Thank God Gore wasn't President after 9/11!

It's hard to say what exactly what Gore would have done, though I tend not to care because he isn't the one making policy right now. It's also hard to tell what direction Obama would have voted for givng Bush the approval to do as he wishes. But, since I can't know that, I'm going by his word, and I know Hillary and Edwards did give Bush their vote. I can't trust them now, and if it comes down to Obama vs any Republican other than Paul, I'm voting Obama.
You ever go to a Unitarian church? Full of god believing liberals, same with lots of Methodists and Episcopals, and lots of other churches. You Conservatives don't have the corner on god only the corner on the mean mad angry god of the Old Testament. The God that hates fags and hates gay marriage and hates and hates and hates. Tell a conservative that an eye for eye went out with the Sermon on the Mount and they look at you like you are crazy. Talk about homosexuals and they bring up Leviticus and Deuteronomy even though that LAW does not apply any more, so sayeth Paul and Peter, except to the Jews.

You conservatives are pissed because liberals didn't want the state to tell kids HOW to pray or who to pray to in schools, because the Ten Commandments DON'T belong in a public building and Yes I know they are on the Supreme Court building but they shouldn't be. We are a country of laws. Man made statutory laws. Just because the 10 commandments talk about not stealing and not killing doesn't make them the FOUNDATION for our laws. EVERY major society has laws against those things.

YOu fucking holier than though conservatives only like god when he serves your purposes, to show how immoral the liberals are or to extoll the idea of vengence. But MOST of you don't lead the god centered life everyday either. And I know this because you started off with the JUDGMENT that liberals don't believe in god, and thou shalt not judge lest ye be judged.

Wow...great post.
You ever go to a Unitarian church? Full of god believing liberals, same with lots of Methodists and Episcopals, and lots of other churches. You Conservatives don't have the corner on god only the corner on the mean mad angry god of the Old Testament. The God that hates fags and hates gay marriage and hates and hates and hates. Tell a conservative that an eye for eye went out with the Sermon on the Mount and they look at you like you are crazy. Talk about homosexuals and they bring up Leviticus and Deuteronomy even though that LAW does not apply any more, so sayeth Paul and Peter, except to the Jews.

You conservatives are pissed because liberals didn't want the state to tell kids HOW to pray or who to pray to in schools, because the Ten Commandments DON'T belong in a public building and Yes I know they are on the Supreme Court building but they shouldn't be. We are a country of laws. Man made statutory laws. Just because the 10 commandments talk about not stealing and not killing doesn't make them the FOUNDATION for our laws. EVERY major society has laws against those things.

YOu fucking holier than though conservatives only like god when he serves your purposes, to show how immoral the liberals are or to extoll the idea of vengence. But MOST of you don't lead the god centered life everyday either. And I know this because you started off with the JUDGMENT that liberals don't believe in god, and thou shalt not judge.


I consider myself a Christian, but my beliefs have almost nothing in common with many prominent "Christians"...
You ever go to a Unitarian church? Full of god believing liberals, same with lots of Methodists and Episcopals, and lots of other churches. You Conservatives don't have the corner on god only the corner on the mean mad angry god of the Old Testament. The God that hates fags and hates gay marriage and hates and hates and hates. Tell a conservative that an eye for eye went out with the Sermon on the Mount and they look at you like you are crazy. Talk about homosexuals and they bring up Leviticus and Deuteronomy even though that LAW does not apply any more, so sayeth Paul and Peter, except to the Jews.

You conservatives are pissed because liberals didn't want the state to tell kids HOW to pray or who to pray to in schools, because the Ten Commandments DON'T belong in a public building and Yes I know they are on the Supreme Court building but they shouldn't be. We are a country of laws. Man made statutory laws. Just because the 10 commandments talk about not stealing and not killing doesn't make them the FOUNDATION for our laws. EVERY major society has laws against those things.

YOu fucking holier than though conservatives only like god when he serves your purposes, to show how immoral the liberals are or to extoll the idea of vengence. But MOST of you don't lead the god centered life everyday either. And I know this because you started off with the JUDGMENT that liberals don't believe in god, and thou shalt not judge lest ye be judged.

I didn't start out with anything, I've observed tons of Liberals in debate making fun of God and claiming to be athiests, so yes I find it funny when they use the expression of "thanking God".

