to be accepted and taken up.

The reason for the 'Hatred' is because of past injustices. The usual 'one group oppressing another group'. If your ancestors were slaves, and your women were fucked by their owners, you'd probably be angry too.
The right seems to have a big problem with racism.

The Trump Party has made it perfectly clear they want to preserve white privilege. (Even though most of them don't want to admit it.)

CRT is nothing but a proxy battle over racism.

The Trump Party is very clear they do not want something called CRT taught in schools. Most of them don't even know what it is, or that it is not actually taught, but they know they don't want it. They have been told by Tucker Carlson that CRT means before you can have a discussion about racism, that you first have to admit: if you are white, then you are a racist.

That's their understanding of it, and that's all they need to know to know they don't want it.

They don't want to have to admit they are a racist because they don't feel like a racist.

OK, I'm good with that.

If you're not a racist then you should have no objection to teaching all about our racial history in public schools.

I'm sure there already is some teaching about racial history in schools. It's probably not enough, whatever they do. Mention it sometimes? Racial tension is a huge problem in America.

We have got to take definitive steps to address this issue.

It's cross-generational. It's been going on for many generations.

We have to try to improve the situation. We need to teach our young people about the problem and talk about changing the way we think about this, maybe having some children try to approach it differently than their parents.

We need to teach our real racial history in schools and talk about how people should act differently than they do now. The next generation is the future. We can help shape that now.

Should American schools teach about our real racial history and how it has and does affect our country?

there is no such thing as racial history.......there is history.......CRT wants children to learn racism so they want to teach racial history......
Children before they go to a school where teachers employ the methods of CRT.....

Hello Jack,

True. And we moved beyond that. There is very little slavery left in the world. Racism is the next big challenge. We are learning that it is a much bigger problem than we thought. Looks like we will not solve it in one lifetime. But we must try. We have to at least improve things. I don't see much improvement lately. We seem to be in a period of reverting. The problem is growing worse, not getting better. We have to change what we are doing. The responsibility falls upon us.

Our forefathers created this nation. That took lots of courage and sacrifice. This nation was handed to us. It's not a free ride. We have to give something back. We have to make it better going forward. That is the American dream that MLK spoke of.

:) hahahaha ... We (Europeans) came to the New*World and Colonized it, displacing the Native Population. The usual and typical 'tribal warfare' that has been going on from the Beginning of Time.

Here's a question for you Poli, tell me the solution:

I'm from SoCal, arrive in New Orleans, and I'm at a Bus Stop. A Black guy walks up, I stick out my hand and say "Hey, my Brother". He says "Yeah, we'll be Brothers when I can fuck your wife, sister, mother, and daughter for the next 400 years" Hmmmm ... that caught me a little off guard. See, Blacks have a reason for their Hatred, Whites ... not so much.

So Poli, how is that 'solved'? The Legacy of 400 years of using one group's women as 'Sex Slaves' for another group. Should the 'teaching' begin in kindergarten?
That is not true. We did not have Jim Crow to make things even. It was the opposite. The same for separate but unequal schools. The minorities were getting the shitty end of the stick.
Can you teach who we are without discussing slavery, the KKK and lynching? Can you be honest without discussing voter repression? We have had redlining for many decades keeping minorities poorer and unable to amass wealth. Video cameras showed us how cops treat minorities it is shameful and illegal.
It does not teach hatred. It shows it exists. Perhaps that generation will feel sorry and rectify it. Ours did not. The right wants to cover it up.

I feel bad for you people who haven't had a chance to experience life since the 1950s......