The abortion issue...

Now, one CAN talk about at what point a developing fetus should be presumed to be an "unborn baby" to borrow the anti-abortionists' term.

One can also stick their head up their ass and ignore science and biology completely, that doesn't make their viewpoint right.

Science is pretty damn clear on when human life begins, it's not an opinion, it's not a viewpoint, it's not subject to interpretation or terminology, it's not a presumption or theory, it is a hard core provable scientific and biological fact that is a fact, and can't be denied or refuted.
i think it should be legal, because then we can at least have a count of our progress in the reduction of them....and ....otherwise, they will continue, only underground, and in an unsafe manner to the desparate mother.

This is another moral cop out. You may as well say, slavery should be kept legal, that way, we know who is being enslaved and can monitor their treatment as slaves, besides, people will still own slaves after abolition, where else are the slaves going to go? What are they going to do? How will they ever blend with society? Yes... it is our moral obligation to the slaves, to keep slavery legal, so that we can keep them safe on their plantations!

This is your argument, Care! It's the EXACT same argument as white people made for keeping slavery legal! It is morally reprehensible to continue allowing people to kill innocent human beings! I don't give a fuck about what the problems MIGHT be, should we stop this hideous practice, we'll address those when we get there, let's just stop the carnage first!
dixie, ANSWER my questions i asked of you in the above post as honestly as you can, before we go any further!!!!!!
No Care, I am not going to answer your question, it has nothing to do with the issue of whether we should allow people to kill innocent human beings. It is your attempt to change the focus of the debate, and make it about someones personal situation, rather than discuss the issue. Please stay on topic.
No Care, I am not going to answer your question, it has nothing to do with the issue of whether we should allow people to kill innocent human beings. It is your attempt to change the focus of the debate, and make it about someones personal situation, rather than discuss the issue. Please stay on topic.

you don't think that, for a young, single, woman, that abortion is not a personal situation? How you deal with personal situations is certainly relevant if you are preaching to others how they should deal with theirs.
those questions were certainly ON TOPIC for anyone CLAIMING to be a Christian discussing this dear dixie....
...and Care, we need to keep this debate in the realm of science and not religion or religious belief. According to the Bible, we are to respect what God creates, so there is no debate from a religious standpoint, killing innocent human life that God created is morally wrong in God's eyes. If this religious fact is not allowed to stand as a basis for disagreement with abortion, then no religious facts should be considered in the debate. I had just as soon keep it confined to what science tells us, and what we know to be a proven biological fact.
those questions were certainly ON TOPIC for anyone CLAIMING to be a Christian discussing this dear dixie....

No Care, the topic is Abortion. Whether or not I have had sex before marriage or since my divorce, or whether or not I am a Christian, is irrelevant to that topic. Sorry... nice try... but sorry!
...and Care, we need to keep this debate in the realm of science and not religion or religious belief. According to the Bible, we are to respect what God creates, so there is no debate from a religious standpoint, killing innocent human life that God created is morally wrong in God's eyes. If this religious fact is not allowed to stand as a basis for disagreement with abortion, then no religious facts should be considered in the debate. I had just as soon keep it confined to what science tells us, and what we know to be a proven biological fact.

i never said abortion was ''right'' in God's eyes.... i don't think david, and moses and paul's murders were ''right'' in God's eyes either... do you? yet He still chose them to be His messengers and i want you to tell me WHY you think that is....? you can't pick and choose what YOU want the Bible to say is right or wrong without reviewing the bible in are choosing to focus on one issue alone and I don't believe that one can KNOW GOD by doing something like that....He is the one that gave us freewill.

