Teach Racial History In Schools?

Open message to all.

I am happy to talk about any political subject.

If you try to make it about me, I will cut you off forever.

Please remember that, thank you.

And you can trust that I will not make things about you.

That is a good thing which can only be had through strict rules.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

You are right. We lived in Missouri when Obama was first elected. The HR dept. at my office had to tell the employees that under no circumstances were we allowed to put political cartoons up in the office. Someone kept putting images of Obama being hung, dressed like a witch doctor or with a bone in his nose, etc. on the lunch room bulletin board. And that was just in one tiny office in one tiny part of the country.

And the Trump Party thinks Obama and his supporters were/are the problem.

Why would we want racism taught in schools? That's what the above proposal amounts to.

If you don’t learn the real history

You will not make the best decisions for what to do next

Lies in means bad information to base your next move on

You will fail in everything if you can’t learn the correct lessons from past actions

Teaching anyone incorrect facts will make their failure rate soar

What you and racists seek is future failure

We won’t allow you to set up failure in America’s future

Bad bad information in means failure out
And the Trump Party thinks Obama and his supporters were/are the problem.


Yep. How many times have we heard that "Obama was so divisive," because he talked about and sympathized with the black American experience? Even my husband told me that once upon a time. It's interesting that it's okay for a white male to speak of an event in his life where he was the target of discrimination or maltreatment. But if a woman talks about a similar thing she's being a whiny victim. And ditto for every black person who has experienced negative treatment and speaks of it today.
The children being sold as sex slaves in Afghanistan.

As to that father, he might not wanted his relations with a slave be revealed.

We (the Nato countries) were there and upheld the Values of Western Democracies. Equality, Opportunity, Fairness was promoted and defended. THEN, ...
... we abandoned Afghanistan. Obviously Racists and Mysogynists here on JPP applauded the Abandoning of Afghanistan and the re-establishment of Sexual Slavery.
The Wokesters have carried the day, not much we can do now.

On the second question. Yes. Was it just the 'slave' issue, or was it because the slave was 'Black'? The 'abandoning' of a son by his father is a difficult concept to understand. What 'force' was present to make this happen? 'Racial'? If that is the case, can you put yourself in the shoes of Today's Blacks that see that as 'Their White Fathers Abandoning Them'. If that is the conclusion, it's easy to see why Blacks mistrust Whites, hate Whites, have 'abandoned' Whites as any part of their Being.

Affirmative Action is a step.
The son who was sold likely didn't even know who his father was.

"Sarah "Sally" Hemings was a biracial woman slave who was owned by President Thomas Jefferson. Multiple lines of evidence, including modern DNA analyses, indicate that Hemings and Jefferson had a sexual relationship for years, and historians now broadly agree that he was the father of her six children. Wikipedia"
We (the Nato countries) were there and upheld the Values of Western Democracies. Equality, Opportunity, Fairness was promoted and defended. THEN, ...
... we abandoned Afghanistan. Obviously Racists and Mysogynists here on JPP applauded the Abandoning of Afghanistan and the re-establishment of Sexual Slavery.
The Wokesters have carried the day, not much we can do now.

So we should have stayed?

On the second question. Yes. Was it just the 'slave' issue, or was it because the slave was 'Black'? The 'abandoning' of a son by his father is a difficult concept to understand. What 'force' was present to make this happen? 'Racial'? If that is the case, can you put yourself in the shoes of Today's Blacks that see that as 'Their White Fathers Abandoning Them'. If that is the conclusion, it's easy to see why Blacks mistrust Whites, hate Whites, have 'abandoned' Whites as any part of their Being.

Affirmative Action is a step.

Fathers abandon their sons all the time, regardless of reasons and race.
So we should have stayed?

Fathers abandon their sons all the time, regardless of reasons and race.

I've already given my opinion on that. Funny how the ones that claim they are against 'Slavery' and claim they support 'Equality' are the ones that turn their backs on that very own issue. Are they racist against the people of Afghanistan? Are they just plain and simple misogynists? You know what I say, 'If it walks like a Duck and talks like a Duck ...' Course, they could be hypocrites.

Oh, OK. I guess that was it.
I've already given my opinion on that. Funny how the ones that claim they are against 'Slavery' and claim they support 'Equality' are the ones that turn their backs on that very own issue. Are they racist against the people of Afghanistan? Are they just plain and simple misogynists? You know what I say, 'If it walks like a Duck and talks like a Duck ...' Course, they could be hypocrites.

Oh, OK. I guess that was it.

So basically you think we should have stayed there indefinitely?

BTW, children are always sold regardless. It's everywhere. It's a worldwide problem.
Are black students required to live there?

Irrelevant. The claim was if you're not a racist then you should welcome a mixing of races. By that definition the people who thought up segregated housing are racist. Don't like it? I don't give a fuck and you can take it up with the dimwit that posted it.
Irrelevant. The claim was if you're not a racist then you should welcome a mixing of races. By that definition the people who thought up segregated housing are racist. Don't like it? I don't give a fuck and you can take it up with the dimwit that posted it.

Which people?
"Sarah "Sally" Hemings was a biracial woman slave who was owned by President Thomas Jefferson. Multiple lines of evidence, including modern DNA analyses, indicate that Hemings and Jefferson had a sexual relationship for years, and historians now broadly agree that he was the father of her six children. Wikipedia"

We know this now, but was the son who was sold ever told who his father was? Unless it was documented, there is no way of knowing.
So basically you think we should have stayed there indefinitely?

BTW, children are always sold regardless. It's everywhere. It's a worldwide problem.

How long have we been in Germany? Japan? South Korea? I have no interest in going over this with you again. It just becomes a continuous loop of the same dialogue.

APL: "BTW, children are always sold regardless. It's everywhere. It's a worldwide problem."
Jack: Oh. Cool. I guess that pretty much ends any discussion of Plantation Owners of the Past selling their Black children and why that may be a Reason for the Division of Black & White Americans of Today.

Talk to you later, APL.
Read the fucking link

I did. I see nothing racist about it. Apparently the students don't either. Perhaps it's you who is the racist?

Are you saying that Asians are racist for building their little towns in America and segregating themselves?

APL: "BTW, children are always sold regardless. It's everywhere. It's a worldwide problem."
Jack: Oh. Cool. I guess that pretty much ends any discussion of Plantation Owners of the Past selling their Black children and why that may be a Reason for the Division of Black & White Americans of Today.

I have in no way implied that.
So ... you refuse to answer the QUESTION: 'At what age shall children be taught that Slave women were used as 'Sex Toys' for their Masters, his friends, and teenage sons'.

YOU epotimize the Wokesters that claim 'we need to talk about it', and then when a central issue comes up, run in terror at the idea.

I did. I see nothing racist about it. Apparently the students don't either. Perhaps it's you who is the racist?

Are you saying that Asians are racist for building their little towns in America and segregating themselves?

Fucking hell you cunts are retarded. Here is what your dimwitted buddy wrote:

"If you're not a racist then you think races are equal and you should welcome a mixing of the races and you should welcome our schools teaching about mixing races."

According to that the people who advocate for segregated housing(the very OPPOSITE of mixing) are racist. I don't give a fuck what you see or don't see but I understand why you don't see it as racist because you're a retarded hypocrite. On one hand your racist friend writes the comment above and then when faced with obvious hypocrisy idiots like you defend it.