Thank God Gore wasn't President after 9/11!

Damo, it's frankly kind of BS that you'd take issue with the "show me 1 post" line, but seem to have no problems w/ Dano painting all liberals with his usual barndoor brush of "what a surprise that any of those God-ridiculing atheists would even attempt to make a positive comment about that which none of them believe in" drivel...
Well to be fair I find it's usually younger Liberals, the older Liberals like yourself aren't quite as daring and usually hold on to a thread of the generation they were raised under.

I don't really care to be honest, it was just a joke based on the moderately truthful stereotype of Liberals not believing in God.

I don't make fun of God because I"m "older and not as daring"?

Let me get this straight, is that your claim?
He's not making fun of God. He sounds as if he is an atheist, and one cannot make fun of what one does not believe even exists.
Right....maybe you missed the HAHAHAHAHA part? It must have been hard seeing as immediately before that he basically said "I laugh at your God".
Sorry, you make a lousy lawyer.

Atheists are a very small percentage of the population, and to make the claim that liberals "make fun of God" based on this, is pretty low down and crawly, but that's where you live isn't it Dano?
A lie.
I don't think they make fun of them because they are atheists, in fact I know plenty of Libertarian athiests who don't make fun of God. They just do it to flout what they perceive as authority or traditionalism or what have you to try and piss off "da man".
People are a lot more Liberal when they are young with wanting lots of freedom and no responsibility, which is a big reason why older Liberals often resemble nothing more than teenagers who refused to grow up. They're still stuck in a perpetual rebellious mode.
I don't make fun of God because I"m "older and not as daring"?

Let me get this straight, is that your claim?
No that's my observation and theory, could be wrong but I doubt it.
If you'd like to explain why more younger Liberals make fun of God than older ones, then go ahead.

God used to be a more staple part of life each generation you go back, and ties are a bit harder to cut when they are more ingrained.
I don't make fun of God because I"m "older and not as daring"?

Let me get this straight, is that your claim?

:nolovejesus: Is this where you are coming from darla? While in Catholic School...your nuns told you this when ya had a crush on a school mate and turned up your skirt to make it more a mini?...sad really that you carry a grudge way into your adult life...I will pray for you...or
"If you'd like to explain why more younger Liberals make fun of God than older ones, then go ahead."

And this is based on....your vast observational experience?

With DeMano, it's always, "I know tons of liberals who do this," and "I know plenty of Libertarian atheists who don't..." blah, blah, blah...all of that damning, Danectodal evidence...
Right....maybe you missed the HAHAHAHAHA part? It must have been hard seeing as immediately before that he basically said "I laugh at your God".
Sorry, you make a lousy lawyer. I laugh at the God of plenty of people. Those who believe that "God" was watching out for them because they walked away from a car accident. I think that makes them stupid and incredibly self-centered, and I certainly do laugh at "their God" but that does not mean I am "making fun of God" I simply reject the very idea that their idea of what God is even exists. What would make you think you are so f'ing special that God is looking out for whether or not you are hurt in a car accident, while at the same exact time a child is being starved or beaten to death? I make fun of people who say Grace before mealtimes, and thank God for their food. Thus stating that God thinks enough of them to actually provide them with food, while simultanesouly starving millions of children around the world. I do not say Grace and find it offensive. To believe that your one life is worth more than the lives of one million others, is "making fun of God" and that is my belief.

A lie.
I don't think they make fun of them because they are atheists, in fact I know plenty of Libertarian athiests who don't make fun of God. They just do it to flout what they perceive as authority or traditionalism or what have you to try and piss off "da man".
People are a lot more Liberal when they are young with wanting lots of freedom and no responsibility, which is a big reason why older Liberals often resemble nothing more than teenagers who refused to grow up. They're still stuck in a perpetual rebellious mode.

In bold to the first paragraph, and to your second one, :gives: what you "think".

You are once again pulling prejudice out of your ass and acting as if you have some knowledge of what goes on in the hearts and minds of others, but you have no such knowledge at all.
There is a lot more than the Iraq war to consider:

As you can see Obama voted against all tax cuts and for every single spending increase except earmarks and immigration, he also tried to stop any actual spending cuts.
Plus while more of the Dem party is moving away from gun control, Obama was one of the few who voted to try and allow gun manufacturers and gun sellers to be sued by those who were victims of the guns that we're used.
Why don't I sue Ford next time one of their cars crashes into me, ridiculous logic and dangerous too.

