Teen who hacked iPhone trades gadget for a 'sweet' new car

of course not, but that doesn't make him retarded. In the past twenty yers, I have given away about half my income, because I didn't need it, nor did any of my family. I have sold items for half what was offered, because to me the item wasn't wotrth what was offered. That doesn't make me a retard, but none -the-less a hell of a lot different from you. (and topspin)

No, that is called "NOT GREEDY"

At least this time you gave more than "Duh... You is dumb." or some other ad hominem.
It just gets tiresome listening to your stupid ass remarks, and since you wouldn't check, I figured I had to explain. Apparently it was a wasted effort. You still don't get it.
Except he gained, just foolishly from it. "It's not about the money!" but I'll take that there stuff!

A fool and his money are soon parted.

What gets tiring is seeing, "You are wrong!" with no explanation or any logic to back up the statement from 'Mr. YouNeedToMakeEverybodyPostHowIWant' who explains how all posts should be on topic and never an ad hominem against himself... yet has posted nothing but ad hominems from the beginning. "I was soooo nice!" is rubbish. One of your first posts was how somebody isn't a 'lady' filled with diatribe and ad hominems all because they used an abbreviation that you didn't like.
Except he gained, just foolishly from it. "It's not about the money!" but I'll take that there stuff!
but not glutinously as you apparently would. No, the fool is on who thinks he can take it with him.

yet has posted nothing but ad hominems from the beginning.
I don't suppose you can realize that that is an out and out lie, can you???

One of your first posts was how somebody isn't a 'lady' filled with diatribe and ad hominems all because they used an abbreviation that you didn't like.
What abreviation? that is something I don't recall. no matter, you have already lied.
but not glutinously as you apparently would. No, the fool is on who thinks he can take it with him.

I don't suppose you can realize that that is an out and out lie, can you???

What abreviation? that is something I don't recall. no matter, you have already lied.
No I haven't. Shall I bring up the thread with WTF in the title? You have lost on these before, you will again and again.

Be the change you want to see, there is only one person you can control on this board. And it will be the only one you ever can control on this board.
No I haven't. Shall I bring up the thread with WTF in the title? You have lost on these before, you will again and again.

Be the change you want to see, there is only one person you can control on this board. And it will be the only one you ever can control on this board.

It's true. It's like we say in the peace movement. "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me".

I'm not that good at it, but it's what we in the peace movement do say.
What's especially funny was he was originally talking about how he didn't want people making money off of it. Now he trades it for a car and 3 phones.

I guess he's just financially daft. Or wants a barter system.
It's true. It's like we say in the peace movement. "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me".

I'm not that good at it, but it's what we in the peace movement do say.
I try. I almost lost it. It takes practice. Like my sig quote says, it takes practice.

I almost lost patience, and that is amazing to me all because of a member of a forum.
What's especially funny was he was originally talking about how he didn't want people making money off of it. Now he trades it for a car and 3 phones.

I guess he's just financially daft. Or wants a barter system.
Uh-oh... doni will now be after you too.
I try. I almost lost it. It takes practice. Like my sig quote says, it takes practice.

I almost lost patience, and that is amazing to me all because of a member of a forum.

Damo, all joking aside, because I have hardly been serious at all today, but I do not know how you have done it up to now, and I don't think anyone else on the board does either.

You have the patience of a saint as far as I'm concerned.

Damn it idiot, go back and red the "BEGINNING of this story. maybe you will learn something (tho I doubt it ,you think you already know it all)

Hey donny I am not a techno geek nor am I a wall street expert...however even I understood what damo meant...he said the dude was a techno but a retard...was referring to his selling his potential patent for a song...sorta speak!:rolleyes:
That's the difference between me and that kid. If I'd hacked the Iphone you would be damn sure I would be taking bids and forecasting how much revenue this could be worth to the major companies.

This kid hacks it, spews some typical anarcho-socialist hacker bullshit about how it would be wrong to trade this for someone to make money off of, and then proceeds to trade it when he sees a shiny car.

Dumbass. I'm amazed he was capable of putting together the money to buy the Iphone with his economic genius.
Damo, all joking aside, because I have hardly been serious at all today, but I do not know how you have done it up to now, and I don't think anyone else on the board does either.

You have the patience of a saint as far as I'm concerned.

Ditto! :p
Okay you're being funny again!

Patent on a patented device ?

however his technology improving the patented device is a separate patent claim...hey I am not a wall street dude or patent expert but have applied for a patent or two in my long forgotten past...kept my day job...lol... but technology can be a separate patent application...!