Thank God Gore wasn't President after 9/11!

the Catholic school girl who went astray...just because some irate nun...chastized her as a young girl...don't shoot the messenger...I also went to Catholic School as a youth...was kicked out because I kicked a nun who was pulling my hair...just because I kissed a cute classmate...'Mary Ann';) was her name...and I just laugh about it today...did not make me hard in the heart!

This is almost as far off as one of Dano's biographies of me.

And far less coherently written.
My vision of heaven is to be there when FIRE and BRIMSTONE baptists die and find out that they denied themselves just about everything pleasureable and the Catholics find out all that guilt was unnecessary.... and the true measure was how tolerant you were to others...
this thread got weird.

I've seen AOI and others make fun of religious beliefs. But not of "God" him/herself. Heck, so have I: I don't like fundamentalist religious beliefs, although I can respect more tolerant forms of spirituality.

Stop your deceit comrade. Ib1 said "I laugh at your God" , he did NOT say "I laugh at your beliefs".

Honestly, it's like Liberals are so badly brainwashed, that even with the purest example in front of them, they try and fool themselves into pretending it being different.
Fucked up man.
I like to make fun of bible thumpers. People who try to take the bible way too seriously. There are a lot of things that are in there that will never be taught at church.
My vision of heaven is to be there when FIRE and BRIMSTONE baptists die and find out that they denied themselves just about everything pleasureable and the Catholics find out all that guilt was unnecessary.... and the true measure was how tolerant you were to others...
My vision of heaven doesn't involve anyone dying, but hey that's just me, you know the ol' uncaring righty.
Stop your deceit comrade. Ib1 said "I laugh at your God" , he did NOT say "I laugh at your beliefs".

Honestly, it's like Liberals are so badly brainwashed, that even with the purest example in front of them, they try and fool themselves into pretending it being different.
Fucked up man.

When you lump all liberals into one catagory relating to God you are showing supreme ignorance.
Stop your deceit comrade. Ib1 said "I laugh at your God" , he did NOT say "I laugh at your beliefs".

Honestly, it's like Liberals are so badly brainwashed, that even with the purest example in front of them, they try and fool themselves into pretending it being different.
Fucked up man.

Give me a break. The vast majority of liberals are religious in some way (if you compare national polls of self-identified liberals w/ polls on belief in God), and your assertions that "tons" of liberals make fun of God, and that it's "surprising" that a liberal would reference God in a positive way, plays on an uninformed, simplistic stereotype held by only blockheaded righties (surprise, surprise)....
I like to make fun of bible thumpers. People who try to take the bible way too seriously. There are a lot of things that are in there that will never be taught at church.

Sure, sure. Honestly I don't care, I'm surprised an average joke turned into this discussion.
Darla asked for an example of a Liberal making fun of God and I gave it, that's the thing I'm saying here, not trying to preach anything or whatever.
I'd love to see one example of a liberal "making fun of God".

That one would be fairly simple... How many times have you heard that believing in God is like believing in a fairy tale?

It is a childish behavior to act as though you know for sure one way or the other. Which is why so many on the left are just as bad as those on the right in the extremity of trying to force their beliefs on others or disparaging their opponents beliefs.
Stop your deceit comrade. Ib1 said "I laugh at your God" , he did NOT say "I laugh at your beliefs".

Honestly, it's like Liberals are so badly brainwashed, that even with the purest example in front of them, they try and fool themselves into pretending it being different.
Fucked up man.

Above is where you lumped LIBERALS into one brainwashed catagory!
That one would be fairly simple... How many times have you heard that believing in God is like believing in a fairy tale?

It is a childish behavior to act as though you know for sure one way or the other. Which is why so many on the left are just as bad as those on the right in the extremity of trying to force their beliefs on others or disparaging their opponents beliefs.

Ive never said that and rarely heard such a thing, Now I have heard people say, that beliveing in a specific religen is like beliveing in a fary tale. When you belive in the doctrine of a specific religen you ARE buying into a fairy tale. It might be a fairy tail that helps explain the true nature of god, but a fariy tail none-the-less.
Damo, it's frankly kind of BS that you'd take issue with the "show me 1 post" line, but seem to have no problems w/ Dano painting all liberals with his usual barndoor brush of "what a surprise that any of those God-ridiculing atheists would even attempt to make a positive comment about that which none of them believe in" drivel...

Funny, but you don't mention Socr doing the same thing....

