Thank God Gore wasn't President after 9/11!

So, anybody who believes in any specific religion is 'like believing in Tinkerbell and Peter Pan?'

TO ME That depends on what you mean by "belives in a specific religion". If you believe in the tenents and core belifes of a religion thats not akin to beliveing in tinkerbell and peter pan. But if you believe literally in the parables of a specific religion it is, in my opinon akin to believeing in fairy tales. Whats the difference between Johna living in a whale's stomach and Jack climbing a beanstock and finding a Giant?
I read and reread that several times, and all I can say is Spoken like a true lawyer.
Come on man, what you just said is a roundabout way of confirming what Superfreak said. God is the centerpoint of the religion and the chief part of the doctrine you are calling a fairy tale, to make fun of one is to make fun of the other.

No, your mind must be very small not to understand the difference. I belive in God, I belive in the God of the new testiment, I do not belive however that all the parables the bible are true. Does that mean I make fun of God... NO. I just understand that the Churches have made up stories to help people understand God. Nuthing wrong with it, untill it gets carried to extreems like the Creationists have done!
I accept that you have pleaded guilty. For your punishment, you are to find a picture of Bush on line and stare at it for the next ten minutes while chanting.... "I love you man"....:rolleyes:

Christ; that could scar someone for life.

I didn't expect this to turn into a religion thread, and it would be a weird twist to segway into torture now...
I was answering a specific post, and only that post, I don't have the time to read every single post on the site anymore. It's nice to know what people think of you though.

Had Dano said, "Right, see!" I would have informed him that over 70% of the nation profess a belief in Jesus, and 90% a belief in a specific Deity, it would be difficult to find a liberal making fun of God when so many of them believe in a God. However, Dano did not answer me specifically.

Well, Dano said it, specifically, even if it wasn't to you. It plays into one of the biggest cons perpetuated on the American people, and against a large part of the American people.

To claim that liberals are against God, are not on the side of God, mock God, don't believe in values. How dare the party of "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" make such claims.

I suppose that God believes that American life is worth more. I suppose that God wants to bomb Iran. I suppose that God stood up and cheered Shock and Awe. I suppose that God blesses rendtion, and torture. I suppose that it is Godly to burn civilians to death with white phosphorus.

If it weren't so downright evil, I'd laugh, but I stopped laughing some time ago.

You who supported the above, point your finger at me, at my values? Well, there are three fingers pointing back at you mister.
One nice thing over the past year or so is the growing # of religious leaders who are becoming more vocal about shifting the focus away from the fear/hate aspects of religion which have seemed to become the political issues (gay rights, abortion), and toward more positive messages like protecting the planet, promoting peace & helping the poor & disadvantaged....
One nice thing over the past year or so is the growing # of religious leaders who are becoming more vocal about shifting the focus away from the fear/hate aspects of religion which have seemed to become the political issues (gay rights, abortion), and toward more positive messages like protecting the planet, promoting peace & helping the poor & disadvantaged....

Yes, that is a very hopeful sign, and I hope that their followers open themselves to that message as easily and as passionately as they opened themselves to hating gays and bombing foreigners.
Well, Dano said it, specifically, even if it wasn't to you. It plays into one of the biggest cons perpetuated on the American people, and against a large part of the American people.

To claim that liberals are against God, are not on the side of God, mock God, don't believe in values. How dare the party of "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" make such claims.

I suppose that God believes that American life is worth more. I suppose that God wants to bomb Iran. I suppose that God stood up and cheered Shock and Awe. I suppose that God blesses rendtion, and torture. I suppose that it is Godly to burn civilians to death with white phosphorus.
Look let's get this straight. I made a joke about Liberals believing in God playing off the moderately true stereotype that a lot of them don't.
You asked me for an example of ONE Liberal making fun of God and I did so.
That's it, the only reason this is attempting to be turned into something bigger and more grasping is because the usual gang of lefties like you and Lorax are incapable of admitting you are wrong, ever.

If it weren't so downright evil, I'd laugh, but I stopped laughing some time ago.
Ooh, ooh lemme guess, was this on the same day you converted to Liberalism? How did I know!

You who supported the above, point your finger at me, at my values? Well, there are three fingers pointing back at you mister.
You have been served Damo! Next time you agree with me or even argue against lefties on a thread where I am also doing so or heck even laugh at one of my jokes, you're gonna get it mister and get it good. Capiche?
Well, Dano said it, specifically, even if it wasn't to you. It plays into one of the biggest cons perpetuated on the American people, and against a large part of the American people.

To claim that liberals are against God, are not on the side of God, mock God, don't believe in values. How dare the party of "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" make such claims.

I suppose that God believes that American life is worth more. I suppose that God wants to bomb Iran. I suppose that God stood up and cheered Shock and Awe. I suppose that God blesses rendtion, and torture. I suppose that it is Godly to burn civilians to death with white phosphorus.

If it weren't so downright evil, I'd laugh, but I stopped laughing some time ago.

You who supported the above, point your finger at me, at my values? Well, there are three fingers pointing back at you mister.
I didn't point a finger at your values, only at the significant error that "not one" post could be found, that you read more into that is not on me, I was very clear that posts could be found with liberals making fun of God, either calling it a fairy tale or specifically saying "I laugh at your God". Several examples were presented where a 'liberal' had made fun of God.

