The Abominable President: Playing At A News Outlet Near You

Back in 2016 I thought righties liked trump for his entertainment value. He had a TV image and a big mouth, and people enjoyed hearing who and what he would attack. I predicted he wouldn't even get near the nomination because people were wise to him and didn't take him seriously. After all, he didn't have a record to run on and he was nasty, crude and boorish. Boy, was I surprised. As time went on they still supported him despite all his lies, ugly behaviour and ignorance.

IMO it doesn't say much for people who are still taken in by his act after all this time. Intelligence, competence and leadership qualities mean nothing anymore.

The "hard core" trumpodites do not possess the intelligence to see through it. They see themselves as being just like tRump (minus the money). In their minds, he validates their immoral behavior. tRump supporters simply have no morality or substance. These folks watch porn videos on Saturday night and then sit in the first pew on Sunday morning. When Hillary categorized them as "Deplorable", she was absolutely correct.
My point is that it is not just a few mentally unstable losers on obscure message boards who worship Trump, and see him as an extension of their own personalities.

Trump worship is widespread in the conservative media and in the halls of congress.

I admit that this might be a phenomena beyond my comprehension, thus leading me to a bogus conclusion. Because I personally cannot imagine defending, supporting, and lying for someone I personally do not like and who does not hold my respect.

The MAJORITY OF AMERICANS dont respect tRump either. He will have ALWAYS lost the popular vote and will ALWAYS have negative popularity. The stupid people adore and worship tRump. It is as simple as that.
Hello Cypress,

The reason people do that is to avoid an even more objectionable candidate.

They answer yes to this question:

"Will you lie to yourself to get what you want?"

I feel your pain.

I know you've sold your soul into dark demonic servitude, but you're still losing. you were promised power, but now it's all slipping away. it doesn't seem fair, but what did you expect? dealing with the devil? you're like a crazy person!
"Definition of abominable

1. formal : worthy of or causing disgust or hatred.

// detestable the abominable treatment of the poor
// an abominable crime"


If everything is so peachy, and the economy is the most important thing in the world to gauge that by, (the greedy rich will tell you this,) and we have a president who is given the credit for this amazing achievement, (whether deserved or not,) then why can this president not even manage to get half of the people to like him?

It is well known that even of the people who approve of his job performance, many say they don't like him.

RCP favorable

Any other president who has an economy like this would be polling at 70%.

We have an abominable president.

Even Kellyanne Conway referred to trump as a buffoon back when she worked for Cruz.
Basically, Eagle just explained why he voted the very way he claimed that people shouldn't vote......)

Well then he must be if KellyAnne Conway says so right? :laugh:
I know crazy rightys make claims like that. So you are one of them too, Asshat is your teacher.

So you are saying the FBI lied when they said she conducted State Department business through a private unsecure server. A violation of the law. Lol you are the kind of fool the Democrats love.
Hello Tacomaman,

The "hard core" trumpodites do not possess the intelligence to see through it. They see themselves as being just like tRump (minus the money). In their minds, he validates their immoral behavior. tRump supporters simply have no morality or substance. These folks watch porn videos on Saturday night and then sit in the first pew on Sunday morning. When Hillary categorized them as "Deplorable", she was absolutely correct.

I was thinking as I read the first part of your post: 'Oh, he's only talking about the deplorable ones,' and then I got to the part where you simply called them all deplorable.

I believe that is a mistake.

I have a mixture of people in my life and many of them are DT fans. None of them are deplorable. I won't have anything to do with deplorable people, so I don't have any of them in my life. If I find out that somebody I misread was a deplorable person, I simply cut off having anything to do with them. I know the deplorables are out there, but I see no reason to interface with them.

Yes, deplorable hateful people tend to support DT, and he has plenty of them as fans. But I know for a fact that there are many people who are good decent people, yet they have decided to look the other way, to ignore DT's lack of morality. These otherwise moral supporters of DT have found creative ways of convincing themselves that this is the right thing to do, whether it be a belief that 'God works in strange ways,' or that if you take care of the rich, it 'trickles down' to all of society.

The Abominable President has the gift of gab. He is a con man. He is the world's greatest con man. He has conned all of the Republican party which is not deplorable.

The good news is that half of our nation is not deplorable. It's really only half of the Republican party, roughly 1/4 of the nation.
Hello Tacomaman,

I was thinking as I read the first part of your post: 'Oh, he's only talking about the deplorable ones,' and then I got to the part where you simply called them all deplorable.