"You conservatives are pissed because liberals didn't want the state to tell kids HOW to pray or who to pray to in schools, because the Ten Commandments DON'T belong in a public building and Yes I know they are on the Supreme Court building but they shouldn't be. We are a country of laws. Man made statutory laws. Just because the 10 commandments talk about not stealing and not killing doesn't make them the FOUNDATION for our laws. EVERY major society has laws against those things.

YOu fucking holier than though conservatives only like god when he serves your purposes, to show how immoral the liberals are or to extoll the idea of vengence. But MOST of you don't lead the god centered life everyday either. And I know this because you started off with the JUDGMENT that liberals don't believe in god, and thou shalt not judge."

He too is painting with a broad brush. While there are some liberals as Dano describes and some conservatives that behave as Socrtease describes, they both use broad strokes to do so. In both cases it tends to be vocal minorities that behave in such a manner.
That one would be fairly simple... How many times have you heard that believing in God is like believing in a fairy tale?

It is a childish behavior to act as though you know for sure one way or the other. Which is why so many on the left are just as bad as those on the right in the extremity of trying to force their beliefs on others or disparaging their opponents beliefs.

I know that Jonah did not live in the belly of a whale, that Noah did not get all the planet's animals on one boat, and that Eve did not converse with a talking snake. Those are fairtales. :cof1:
Ive never said that and rarely heard such a thing, Now I have heard people say, that beliveing in a specific religen is like beliveing in a fary tale. When you belive in the doctrine of a specific religen you ARE buying into a fairy tale. It might be a fairy tail that helps explain the true nature of god, but a fariy tail none-the-less.
So, anybody who believes in any specific religion is 'like believing in Tinkerbell and Peter Pan?'
Ive never said that and rarely heard such a thing, Now I have heard people say, that beliveing in a specific religen is like beliveing in a fary tale. When you belive in the doctrine of a specific religen you ARE buying into a fairy tale. It might be a fairy tail that helps explain the true nature of god, but a fariy tail none-the-less.

I read and reread that several times, and all I can say is Spoken like a true lawyer.
Come on man, what you just said is a roundabout way of confirming what Superfreak said. God is the centerpoint of the religion and the chief part of the doctrine you are calling a fairy tale, to make fun of one is to make fun of the other.
Damo, it's frankly kind of BS that you'd take issue with the "show me 1 post" line, but seem to have no problems w/ Dano painting all liberals with his usual barndoor brush of "what a surprise that any of those God-ridiculing atheists would even attempt to make a positive comment about that which none of them believe in" drivel...

I was answering a specific post, and only that post, I don't have the time to read every single post on the site anymore. It's nice to know what people think of you though.

Had Dano said, "Right, see!" I would have informed him that over 70% of the nation profess a belief in Jesus, and 90% a belief in a specific Deity, it would be difficult to find a liberal making fun of God when so many of them believe in a God. However, Dano did not answer me specifically.
Fairy tales like fiscally conservative republicans ?

Like Republicans are the party of personal responsibility ?
Like they were going to clean up the culture of corruption ?
Like WMD's ?
Like mushroom clouds ?
and on and on.
Ive never said that and rarely heard such a thing, Now I have heard people say, that beliveing in a specific religen is like beliveing in a fary tale. When you belive in the doctrine of a specific religen you ARE buying into a fairy tale. It might be a fairy tail that helps explain the true nature of god, but a fariy tail none-the-less.

Nowhere did I say that YOU specifically had said that jarod... so take the stick out of your ass... it will make your day more enjoyable.
Funny, but you don't mention Socr doing the same thing....

"You conservatives are pissed because liberals didn't want the state to tell kids HOW to pray or who to pray to in schools, because the Ten Commandments DON'T belong in a public building and Yes I know they are on the Supreme Court building but they shouldn't be. We are a country of laws. Man made statutory laws. Just because the 10 commandments talk about not stealing and not killing doesn't make them the FOUNDATION for our laws. EVERY major society has laws against those things.

YOu fucking holier than though conservatives only like god when he serves your purposes, to show how immoral the liberals are or to extoll the idea of vengence. But MOST of you don't lead the god centered life everyday either. And I know this because you started off with the JUDGMENT that liberals don't believe in god, and thou shalt not judge."

He too is painting with a broad brush. While there are some liberals as Dano describes and some conservatives that behave as Socrtease describes, they both use broad strokes to do so. In both cases it tends to be vocal minorities that behave in such a manner.
Guilty as charged.