Thank God Gore wasn't President after 9/11!

And I said:

"You have been served Damo! Next time you agree with me or even argue against lefties on a thread where I am also doing so or heck even laugh at one of my jokes, you're gonna get it mister and get it good. Capiche?"

I never thought you were talking about Damo, that statement obviously shows you were talking about me, so why would you correct that stating what I obviously already know?

Because you said this:

"Ok I reread the post you made to Damo, my conclusion is you were talking to Damo."

Are you drunk?
I believe the Bible to be the literal word of God. I believe the earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. I believe that Enoch never died but that God "took him." I believe that an iron ax head floated on the water because the Bible tells me this. I believe that homosexuality is sinful because the Bible teaches that it is. I believe that abortion is murder. I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin made pregnant by the Holy Spirit of God. I believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose on the third day, lived on the earth for some 40 more days and ascended to heaven and is now sitting on the right had of the throne of God. I believe we are to follow His teaching in the New Testament on things like being kind to one another, caring for one another, etc. I believe the woman is the "weaker vessel." I do not believe that we are to "tolerate " sinful behavior, but must point out that it is behavior that is in contradiction to God's word.

I do not support the government teaching my kids this in school....that's my job. I do not support wars with impunity. I do not believe in a rapture or an armageddon. But I do believe the Bible. That is why out of all of the candidates I would vote for Huckabee if it were possible. It will never happen and so I likely won't vote for president in the next election.
An interesting question Darla: What have former NeoCons who approved of the war, and claim they are against it now, doing to stop it?

Short answer: Nothing. And voting for republicans that still support the war. :cool:
An interesting question Darla: What have former NeoCons who approved of the war, and claim they are against it now, doing to stop it?

Short answer: Nothing. And voting for republicans that still support the war. :cool:

Exactly. And so, they are FOS.
A joke which just happens to play into the right wing myth that has been spread around, saying that God is on the side of Republicans and liberals can't be trusted because they disrespect God and have no values. Uh-huh.
Uh nope, that's your warped take. I simply made a joke about Liberals not believing in God.

Do you think that because others supported it, that gives you moral impunity? Is John Edwards questioning the values of liberals who were against the war from the start? If it ends up that you do have to answer to your creator, are you going to whine "But John Edwards did it too"? or are you going to be a man and finally accept some personal responsiblity? You want to "end the war" now because you have changed your mind, what actions have you taken to this end?
I'm supporting Ron Paul, a candidate that wants to end it now instead of gradually like all the top Dem candidates. How about you? How's that Hillary withdrawal plan coming along, oh right there's no such thing...

"How about you lefties? The war on poverty that Liberal Democrat LBJ started 40 something years ago is still ongoing and no end in site and the places you have been fighting it the heaviest in inner cities are now more rife with poverty, fatherless families, joblessness and crime than ever. That blood is on your hands, but somehow I doubt you'll end it because one more "surge" (ie: funding increase) should "fix" the problem once and for all right?"
Complete red herring, and all wrong too. What a poor attempt to change the subject. Sad really.
Wrong? So after the war on poverty started we didn't see an upsurge in inner city unemployment, crime, poverty and single mother families?
Care to review the stats? You are beaten and badly.
It's no red herring to compare one failed war to another.

You sound like BB brain here. This is not a compliment.
Well then don't set yourself up, what the hell else was I supposed to do with that line?
An interesting question Darla: What have former NeoCons who approved of the war, and claim they are against it now, doing to stop it?

Short answer: Nothing. And voting for republicans that still support the war. :fool:

Well I'm supporting Ron Paul, a candidate that wants to end it now instead of gradually like all the top Dem candidates. How about you? How's that Edwards withdrawal plan coming along their cypriss, oh right there's no such thing...
I'm supporting Ron Paul, a candidate that wants to end it now instead of gradually like all the top Dem candidates. How about you? How's that Hillary withdrawal plan coming along, oh right there's no such thing...

Why don't you go to an anti-war march, or stand on the corner and hold up a damned sign? Call your congressperson and your two Senators and demand they support a pull-out. Try and make amends. God knows you need to.
Well I'm supporting Ron Paul, a candidate that wants to end it now instead of gradually like all the top Dem candidates. How about you? How's that Edwards withdrawal plan coming along their cypriss, oh right there's no such thing...

Good on you. Can I assume you're also voting for anti-war congressional and senate candidates?
Why don't you go to an anti-war march, or stand on the corner and hold up a damned sign? Call your congressperson and your two Senators and demand they support a pull-out. Try and make amends. God knows you need to.

I have written letters and sent emails demanding a pullout actually. As for anti-war protests, I'm sorry but I have a life, these people are full of rabid morons who probably damage the actual move to withdraw from Iraq. Look at Cindy Sheehan for instance.
Politicians fear the silent majority much more than the vocal minority.
I believe the Bible to be the literal word of God. I believe the earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. I believe that Enoch never died but that God "took him." I believe that an iron ax head floated on the water because the Bible tells me this. I believe that homosexuality is sinful because the Bible teaches that it is. I believe that abortion is murder. I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin made pregnant by the Holy Spirit of God. I believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose on the third day, lived on the earth for some 40 more days and ascended to heaven and is now sitting on the right had of the throne of God. I believe we are to follow His teaching in the New Testament on things like being kind to one another, caring for one another, etc. I believe the woman is the "weaker vessel." I do not believe that we are to "tolerate " sinful behavior, but must point out that it is behavior that is in contradiction to God's word.

I do not support the government teaching my kids this in school....that's my job. I do not support wars with impunity. I do not believe in a rapture or an armageddon. But I do believe the Bible. That is why out of all of the candidates I would vote for Huckabee if it were possible. It will never happen and so I likely won't vote for president in the next election.

People who believe these things are generally conservatives, because they are more willing to merely accept things without proof because someone told them that it is true.
" I believe the woman is the "weaker vessel." "

This is one of Christianity's Myths that has caused more MUCH MUCH harm than Good.