The actual border bill issues..

That's not my understanding, Damo. Even if the bill wasn't perfect, it was a stepping stone. Now what do we have? The status quo. No change.

Do you really think Trump is going to be able to do what he claims? 200% tariffs? Deport everyone who isn't a citizen regardless of legal status, marriage? What about the kids with one American parent and one foreign-born albeit legally here? Are they going to be deported too? Will there be a paper-bag test to determine deportation status?

it only facilitated more illegals immigrants coming in.

you're an idiot if you think otherwise, deep state retard.
And this is a bad thing how? Explain how pouring into a nation a mass of disparate social, ethnic, religious, and language groups makes a society better?
I also believe that ethnically homogeneous nations will always have more solidarity
than ethnically heterogeneous nations such as ours can ever have.

In our case, we don't have that option.
We are an ethnically heterogeneous nation
and there isn't a goddamned thing we can do about it.

And, since white people procreate more responsibly than many other American ethnicities,
not because they're white but because that's what the economically advantaged tend to do,
America will get darker and darker.

Thus, the options are to get used to the idea and make it work as well as it can
try to resist the inevitable and make things harder for everybody.

Democrats choose the former.
Republicans choose the latter.

Also, you didn't need this explanation.
Unless you're seriously impaired,
you already knew this.
more resources mean nothing if those resources are focused on the wrong goal.

more border guards in this context just facilitates more illegal entry.

These nitpicking discussions are so full of shit.

Republicans killed a bi-partisan immigration bill because they wanted to run on the issue
more than they wanted to mitigate it.

It's as simple as that,
and if you don't immediate recognize that,
you're either perversely disingenuous or seriously stupid.

Trumpanzees manage to be both at the same time.
It's like a special gift for those who have few.
These nitpicking discussions are so full of shit.

Republicans killed a bi-partisan immigration bill because they wanted to run on the issue
more than they wanted to mitigate it.

It's as simple as that,
and if you don't immediate recognize that,
you're either perversely disingenuous or seriously stupid.

Trumpanzees manage to be both at the same time.
It's like a special gift for those who have few.

the provisions of the bill just facilitated MORE Illegal immigration.

so fuck that.

TRUMP 2024.
Yawn. Calm down Joe. You could no sooner beat my ass than a could a chihuahua. But you share the skills of yapping and humping my leg. Have a good day, Joseph. Don't work too hard.

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
I see what you mean.

Something to remember..........The very same people who say that Whites are racist for believing that the demographics and culture of the country is changing too fast are the exact same people who THROW A COMPLETE FIT when they find that Blacks are being displaced all over the country by the hordes of illegals pouring in. Myself,....I call it sweet justice.....
I call it more retarded stupidity coming from the radical Left.
The Republicans were for the bill before they were against it, Terry. It was a stepping stone. Anyone who thinks a bill is perfect is an idiot.

Now, thanks to Trump and his MAGAts, what do We, the People, have to show for it? Nada. Zip. Nothing. The old status quo....which, IMO, is exactly what those mega-rich business owners and political donors want; a quasi-indentured servant worker base to help keep wages down and profits up.

MAGAts, whether they are smart enough to see this or not, are supporting suppressing their own wages by being against immigration reform.
Illegals need arrest, trial, conviction, and deportation. That's it. Any bill seeking to normalize them and make them citizens should be tossed out.
This is the Republican position in a nutshell:

'We don't want the administration acting unilaterally. We don't want Executive Orders, we want legislation'

'Okay, we have the legisltation we wanted. But our cult leader wants to kill the bill, so we are voting against our own leglslation'

'Why didn't the President use Executive orders????'

And you support this absolutely idiotic positions. Okay, cool, bro.

If you don't know the answer to that question, you have no business discussing immigration. Ever.

Countries with borders achieve very close to that.

If you're in power and that's not your goal you're a joke and need to resign immediately.

WTF is actually wrong with you anyway? If you think 5k a day is ok you need to leave as well.
These nitpicking discussions are so full of shit.

Republicans killed a bi-partisan immigration bill because they wanted to run on the issue
more than they wanted to mitigate it.

It's as simple as that,
and if you don't immediate recognize that,
you're either perversely disingenuous or seriously stupid.

Trumpanzees manage to be both at the same time.
It's like a special gift for those who have few.
You have the mental agility of a small cantaloupe.