I believe that is a mistake.

I have a mixture of people in my life and many of them are DT fans. None of them are deplorable. I won't have anything to do with deplorable people, so I don't have any of them in my life. If I find out that somebody I misread was a deplorable person, I simply cut off having anything to do with them. I know the deplorables are out there, but I see no reason to interface with them.

Yes, deplorable hateful people tend to support DT, and he has plenty of them as fans. But I know for a fact that there are many people who are good decent people, yet they have decided to look the other way, to ignore DT's lack of morality. These otherwise moral supporters of DT have found creative ways of convincing themselves that this is the right thing to do, whether it be a belief that 'God works in strange ways,' or that if you take care of the rich, it 'trickles down' to all of society.

The Abominable President has the gift of gab. He is a con man. He is the world's greatest con man. He has conned all of the Republican party which is not deplorable.

The good news is that half of our nation is not deplorable. It's really only half of the Republican party, roughly 1/4 of the nation.
If they look away, are they really decent people? Decent people don’t look away at bad behavior, they stand up to it, they reject it. I question
now that they are really decent people, but that’s just me.
Hello Phantasmal,

If they look away, are they really decent people? Decent people don’t look away at bad behavior, they stand up to it, they reject it. I question
now that they are really decent people, but that’s just me.

As the criteria for being considered 'decent' becomes narrower and narrower, fewer and fewer people meet it. Nobody is perfect. People make mistakes, including mistakes of judgement.

Does it make someone indecent if they are taken in by a con man?

I don't think so.

What if it was the world's greatest con man?

Still, I have to say no.

We all have our inner demons and dark thoughts. Perhaps the difference between a decent person and an indecent person is their success in suppressing these thoughts.

And this opens a whole bag of worms.

Psychological stuff.

Most people who voted for DT in 2016 were actually voting against Hillary. People don't like to admit it when they are wrong. In order to justify their vote for DT, they have to try as hard as possible to justify his performance. Otherwise, they were wrong to vote for him. That's a powerful motivator to cling.

Yeah, most of them should have admitted fault a long time ago, but the consequences of that are unthinkable to them.

They are torn between saving face and admitting fault. That doesn't make them bad people. That makes them human.

Of course, I am referring to what I call the non-deplorable DT fans.

The deplorable ones are simply too filled with hatred to reason with.

Few of them will even talk to someone like me without calling me names, even though I try to be as respectful as possible to them. I remind them of their voting mistake, the one they don't want to admit to themselves. Well, that's the easiest way to get somebody angry at you. Point out something they refuse to accept...
Hello Phantasmal,

As the criteria for being considered 'decent' becomes narrower and narrower, fewer and fewer people meet it. Nobody is perfect. People make mistakes, including mistakes of judgement.

Does it make someone indecent if they are taken in by a con man?

I don't think so.

What if it was the world's greatest con man?

Still, I have to say no.

We all have our inner demons and dark thoughts. Perhaps the difference between a decent person and an indecent person is their success in suppressing these thoughts.

And this opens a whole bag of worms.

Psychological stuff.

Most people who voted for DT in 2016 were actually voting against Hillary. People don't like to admit it when they are wrong. In order to justify their vote for DT, they have to try as hard as possible to justify his performance. Otherwise, they were wrong to vote for him. That's a powerful motivator to cling.

Yeah, most of them should have admitted fault a long time ago, but the consequences of that are unthinkable to them.

They are torn between saving face and admitting fault. That doesn't make them bad people. That makes them human.

Of course, I am referring to what I call the non-deplorable DT fans.

The deplorable ones are simply too filled with hatred to reason with.

Few of them will even talk to someone like me without calling me names, even though I try to be as respectful as possible to them. I remind them of their voting mistake, the one they don't want to admit to themselves. Well, that's the easiest way to get somebody angry at you. Point out something they refuse to accept...
The first time around it may have been a mistake, this time, it’s no mistake, they know who he is, they know he is immoral. This time around they do it willingly, that isn’t decency. I look at all Trump supporters this time around through a different lens.

We will have to agree to disagree, if you still support Trump, you are not a decent person, you allow yourself to be deceived.
All these stupid liberals .... “ Donald Trump is sooooo evil “

Yet .... he’s doing a great job !
He’s advising people to go to work with the “corona flu”. That’s evil, and not what health officials are advising. He’s a moron.