I never said anything at all about your values, or even that you personally had made fun of anything. Indignation aside. I said nothing about your values, nor am I saying anything about your values here. Only that you are mistaken that not one post could be found where a liberal made fun of God.
One nice thing over the past year or so is the growing # of religious leaders who are becoming more vocal about shifting the focus away from the fear/hate aspects of religion which have seemed to become the political issues (gay rights, abortion), and toward more positive messages like protecting the planet, promoting peace & helping the poor & disadvantaged....

And do you have a problem with them if THEY put THOSE beliefs in the form of government action and law?
I didn't point a finger at your values, only at the significant error that "not one" post could be found, that you read more into that is not on me, I was very clear that posts could be found with liberals making fun of God, either calling it a fairy tale or specifically saying "I laugh at your God". Several examples were presented where a 'liberal' had made fun of God.

I didn't mean "you" in that way.

I think only one example was presented, which I addressed three different times.
Look let's get this straight. I made a joke about Liberals believing in God playing off the moderately true stereotype that a lot of them don't.
You asked me for an example of ONE Liberal making fun of God and I did so.
That's it, the only reason this is attempting to be turned into something bigger and more grasping is because the usual gang of lefties like you and Lorax are incapable of admitting you are wrong, ever.

Ooh, ooh lemme guess, was this on the same day you converted to Liberalism? How did I know!

You have been served Damo! Next time you agree with me or even argue against lefties on a thread where I am also doing so or heck even laugh at one of my jokes, you're gonna get it mister and get it good. Capiche?

No, I was talking about you Dano. If you re-read my post you might be able to figure that out.

You didn't make a joke. You perpetuated the right wing BS about liberals not being on the same side as God is, because everyone knows that God is on the side of Republicans.

Sell your BS to Damo, but not to me. I know what you did, and so do you. And I stand by every word I said. YOU supported this God-forsaken war Dano, and that is on your hands.

You should be the very last person to impugn anyone's morals. You should be too busy on your knees praying for forgiveness.
No, I was talking about you Dano. If you re-read my post you might be able to figure that out.
Ok I reread the post you made to Damo, my conclusion is you were talking to Damo.

You didn't make a joke. You perpetuated the right wing BS about liberals not being on the same side as God is, because everyone knows that God is on the side of Republicans.
Sorry that is a lie, I NEVER talked about sides, you are lying, I did make a joke about Liberals not believing in God.

Sell your BS to Damo, but not to me. I know what you did, and so do you. And I stand by every word I said. YOU supported this God-forsaken war Dano, and that is on your hands.
Like John Edwards and others I did initially support it, since then I have changed my mind and want to end it.
How about you lefties? The war on poverty that Liberal Democrat LBJ started 40 something years ago is still ongoing and no end in site and the places you have been fighting it the heaviest in inner cities are now more rife with poverty, fatherless families, joblessness and crime than ever. That blood is on your hands, but somehow I doubt you'll end it because one more "surge" (ie: funding increase) should "fix" the problem once and for all right?

You should be the very last person to impugn anyone's morals. You should be too busy on your knees praying for forgiveness.
Typical Darla, trying to get Dano on his knees. Sorry I like to stand proud and erect.
And do you have a problem with them if THEY put THOSE beliefs in the form of government action and law?

It depends on how they do it.

An agenda of hate is just that; I don't support it in public, or even respect anyone's right to spread it on a private basis.
Ok I reread the post you made to Damo, my conclusion is you were talking to Damo. I was talking to him technically, because it was his post I responded to, it was YOU I was talking about, as I said.

Sorry that is a lie, I NEVER talked about sides, you are lying, I did make a joke about Liberals not believing in God. A joke which just happens to play into the right wing myth that has been spread around, saying that God is on the side of Republicans and liberals can't be trusted because they disrespect God and have no values. Uh-huh.

Like John Edwards and others I did initially support it, since then I have changed my mind and want to end it. Do you think that because others supported it, that gives you moral impunity? Is John Edwards questioning the values of liberals who were against the war from the start? If it ends up that you do have to answer to your creator, are you going to whine "But John Edwards did it too"? or are you going to be a man and finally accept some personal responsiblity? You want to "end the war" now because you have changed your mind, what actions have you taken to this end?How about you lefties? The war on poverty that Liberal Democrat LBJ started 40 something years ago is still ongoing and no end in site and the places you have been fighting it the heaviest in inner cities are now more rife with poverty, fatherless families, joblessness and crime than ever. That blood is on your hands, but somehow I doubt you'll end it because one more "surge" (ie: funding increase) should "fix" the problem once and for all right? Complete red herring, and all wrong too. What a poor attempt to change the subject. Sad really.
Typical Darla, trying to get Dano on his knees. Sorry I like to stand proud and erect. You sound like BB brain here. This is not a compliment.

in bold.
Anyway, I agree. Thank God that Gore wasn't President on 9/11.


Unfortunately we were not also blessed with Ron Paul who is perfect in every way...


And I said:

"You have been served Damo! Next time you agree with me or even argue against lefties on a thread where I am also doing so or heck even laugh at one of my jokes, you're gonna get it mister and get it good. Capiche?"

I never thought you were talking about Damo, that statement obviously shows you were talking about me, so why would you correct that stating what I obviously already know?