As for me as a "fucking holier than though Conservative", go find any thread where I've preached anything like the bullshit you accuse me of.

And go ask some of the Dem party's biggest supporters in hispanics and blacks how they feel about gay marriage? It's always the religious whitey-righties that are attacked but you do a poll and you'll see where the strongest opposition is. Or better yet ask Rob on here who he has got more venom from? Liberals or Conservatives. Go ahead and ask him.

This whole post just reads like some kind of serious editorial attempt for the paper, I thought you knew me better than your writing shows and by the way what I wrote was a joke anyway.
Yeah ok memory loss boy, funny I don't seem to remember too many Liberals making that prediction in the opening months of the war. Probably because I DO remember in the opening weeks of the war, many Liberals making the prediction that it would be very hard to beat Saddam's army.
LOL, that one didn't last too long did it?

If you want to think that anti-war people completely misread iraq, and that Al Gore would have invaded just like bush, be my guest. Its not really worth arguing about.
I didn't start out with anything, I've observed tons of Liberals in debate making fun of God and claiming to be athiests, so yes I find it funny when they use the expression of "thanking God".

As for me as a "fucking holier than though Conservative", go find any thread where I've preached anything like the bullshit you accuse me of.

And go ask some of the Dem party's biggest supporters in hispanics and blacks how they feel about gay marriage? It's always the religious whitey-righties that are attacked but you do a poll and you'll see where the strongest opposition is. Or better yet ask Rob on here who he has got more venom from? Liberals or Conservatives. Go ahead and ask him.

This whole post just reads like some kind of serious editorial attempt for the paper, I thought you knew me better than your writing shows and by the way what I wrote was a joke anyway.

I'd love to see one example of a liberal "making fun of God".
"I've observed tons of Liberals in debate making fun of God "

Calling BS on this one.

I have observed tons of libs - including myself - making fun of God's alleged "spokespeople" like Pat Robertson. It's true that many who call themselves atheists are probably on the left side of things, but by & large, there are many lefties who believe in God. There is nothing about the liberal philosophy of government that is contradictory with a belief in God...
Now its are fault the war is not working because anti war people are speaking out.
Or more recently it is working and we hate that it is working.

I post on another site where the people are all still pro Bush and it is mind boggling how they refute any piece of evidence anyone produces to the contrary.

This is nothing 'new' Jane Fonda and Lt.Kerry spoke out alot...and caused alot of resurgence of N/VN after all even the NVA and 'Charlie' admitted after the pullout that they were in fact defeated...and thanked the likes of Jane and Lt.Kerry for their careful of that which you will come back to bite you in your proverbial BUTT!
How many times do you think I can find a post that actually calls people who believe mentally sick, and which persuasion do you think they are that might say that?

Or how many times do you think I might find a post that equates God with magic, and whom do you think is posting such? Do they do it because it makes believers feel good, or that it might be mocking them and their God?
It's hard to say what exactly what Gore would have done, though I tend not to care because he isn't the one making policy right now. It's also hard to tell what direction Obama would have voted for givng Bush the approval to do as he wishes. But, since I can't know that, I'm going by his word, and I know Hillary and Edwards did give Bush their vote. I can't trust them now, and if it comes down to Obama vs any Republican other than Paul, I'm voting Obama.
There is a lot more than the Iraq war to consider:

As you can see Obama voted against all tax cuts and for every single spending increase except earmarks and immigration, he also tried to stop any actual spending cuts.
Plus while more of the Dem party is moving away from gun control, Obama was one of the few who voted to try and allow gun manufacturers and gun sellers to be sued by those who were victims of the guns that we're used.
Why don't I sue Ford next time one of their cars crashes into me, ridiculous logic and dangerous too.
How many times do you think I can find a post that actually calls people who believe mentally sick, and which persuasion do you think they are that might say that?

Or how many times do you think I might find a post that equates God with magic, and whom do you think is posting such? Do they do it because it makes believers feel good, or that it might be mocking them and their God?

I know the posts you're talking about. They are limited to perhaps 3-4 atheists who have posted on this & the other site.

I think it's a stretch to take those 3-4 atheists, and say "tons" of liberals, and express surprise that any liberal would use the expression "Thank God," because, after all, we're all atheists who make fun of God.

