Test: Your Psychopathic Traits

lol how are you chumps so low. and HOW THE FUCK do you get 18%? I don't think I could have gotten that score if I tried to fuck it up on purpose. damnnnn.
I dont think there were any questoins saying you enjoyed peoples suffering. I did say stuff like I have no problem hoping over people to get promoted or w/e that question was, and animal suffering doesn't bother me.
i am going to take the test again and default to 'disagree' on anything that was a close decision for me. moment.
ok I just tried it again, trying to default to a lower score on close decisions, I'm still 70%. I don't know how that's possible. Must have scaled up on another question or two to cancel out.

couldn't get under 70% if I tried it seems.
These are out of order but it's not like it matters. Lets go through them step by step and see how I scored each:


^ This is hyper true. I don't worry about things outside of my control and I always have a very very level head in extreme situations etc


^ Kinda goes hand in hand with the first one above. I can make decisions on the fly without emotional attachment on certain things


^ ummm fuck yes? Did anyone actually score this low?


^ My first run through, I had this as slight agree, now I brought it down to slight disagree. Didn't change my 70% score.


^ duh..


^ This is one of those depends questions. What if a once in a lifetime (or super rare opportunity comes up). I assumed slightly better, in which case I try to stick by my word and not fuck up other peoples plans


^ This was slight agree my first run though. Didn't change my 70% when I skewed it on the low side. Things are almost really not my fault though. By disagreeing with this, you are basically saying it's your fault. (or no ones, which obv isn't true).


^ Sorry, Just don't. They are animals. Maybe dolphins or monkeys or something I would care.


^ I'm not an asshole

^ True. Usually.


^ I hate planning. I can never plan things more than a day in advance. Usually I don't decide until day of. When I travel I even wait to the last minute a lot. I don't like being committed to things.
Grind, I don't know how you can stand seeing animals in pain. Even ones I personally hate, I never try to make them suffer.
Psychopathy is characterised by amoral and antisocial behaviour, an inability to establish meaningful personal relationships, a callous disregard for others, extreme egocentricity, a lack of remorse or conscience, and a failure to learn from experience.
I have to change the channel when the wild animal shows get to the eating each other parts.

I literally feel it physically in my body.

I can not stand to watch any being suffer.

when I see it I am rushed with a need to help them.

Now my friends here who don't feel much need to face the fact that my reaction is FAR MORE NORMAL than your non feelings.

More people walking this planet are feelers.

we are NOT lesser than you because we feel.

YOU are the one who is the non norm.

Your NOT more rational

Your less feeling

You are not fit to wield power over the lives of others.

You will NOT react in a truly human way to situations.

I don't seek to punish you I just don't want you running anything that has to do with impacting others lives.

YOU don't have the needed tools
you don't let these people to power.

THAT is the whole lesson your missing here.

sociopaths will seek it because it gets them what they want.

They will DO THINGS feeling people are not willing to do.

that is how they get to power.

they are not smarter than feeling people they just don't spend any time thinking about how to be good to others.

They spend their brain hours thinking about how to get what they want.

they in a sense have more time to devote to it because they spend NO TIME thinking about the needs of others.

Pick good leaders not people using power to get what THEY wnat
they will make good decisions for them and none for you.

that last trait mentions ...THEY DONT LEARN

can you understand how bad that is?