Teen who hacked iPhone trades gadget for a 'sweet' new car

I am unsure of why he is upset with you. I get the feeling he did not like that you answered his wishes for extra moderation, but nevertheless, keep reminding yourself of the middle path, and stay compassionate and he will come around.

Thank you swami for this bit of unsolicited nonwisdom, you sound like a liberal pinhead, perhaps you are going to sing "Love me I'm a liberal" for us next? Butt, sometimes it is best to give an old fart like Donny a hard kick in his ass, to get him to thinking about something else other than why the world has been so unsatisfactory to him, and there is nothing better than a sore ass to do that, capisce?
a lot less hours than college and a paid consulting job ?
Yup. He got more out of it than originally reported. I am reasonably sure that this technical adept will have a good life when he graduates.

It certainly doesn't seem to have been an "easy" fix though. It took some serious work.
Diaper Don, I am concerned with this new development in your disease, which RJS alone has (Mad Cow) All of us mensa pinheads have senility, with only the lefty Thorn daring to depart from the mensa consensues, and in a bold move, declaring you and I have been arrogant MOFO's all our life's and are suffering from nothing?

Anyways, to my point...you have begun to follow Damocles around the board so closely RJS is jealous that Damocles will stop short and we will have another "Republican homo" incident on our hands when you and I are found with our nosees in his butt! We mensas cannot afford yet another suspected closet case, please back up and give Damo some room, thank you, touchy feelee guy.

:lolup: Had to fix it for >>>> rjs our wonderful mensa dude... :grin:
Thank you swami for this bit of unsolicited nonwisdom, you sound like a liberal pinhead, perhaps you are going to sing "Love me I'm a liberal" for us next? Butt, sometimes it is best to give an old fart like Donny a hard kick in his ass, to get him to thinking about something else other than why the world has been so unsatisfactory to him, and there is nothing better than a sore ass to do that, capisce?

No, there is nothing better than compassion. A person will not respond well to aggresiveness unless they have trained their minds. I have never heard 'Love me I'm a liberal', is it a good song? I don't align myself with any political party, or categorize myself. However, I might sing something like 'Love all, for they are human', or 'Back dat ass up'
I mean your retarded and should have gone to school
put simpler for you
THe Iphone has gotten 10x the free press as any other phone and will sell 10x any other model when done.
Nope it will not sell 10X any other leading model.
It will outsell the worst selling models but not the popular ones, too much money.
also there will be competition, hear of the gPhone yet ?
Diaper Don, I am concerned with this new development in your disease, which RJS alone has correctly diagnosed as Mad Cow? All of the liberal pinheads have guessed senility, with only the lefty Thorn daring to depart from the pinhead consensues, and in a bold move, declaring you have been an arrogant MOFO all your life and are suffering from nothing?

Anyways, to my point...you have begun to follow Damocles around the board so closely RJS is afraid that Damocles will stop short and we will have another "Republican homo" incident on our hands when you are found with your nose in his butt? We Republicans cannot afford yet another suspected closet case, please back up and give Damo some room, thank you, touche.
.................................the jackass brays again.
Damn it idiot, go back and red the "BEGINNING of this story. maybe you will learn something (tho I doubt it ,you think you already know it all)
I did, the kid and three people worked together to unlock a phone from a network. They got it done, he sold that gadget along with the trick to a company for a Z Car and 3 more iPhones which he sent to his accomplices.

This took some technical knowledge, a lot of work, therefore he is adept at technology. He accepted a Z Car and a job for his trouble, therefore he is financially inept. (In other words I believe he could have gotten far more for it.)

Calling me an "idiot" is not helping you in this one, doniston.
Damo, I think you may have traumatized doniston. doniston seems to be a very bitter man but the best way to deal with him is compassion and understanding. Remember, we must love our enemies because they are the ones that will test our practice.
I started out at this firum being a nice guy, then I met some of thes jackasses. so the nice guy is gone, regarding them and I simply tell it like it is. If you really are as sublime as you want us to think, you won't understant this.
douchebag you keep saying gphone. It does not exist, google is studying the market they haven't even said they'd make it. The Iphone makes it unlikely as no one can match the success of the Jesus phone.
I did, the kid and three people worked together to unlock a phone from a network. They got it done, he sold that gadget along with the trick to a company for a Z Car and 3 more iPhones which he sent to his accomplices.

This took some technical knowledge, a lot of work, therefore he is adept at technology. He accepted a Z Car and a job for his trouble, therefore he is financially inept. (In other words I believe he could have gotten far more for it.)

Calling me an "idiot" is not helping you in this one, doniston.
But showing that you are one will. I told you to go back to the beginning. You just stick with the Latest developement, and stupidly judge accordingly

The kid reworked two phones (with or without help.) he then posted what he had done, and how he had done it on the web for all to see,and for others to copy. stating that he wasn't in it for the money. then he put one of his phones up on EBay (I'm not sure the one he traded was that particular one), and for that he stated that he knew he would get money for it. but IT WASN'T DONE FOR MONEY Now you claimed he was a retard that didn't understand commerce. but actually he simply did an altruistic thing, I don't expect you to understand that, but those are the facts as reported.
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I started out at this firum being a nice guy, then I met some of thes jackasses. so the nice guy is gone, regarding them and I simply tell it like it is. If you really are as sublime as you want us to think, you won't understant this.

You are right, I don't understand this. We are all human, and the best thing you can do is to try and be understanding of others, but I feel I am lost when trying to understand why you would stress yourself towards message board personalities. Have you ever tryed meditation?
But showing thtyou are one will. I told you to goback to the beginning.

The kid reworked two phones (with or without help.) he then posted what he had done, and how he had done it on the web for all to see,and for others to copy. stating that he wasn't in it for the money. then he put one of his phones up on EBay (I'm not sure the one he traded was that particular one), and for that he stated that he knew he would get money for it. but IT WASN'T DONE FOR MONEY Now you claimed he was a retard that didn't understand commerce. but actually he simply did an altruistic thing, I don't expect you to understand that, but those are the facts as reported.
And I still say that, he could have gotten far more out of this than that. I think he was fiscally retarded.

The larger lettering doesn't make your point any more logical. Do you deny he could have made more out of this than that?

After saying he didn't do it for gain he took gain far less than he could have negotiated for, that is fiscally "not smart".

At least this time you gave more than "Duh... You is dumb." or some other ad hominem.
And I still say that, he could have gotten far more out of this than that. I think he was fiscally retarded.

Do you deny he could have made more out of this than that?
of course not, but that doesn't make him retarded. In the past twenty yers, I have given away about half my income, because I didn't need it, nor did any of my family. I have sold items for half what was offered, because to me the item wasn't wotrth what was offered. That doesn't make me a retard, but none -the-less a hell of a lot different from you. (and topspin)

After saying he didn't do it for gain he took gain far less than he could have negotiated for, that is fiscally "not smart".
No, that is called "NOT GREEDY"

[quote}At least this time you gave more than "Duh... You is dumb." or some other ad hominem.[/QUOTE] It just gets tiresome listening to your stupid ass remarks, and since you wouldn't check, I figured I had to explain. Apparently it was a wasted effort. You still don't get it.