Test: Your Psychopathic Traits

desh you are a schizophrenic retard, everyone on here thinks you have a mental disability. nobody takes you seriously. sorry. you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
You're all nuts compared to me. :)

Your place on the psychopathic spectrum

Your score 18%

You are warm and empathic with a heightened awareness of social responsibility and a strong sense of conscience. You like to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of a situation before you act and are generally averse to taking risks. You are very much a ‘people person’ and dislike conflict. ‘Do unto others…’ are your watchwords. But, although you avoid hurting others, those residing at the higher end of the psychopathic spectrum might not be as considerate, so stay vigilant to avoid being hurt unnecessarily.

I already knew you are a sweetheart
I am proud of my 70% score. I am not ashamed of any of my answers. OH NO THE HORROR I AM CALM UNDER PRESSURE. Oh no I don't like making plans in advance! The travesty! I like rollercoasters and may want to skydive! What an asshole I am! Oh woe is me!
lol how are you chumps so low. and HOW THE FUCK do you get 18%? I don't think I could have gotten that score if I tried to fuck it up on purpose. damnnnn.

because you don't fully understand humans doesn't make you BETTER .

Its make you handicapped in a world full of humans.

Billy get help
Grind, I don't know how you can stand seeing animals in pain. Even ones I personally hate, I never try to make them suffer.

because he has a problem.

that feeling you feel is not processing in his brain.

I don't know why but the fact remains he needs to get help.

It is very likely his ptsd

shutting down emotion centers to survive.

He needs to go get help so he can be a happier more fulfilled human being.

maybe he can begin to learn from his experiences in life again.

Billy your not a bad person your a person who did this country a great service and were harmed.

I want you to be helped for what your help to me did to you.

when a hero gets wounded they need to get help
Billy keep in mind YOU answered your questions and I did not force you to answer them they way you did.

being unfeeling is NOT a good human trait.

get help
billy you have the POWER to make your life so much more fulfilling.

please make your life more fulfilling

we will all benifit
I'm great under pressure. It's a fairly useful skill when, say, you're being shelled.

That was one that I had to go back and look at. I am almost always the calm one in a crisis.

The other thing that made me take another look was when Deshy said she can't even watch animals eat each other in TV. I thought "that doesn't bother me". I don't like seeing animals suffer, but I was thinking pets. Not a zebra getting its throat punctured by a lion. Evolutionarily speaking they aren't suffering.

My propensity to think quickly is why I get some funny results when I take tests like these.
I am proud of my 70% score. I am not ashamed of any of my answers. OH NO THE HORROR I AM CALM UNDER PRESSURE. Oh no I don't like making plans in advance! The travesty! I like rollercoasters and may want to skydive! What an asshole I am! Oh woe is me!

I suggest that your next ID should be One More Than Hitler.
I suggest that your next ID should be One More Than Hitler.

I'm great under pressure. It's a fairly useful skill when, say, you're being shelled.

As a network engineer you have to be able to think clearly under pressure. Especially when doing night time changes and come six in the morning the network is still not working, you are knackered and the NMC is demanding that you roll back.
As a network engineer you have to be able to think clearly under pressure. Especially when doing night time changes and come six in the morning the network is still not working, you are knackered and the NMC is demanding that you roll back.

Tom are you comparing IT work to an ARTILLERY BARRAGE?