Teen who hacked iPhone trades gadget for a 'sweet' new car

What's especially funny was he was originally talking about how he didn't want people making money off of it. Now he trades it for a car and 3 phones.

I guess he's just financially daft. Or wants a barter system.
1. is this the one he originally put on EBy? if so obvoiusly he knew it was an auction.

2. You do realize he is 17 don't you???
I did, the kid and three people worked together to unlock a phone from a network. They got it done, he sold that gadget along with the trick to a company for a Z Car and 3 more iPhones which he sent to his accomplices.

This took some technical knowledge, a lot of work, therefore he is adept at technology. He accepted a Z Car and a job for his trouble, therefore he is financially inept. (In other words I believe he could have gotten far more for it.)

Calling me an "idiot" is not helping you in this one, doniston.

I wouldn't have settled for anything less than cold, hard cash. And I'd make sure I had a lot of bidders beforehand.
of course not, but that doesn't make him retarded. In the past twenty yers, I have given away about half my income, because I didn't need it, nor did any of my family. I have sold items for half what was offered, because to me the item wasn't wotrth what was offered. That doesn't make me a retard, but none -the-less a hell of a lot different from you. (and topspin)

No, that is called "NOT GREEDY"

He wasn't giving it away to his family. He was giving it away to A CORPORATION.
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That's the difference between me and that kid. If I'd hacked the Iphone you would be damn sure I would be taking bids and forecasting how much revenue this could be worth to the major companies.

This kid hacks it, spews some typical anarcho-socialist hacker bullshit about how it would be wrong to trade this for someone to make money off of, and then proceeds to trade it when he sees a shiny car.

Dumbass. I'm amazed he was capable of putting together the money to buy the Iphone with his economic genius.

Those products are just money in a different form.

And far less of it than he could've gotten. Charity for coporations - WTF?
Hey donny I am not a techno geek nor am I a wall street expert...however even I understood what damo meant...he said the dude was a techno but a retard...was referring to his selling his potential patent for a song...sorta speak!:rolleyes:
I know precisely what he ment. and IMHO he was dead wrong. Did you see the kid's live interveiw? I did.
That's the difference between me and that kid. If I'd hacked the Iphone you would be damn sure I would be taking bids and forecasting how much revenue this could be worth to the major companies.

This kid hacks it, spews some typical anarcho-socialist hacker bullshit about how it would be wrong to trade this for someone to make money off of, and then proceeds to trade it when he sees a shiny car.

Dumbass. I'm amazed he was capable of putting together the money to buy the Iphone with his economic genius.
I have already responded to this.
Umm someone else would have done it soon if not already. It is not like just one guy can do it.
That is why you strike while the iron is hot. He clearly realized he made a mistake when he decided to indeed profit from his discovery.
Please, Watermark is like 17 or 18 and I doubt he would make a trade that stupid.

1. I don't think he is that young

2. You do know we have a 12 yer old pro golfing girl who looks and act and has the ability of an adult?

3. besides, we are not all wired the same, or have the same values. apparently his are more like mine.
1. I don't think he is that young

2. You do know we have a 12 yer old pro golfing girl who looks and act and has the ability of an adult?

3. besides, we are not all wired the same, or have the same values. apparently his are more like mine.
What, that you would say, "I'm not going to profit for this" then turn around and profit? Okay. I wouldn't want to admit that.
That is why you strike while the iron is hot. He clearly realized he made a mistake when he decided to indeed profit from his discovery.
Your opinion, nothing more and a rather stupid jump to conclusions in "MY" opinion.

Does this also have to do with modrating?
Your opinion, nothing more and a rather stupid jump to conclusions in "MY" opinion.

Does this also have to do with modrating?
It begins to. If you continue to post that, all of your posts will be moved.

And yes, it is my opinion. That is what we talk about on this site.