NOW, answer my questions....especially the LAST ONE in my post above....let's here a confession of your sins...and whether YOU are and have repented of them....then, and only then, WE can be on equal ground....discussing this abortion issue....and you might learn a thing or two about our God in the mean my hope, while discussing this topic of abortion.
i have spoken to someone who LIVED thru the period of back alley abortions, have you ever spoken to anyone that lived thru it? don't tell me it's a copout...when you obviously don't have a clue what you are talking about.

in truth, i don't think it should be legal or illegal....i don't think our government should be involved at all....

with their involvement of making it legal, it makes the average joe think, hmmm... it must be ok if the gvt sanctions it openly....

it SHOULD have been left private, and left alone....with no gvt involvement...then it would have been up to the girl's family, and church to teach her right from wrong....just as it is up to the parents to teach other morals like not having sex until marriage, or not committing adultery etc...

I do think that an unborn child is a human being, but does not have the same worth as a born child....I can't get past that...there are a few spots in the Bible that confirm this also.

the latter, took it's first breath of made it past all the stages of life where it could have died and where many fertilized eggs and embryos do die naturally....none the less, abortion is still terminating ones offspring, one's future child.... :(

what I can say is that there is an absence of Malice towards the unborn child when a woman terminates her pregnancy, at least in the earliest stages of pregnancy because there is no bond yet....malice is never a part of the decision making process, whereas killing her already born child would take malice to do such.....this is why it is not murder imo and it is not murder because one has to be born first before they can be murdered.

And one last thing....we are all sinners...including YOU.... Forgiveness is what Christianity is ALL and others seem to think that abortion is the ONLY SIN IN THE WORLD, while you continue to spit in God's face with your own personal sins, justifying them in your head, as to be "less" of a sin than abortion, therefore you have every right to throw that first stone.

Sometimes, like with Moses, and Paul, and others.... God chooses those that have struggled with sin and with Him to be His chosen people...the ones that do more to bring others to Him...because they have struggled, but overcame the struggle or at least tried to.

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Care, for the last time, I am not going to answer your irrelevant question, it has nothing to do with this debate. If we were discussing the outlawing of premarital sex, maybe your question would be relevant, but that is not the discussion here. If you wish to discuss premarital sex and what the Bible has to say about it, feel free to start that thread!

I also don't need to hear your personal religious feelings on the abortion question, as this too is irrelevant. You can pour your heart out all you like, and try to appease your guilt by clinging to your misinterpretations of the Bible, that doesn't refute the points made regarding legality or morality of the intentional taking of innocent human life. If you have something related to science or biology to offer, please do, but let's stop trying to introduce religion into this debate, I can't use religion as a basis to oppose abortion, so you shouldn't be able to use it to condone abortion either. We have to use the same standards, and mine are based on sound science and biological fact, not religious dogma.
I do think that an unborn child is a human being, but does not have the same worth as a born child....

So, some human beings have more 'worth' than others, in your opinion? I think that is really all we need to know about your views. Thanks for being honest.
Care, for the last time, I am not going to answer your irrelevant question, it has nothing to do with this debate. If we were discussing the outlawing of premarital sex, maybe your question would be relevant, but that is not the discussion here. If you wish to discuss premarital sex and what the Bible has to say about it, feel free to start that thread!

I also don't need to hear your personal religious feelings on the abortion question, as this too is irrelevant. You can pour your heart out all you like, and try to appease your guilt by clinging to your misinterpretations of the Bible, that doesn't refute the points made regarding legality or morality of the intentional taking of innocent human life. If you have something related to science or biology to offer, please do, but let's stop trying to introduce religion into this debate, I can't use religion as a basis to oppose abortion, so you shouldn't be able to use it to condone abortion either. We have to use the same standards, and mine are based on sound science and biological fact, not religious dogma.

you are a hypocrite...that's all i can say.

and sweet dreams, good night.

you can't pick and choose what YOU want the Bible to say is right or wrong without reviewing the bible in are choosing to focus on one issue alone and I don't believe that one can KNOW GOD by doing something like that....