Don't you find that conclusion a tad hyperbolic?
I know the posts you're talking about. They are limited to perhaps 3-4 atheists who have posted on this & the other site.

I think it's a stretch to take those 3-4 atheists, and say "tons" of liberals, and express surprise that any liberal would use the expression "Thank God," because, after all, we're all atheists who make fun of God.

Don't you find that conclusion a tad hyperbolic?

I was answering this post:

I'd love to see one example of a liberal "making fun of God".

I asked a few questions that might make somebody rethink the "one example of a liberal" stance.

I notice you attempt to attack one position by attempting to help them move the goal posts.
This thread has made for pretty good reading so far. It has gone from what Gore would/would not have done and the conservative reactions back when to a discussion about people's belief in deity. It is funny how so many threads come to this end.
I was answering this post:

I asked a few questions that might make somebody rethink the "one example of a liberal" stance.

I notice you attempt to attack one position by attempting to help them move the goal posts.

I'm rethinking a few things, but my original post is not one of them.

Provide some evidence of someone "making fun of God".

I don't need anybody's help in moving any goal posts. I have never "made fun of God' and resent the implication that because I am a liberal I do.
I'd love to see one example of a liberal "making fun of God".

Here you are:
"I'd rather laugh at both you and your God and die happily only to find nothing on the other side - which is what there is. So HAHAHAHAHAHAA! "
- ib1yysguy

Let me know if you need more.
I was answering this post:

I asked a few questions that might make somebody rethink the "one example of a liberal" stance.

I notice you attempt to attack one position by attempting to help them move the goal posts.

This is so true...Libs always move the 'Proverbial Goal Post'..when called out!

I cannot remember the so called atheists in a combat zone that cried out to God...when in a dire position..'Help me God'..this led me to believe that atheists are not real...just want to have fun and justify their bad behavoir until the going gets rough...end of story!
I'm rethinking a few things, but my original post is not one of them.

Provide some evidence of someone "making fun of God".

I don't need anybody's help in moving any goal posts. I have never "made fun of God' and resent the implication that because I am a liberal I do.
I didn't say you do, you asked for "one post", I mentioned a few that you probably will remember in my questions, his help was in saying, "See! It wasn't a ton of them!" when that wasn't what you asked to see.

If you really want to pretend that there never has been a lefty that made fun of God as "magic" and people who believe in him as Mentally Ill, then you really are pretending.

You may want to change the assertion to, "There are hardly a majority of lefties that make fun of God" from "There are absolutely none."
Here you are:
"I'd rather laugh at both you and your God and die happily only to find nothing on the other side - which is what there is. So HAHAHAHAHAHAA! "
- ib1yysguy

Let me know if you need more.

He's not making fun of God. He sounds as if he is an atheist, and one cannot make fun of what one does not believe even exists.

Atheists are a very small percentage of the population, and to make the claim that liberals "make fun of God" based on this, is pretty low down and crawly, but that's where you live isn't it Dano?
I'm rethinking a few things, but my original post is not one of them.

Provide some evidence of someone "making fun of God".

I don't need anybody's help in moving any goal posts. I have never "made fun of God' and resent the implication that because I am a liberal I do.

Well to be fair I find it's usually younger Liberals, the older Liberals like yourself aren't quite as daring and usually hold on to a thread of the generation they were raised under.

I don't really care to be honest, it was just a joke based on the moderately truthful stereotype of Liberals not believing in God.
I didn't say you do, you asked for "one post", I mentioned a few that you probably will remember in my questions, his help was in saying, "See! It wasn't a ton of them!" when that wasn't what you asked to see.

If you really want to pretend that there never has been a lefty that made fun of God as "magic" and people who believe in him as Mentally Ill, then you really are pretending.

You may want to change the assertion to, "There are hardly a majority of lefties that make fun of God" from "There are absolutely none."

Many of his believers are mentally ill. When a large percentage of people who consider themselves Godly and attend church more than once a week, support and cheer a bombing campaign that will kill babies, there is no other explanation. Lord knows if they read the Sermon on the Mount they could not call themselves christian and do that.

Dropping bombs on babies by the way? That's making fun of God.

However, making fun of a certain kind of believer, still not "making fun of God". If you confuse human beings with Gods, then you are committing a sin yourself.