Thank God Gore wasn't President after 9/11!


New member
Remember this sentiment in the weeks & months after the attacks?

Just reminiscing, and thinking wistfully about how different the world would be under a President Gore. Anyone who understands the wonk in Gore knows that this would have been a whole different fight if he was Pres.

It would have been more like what Bush had hinted it would be: not a war for the TV cameras, but a lot of stealth, intel & covert operations. Bush hinted at that, but followed it right up with "shock & awe" and the invasion of Iraq.

It'll take America decades to recover from the butterfly ballot...
Remember this sentiment in the weeks & months after the attacks?

Just reminiscing, and thinking wistfully about how different the world would be under a President Gore. Anyone who understands the wonk in Gore knows that this would have been a whole different fight if he was Pres.

It would have been more like what Bush had hinted it would be: not a war for the TV cameras, but a lot of stealth, intel & covert operations. Bush hinted at that, but followed it right up with "shock & awe" and the invasion of Iraq.

It'll take America decades to recover from the butterfly ballot...

You'd be suprised at how many "I'm not a republican"-republicans, will still say they're glad they voted for Bush over Gore in 2000, despite everything that's happened since.

I try not to think about it. It's really that sad, because so many people who are dead now, would be alive.

The whole scope of it is incomprehensible. Not just the dead, but the wounded, and the refugees, and the budget, and the global credibility, and the lost resources, etc etc etc.

It is brutal to think about.

I absolutely can't stand it when I hear Bushies say 'Gore would have invaded Iraq, too!', as though it was the clear, logical move...
The whole scope of it is incomprehensible. Not just the dead, but the wounded, and the refugees, and the budget, and the global credibility, and the lost resources, etc etc etc.

It is brutal to think about.

I absolutely can't stand it when I hear Bushies say 'Gore would have invaded Iraq, too!', as though it was the clear, logical move...

The whole scope of it is incomprehensible. Not just the dead, but the wounded, and the refugees, and the budget, and the global credibility, and the lost resources, etc etc etc.

It is brutal to think about.

I absolutely can't stand it when I hear Bushies say 'Gore would have invaded Iraq, too!', as though it was the clear, logical move...
I don't even know where they get that. Long ago I said I wasn't sure he would have invaded Afghanistan, that he might have simply sent in SF to capture OBL only.
I don't even know where they get that. Long ago I said I wasn't sure he would have invaded Afghanistan, that he might have simply sent in SF to capture OBL only.

It's weird when you think about it. It went from "Thank God Gore wasn't President!", to "of course, he would have done the same thing as Bush..."
Well, I remember what I said, so you won't see me attempting to play that one out.

I won't vote for anybody who isn't talking about the fact that we should declare war or not go.
The whole scope of it is incomprehensible. Not just the dead, but the wounded, and the refugees, and the budget, and the global credibility, and the lost resources, etc etc etc.

It is brutal to think about.

I absolutely can't stand it when I hear Bushies say 'Gore would have invaded Iraq, too!', as though it was the clear, logical move...

Very well stated.
It's weird when you think about it. It went from "Thank God Gore wasn't President!", to "of course, he would have done the same thing as Bush..."

You know that is so true, and what a good point.

I so remember just really having to try and hold my temper in the run-up to the IRaqi war, on my old message board, when so many conservatives would say "thank God Gore isn't president, can you imagine?" and the number one comment which was "he would have apologized to the terrorists". Seriously. Cypress and Ornot will both remember. Completely crazy. And now they are saying, oh, Gore would have invaded Iraq too.

So, when they were stupid enough to believe that Iraq was going to go well, Gore wouldn't have "had the balls' to invade them. But now that it's the disaster that we predicted, "Gore would have invaded Iraq too".

You know, I am getting steamed just writing this!
"So, when they were stupid enough to believe that Iraq was going to go well, Gore wouldn't have "had the balls' to invade them. But now that it's the disaster that we predicted, "Gore would have invaded Iraq too".

You know, I am getting steamed just writing this!"

Yeah, it definitely ticks me off. It's the same mindset that is bending over backwards trying to give Democrats equal "credit" for this war, when you know that if it was going well, it would be back to "Dems were on the wrong side of history...Bush was right!"
You know that is so true, and what a good point.

I so remember just really having to try and hold my temper in the run-up to the IRaqi war, on my old message board, when so many conservatives would say "thank God Gore isn't president, can you imagine?" and the number one comment which was "he would have apologized to the terrorists". Seriously. Cypress and Ornot will both remember. Completely crazy. And now they are saying, oh, Gore would have invaded Iraq too.

So, when they were stupid enough to believe that Iraq was going to go well, Gore wouldn't have "had the balls' to invade them. But now that it's the disaster that we predicted, "Gore would have invaded Iraq too".

You know, I am getting steamed just writing this!

Wow, those were weird times. I totally remember how much those neocons hated gore, and loved bush. And how you, ornot, and I had to continually run a guantlet of "traitor!" insults, for daring to sugggest that invading iraq was probably going to be folly.
Now its are fault the war is not working because anti war people are speaking out.

Or more recently it is working and we hate that it is working.

I post on another site where the people are all still pro Bush and it is mind boggling how they refute any piece of evidence anyone produces to the contrary.
Wow, those were weird times. I totally remember how much those neocons hated gore, and loved bush. And how you, ornot, and I had to continually run a guantlet of "traitor!" insults, for daring to sugggest that invading iraq was probably going to be folly.
Yeah ok memory loss boy, funny I don't seem to remember too many Liberals making that prediction in the opening months of the war. Probably because I DO remember in the opening weeks of the war, many Liberals making the prediction that it would be very hard to beat Saddam's army.
LOL, that one didn't last too long did it?
The lefties I heard predicted chaos & a quagmire.

I remember O'Reilly running all sorts of clips after Saddam's statue fell of people like Janine Garafolo, Susan Sarandaon, et al., basically saying that a rush to war was unnecessary & would hurt America, and gloating because it had been so "easy."

We were right. You (collectively) were wrong.
This thread is amusing. I mean Liberals thanking God? What next - thanking Bush?
You ever go to a Unitarian church? Full of god believing liberals, same with lots of Methodists and Episcopals, and lots of other churches. You Conservatives don't have the corner on god only the corner on the mean mad angry god of the Old Testament. The God that hates fags and hates gay marriage and hates and hates and hates. Tell a conservative that an eye for eye went out with the Sermon on the Mount and they look at you like you are crazy. Talk about homosexuals and they bring up Leviticus and Deuteronomy even though that LAW does not apply any more, so sayeth Paul and Peter, except to the Jews.

You conservatives are pissed because liberals didn't want the state to tell kids HOW to pray or who to pray to in schools, because the Ten Commandments DON'T belong in a public building and Yes I know they are on the Supreme Court building but they shouldn't be. We are a country of laws. Man made statutory laws. Just because the 10 commandments talk about not stealing and not killing doesn't make them the FOUNDATION for our laws. EVERY major society has laws against those things.

YOu fucking holier than though conservatives only like god when he serves your purposes, to show how immoral the liberals are or to extoll the idea of vengence. But MOST of you don't lead the god centered life everyday either. And I know this because you started off with the JUDGMENT that liberals don't believe in god, and thou shalt not judge lest ye be judged.