Honestly, it won't matter what Obama thinks about guns if he was president. Congress will be the ones I worry about allowing through a bill that might let him put that kind of thing in place, and I don't think they will. As far as fiscal policy goes, Paul is the only one I trust in that position. So Obama is my next best choice.
:nolovejesus: Is this where you are coming from darla? While in Catholic School...your nuns told you this when ya had a crush on a school mate and turned up your skirt to make it more a mini?...sad really that you carry a grudge way into your adult life...I will pray for you...or

What the fuck are you babbling about moron?
No that's my observation and theory, could be wrong but I doubt it.
If you'd like to explain why more younger Liberals make fun of God than older ones, then go ahead.

God used to be a more staple part of life each generation you go back, and ties are a bit harder to cut when they are more ingrained.

I don't know any "young liberals" who "make fun of God' but nice attempt at getting me to argue on your premise. I reject your entire premise, got it now?
On ocassion I'll post the Pastafarian site, which generally makes fun of all creationists. I find it fun, however people's beliefs are not something I will make fun of. It would be hypocritical for me to make fun of another's beliefs and/or God.
On ocassion I'll post the Pastafarian site, which generally makes fun of all creationists. I find it fun, however people's beliefs are not something I will make fun of. It would be hypocritical for me to make fun of another's beliefs and/or God.

Making fun of another person's beliefs is not making fun of God, and if it is? You're going straight to hell, and I will now bump a thread proving so.
this thread got weird.

I've seen AOI and others make fun of religious beliefs. But not of "God" him/herself. Heck, so have I: I don't like fundamentalist religious beliefs, although I can respect more tolerant forms of spirituality.
In bold to the first paragraph, and to your second one, :gives: what you "think".

You are once again pulling prejudice out of your ass and acting as if you have some knowledge of what goes on in the hearts and minds of others, but you have no such knowledge at all.

I don't have to perform ESP or psychiatry stupid, you asked for an example of a Liberal making fun of God and ib1 basically WROTE (and that's "wrote" as in "not thought") "I laugh at your God".
Case closed.

As a side note, I also find it hillarious that those who seem to react the most passionately against my arguments use the :gives: gif. I mean that's about a contradictory an expression as you can get...
I don't have to perform ESP or psychiatry stupid, you asked for an example of a Liberal making fun of God and ib1 basically WROTE (and that's "wrote" as in "not thought") "I laugh at your God".
Case closed.

As a side note, I also find it hillarious that those who seem to react the most passionately against my arguments use the :gives: gif. I mean that's about a contradictory an expression as you can get...

No, in this case I asked you why you said that I don't make fun of God because I am not "daring enough" and you went on a long diatribe about a bunch of BS that you "think" and offered no evidence.

I do say :gives: to what you "think", I am interested however, in what you can offer evidence of.
Making fun of another person's beliefs is not making fun of God, and if it is? You're going straight to hell, and I will now bump a thread proving so.
I try not to make fun of people's beliefs, but am not perfect. However, "I laugh at your God" is both making fun of the belief and of the God itself.
I didn't start out with anything, I've observed tons of Liberals in debate making fun of God and claiming to be athiests, so yes I find it funny when they use the expression of "thanking God".

As for me as a "fucking holier than though Conservative", go find any thread where I've preached anything like the bullshit you accuse me of.

And go ask some of the Dem party's biggest supporters in hispanics and blacks how they feel about gay marriage? It's always the religious whitey-righties that are attacked but you do a poll and you'll see where the strongest opposition is. Or better yet ask Rob on here who he has got more venom from? Liberals or Conservatives. Go ahead and ask him.

This whole post just reads like some kind of serious editorial attempt for the paper, I thought you knew me better than your writing shows and by the way what I wrote was a joke anyway.

I belive in God, I am a liberal, and I VOTE! Show me anywhere where I have ever dispareged God OR claimed to be an atheist?
I try not to make fun of people's beliefs, but am not perfect. However, "I laugh at your God" is both making fun of the belief and of the God itself.

"I laugh at God" would be making fun of God.

"I laugh at your God" is kinda the same as you laughing at Madonna's God.

Now, if he meant it another way, fine, even is still complete BS to make the statement Dano made, and what's more, you know it!
Just you darla...........

What the fuck are you babbling about moron?

the Catholic school girl who went astray...just because some irate nun...chastized her as a young girl...don't shoot the messenger...I also went to Catholic School as a youth...was kicked out because I kicked a nun who was pulling my hair...just because I kissed a cute classmate...'Mary Ann';) was her name...and I just laugh about it today...did not make me hard in the heart!
"I laugh at God" would be making fun of God.

"I laugh at your God" is kinda the same as you laughing at Madonna's God.

Now, if he meant it another way, fine, even is still complete BS to make the statement Dano made, and what's more, you know it!
Except I wasn't. Unless you think I am Scott Adams and write the Dilbert Blog then those were not my words and the reason they were posted is because it was directed at a specific poster whose initials are AHZ. You missed on this one, I wasn't making fun of Kabbalism, I was using another's words to make fun of AHZ's fear of Jews.