Care, I have not mentioned religious belief in my argument against abortion. You are the one who introduced religion, and seek to justify killing innocent babies that God created Himself, with your misunderstanding of The Bible, not me! I have stayed completely on topic here, and I have not tried to pound anyone over the head with my personal religious beliefs, and make them accept that as the basis for my argument, again, this is YOU doing precisely that! I will ask you again, please refrain from using religious teachings to refute science and biology, it doesn't fly, it's a double-standard, and it will not be allowed to stand. Sorry, but religion is widely interpreted and subjective to personal beliefs, therefore, can't be used to debate this issue in any regard.
Hi Darla.

Well, it have not been around for a number of reasons.

1. I am in a transition period in my life. I need to find a new job as my company has fallen on hard times.

2. I wanted to take a break from political debate for a while but since I had to complete my term on the FullPolitics Security Council I started to find my presense on these boards an obligation more than an intellectual diversion.

3. Visiting these boards after a while showed that nothing has really changed with any of the people on either site. I've been on these type of boards for 3 years and many times I thought that I offered new and clever ways to approach various topics. At the time some agreed that they were interesting ideas but alas it does not appear they have made an impact for even those I have spoken with frequently on these boards and don't seem to have been affected by them in the long run.

4. I'm not especially interested in political debate at this point. I'm much more interested in philosophy. Politics is but a small compartment of this larger discipline and what I have found that good political debate comes when one leaves the argument of politics and enters the philosophical realm. It is at this point it transcends the what and even the how and why but leaves one question. What is important and why?

Just popped in to see how you all have been doing. Thought I just throw in a few comments since I didn't want to be so self-important as to make a thread proclaiming my presence.

I hope all is well with all of you here.
You have been missed.
...and Care, we need to keep this debate in the realm of science and not religion or religious belief. According to the Bible, we are to respect what God creates, so there is no debate from a religious standpoint, killing innocent human life that God created is morally wrong in God's eyes. If this religious fact is not allowed to stand as a basis for disagreement with abortion, then no religious facts should be considered in the debate. I had just as soon keep it confined to what science tells us, and what we know to be a proven biological fact.

Well then, God created that sperm you constantly spill....isn't that showing disrespect towards God? Hypocrite.
Care, for the last time, I am not going to answer your irrelevant question, it has nothing to do with this debate. If we were discussing the outlawing of premarital sex, maybe your question would be relevant, but that is not the discussion here. If you wish to discuss premarital sex and what the Bible has to say about it, feel free to start that thread!

I thought YOU were the Scientist? YOU know damn well these two topics have EVERYTHING to do with eachother! If you weren't DICKING all those women and committing fornication with that girl, THERE WOULD BE NO PREGNANCY.... oh, unless you think all those pregnant women got there through some miracle.... it was your sin, man's sin that caused the start taking SOME of the responsibility. Hypocrite.
I do not think that a fetus should ever be aborted, that a fetus is that "specific" stage of human life, where one can say abortion should not happen as far as our Laws on the books....that takes place at around 10 weeks.

In the fertilized egg stage, and the embryo stage more than 80% are spontaneously aborted....they don't implant themselves in to the wall of the uterus or they get rejected in the early embryo stage.... are they human at this stage? one arguing with you on this thread has said they are not human but you keep trying to say they are denying why do you keep stressing this point?

this is a personal issue, between the mother and the father and the doctor and ones God.....

and even though i am certain that my God would not want ME to have an abortion, i also know that my God is a loving and forgiving God....something YOU seem to forget... unless of course it is the God that forgives you for your fornication and your part in making the girl pregnant in the FIRST place. Hypocrite.
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And what I was trying to say on the religious realm of this subject is that sometimes sin, and struggling with sin, can bring us CLOSER to God....a closer relationship to God than we ever imagined could happen....

And I was also trying to point out that God, who knows ALL, knew that Moses, Paul, and King David would all be murderers before they were even born and knew their struggles with sin, YET He still favored them and trusted them and bonded with them. He is the TRUE example of what He expects from us.

This same God, KNOWS the struggles of these women with their choice to abort their unborn child and this same God, has forgiven them. So butt out, it is none or your concern UNLESS you can follow God's actions and be there for them with an open heart and with forgiveness....which YOU are lacking in both. Hypocrite.