The Alliance of Thoughtful Threadstarters.


on indefiniate mod break
Guys, we need to talk

a lot of you, are simply retarded. you make really retarded threads.

I am not talking about political opinions, I am talking about the quality of your thought.

Now before anyone says all I do is make weed threads, thats' in off topic. that is the home for that stuff.

For example centerleft today made some retarded thread where it's literally just pictures of macron and trump and some really banal commentary on his part.

Can we just agree if we are going to make threads, in current events, ... that regardless of our political opinions, we try not to just post a bunch of pictures from Could we also try typing out a paragraph every now and then? Please, lets stop being retarded. thank you.
this is thread thread i was referring to:!!!&p=3225978#post3225978

it's so fucking dumb

and many of you do this shit all day long. don't you have anything better to do? get a life.

Yep, it's one of the dumbest threads I've seen on here. And it's true that most of the horrifically stupid threads on this site are started by liberals. They have NOTHING to really debate with, so they post garbage. Pathetic.
Yep, it's one of the dumbest threads I've seen on here. And it's true that most of the horrifically stupid threads on this site are started by liberals. They have NOTHING to really debate with, so they post garbage. Pathetic.

true. but many conservatives start moronic threads as well. I will not be partisan in this thread.
true. but many conservatives start moronic threads as well. I will not be partisan in this thread.

And I admire you being non-partisan on this thread. Shouldn't the moderators and the staff members of this site BE non-partisan and un-biased? I've always thought that staff, ESPECIALLY moderators on ANY website were supposed to be un-biased. That certainly doesn't seem to apply to this site.
Guys, we need to talk

a lot of you, are simply retarded. you make really retarded threads.

I am not talking about political opinions, I am talking about the quality of your thought.

Now before anyone says all I do is make weed threads, thats' in off topic. that is the home for that stuff.

For example centerleft today made some retarded thread where it's literally just pictures of macron and trump and some really banal commentary on his part.

Can we just agree if we are going to make threads, in current events, ... that regardless of our political opinions, we try not to just post a bunch of pictures from Could we also try typing out a paragraph every now and then? Please, lets stop being retarded. thank you.

Sometimes you need 'filler material' before the real 'Gems' are displayed. (just an opinion)
And I admire you being non-partisan on this thread. Shouldn't the moderators and the staff members of this site BE non-partisan and un-biased? I've always thought that staff, ESPECIALLY moderators on ANY website were supposed to be un-biased. That certainly doesn't seem to apply to this site.

well our general philosophy is we hold ourselves to the conduct as any other user, that means trolling and shittalking and all, we are all unbiased when it comes to actual moderation. we aren't fake. also it's easy for us to do it this way because we dont have many rules to enforce. we basically don't censor people here
And I admire you being non-partisan on this thread. Shouldn't the moderators and the staff members of this site BE non-partisan and un-biased? I've always thought that staff, ESPECIALLY moderators on ANY website were supposed to be un-biased. That certainly doesn't seem to apply to this site.

:palm: Oh boy!

Steven. (shaking head here) I don't want to give away the Store here, but 'Wizard' (like in 'Grand Wizard of the Eternal Cyclops') is in Reality ... Leader of Red Team. Yes, I know, this is a SHOCKING revelation, but still ... True.
Now, for your further edification, there's a guy here called 'Captain Billy'. This is Wizard's 'Chief Enforcer' and Leader of the infamous 'Goon Squad' that roams around and terrorizes Blue Team into Submission.
PS: There's also this Woman. Always dresses in White (no cleavage exposed and very little skin exposed) that wanders around with this large oversized Bible and randomly tells you what the Constitution says. Like, you probably didn't know this, but did you know the Constitution guarantees that Muslim children can bring their Prayer Rugs to school? I could go on but I don't want to spoil it for you as you learn more about the Constitution. Her name is 'Miss Phantasmal'. Be Careful if she suddenly pops up out of nowhere. And Rule #1 ... don't mention ANYTHING about 'sex'. Now I avoid gossip as much as the next guy here at JPP, but there is something about her being kidnapped, taken to Alaska, where she was turned into a 'sex slave' and forced to make this guy a Brown Bag lunch everyday as he went to work ... plus, forced to clean his house when he was gone for the 8 hours. It's all clouded in mystery and secrecy, that's why I avoid speculating about it.
this is thread thread i was referring to:!!!&p=3225978#post3225978

it's so fucking dumb

and many of you do this shit all day long. don't you have anything better to do? get a life.
Otherwise the children will never learn if you don't set a good example.

I used to be more careful what I post -but the trolls and the idiots just post EVERY LITTLE THING
in Current events -why should I be the adult when the kids run wild?
Otherwise the children will never learn if you don't set a good example.

I used to be more careful what I post -but the trolls and the idiots just post EVERY LITTLE THING
in Current events -why should I be the adult when the kids run wild?

Just an observation. Probably nobody cares. You go to a Chat Room and just start blurting out whatever is on your mind. Does anybody care whether it's 'Religion', 'Politics', or some 'News Event' that just happened? 50 people all rushing in to post some "Hey, let me Enlighten you!" ... and then goes on to post whatever has grabbed his fancy.
Can YOU define the importance of posting on specific 'Forums'?
(again, just an observation)
Just an observation. Probably nobody cares. You go to a Chat Room and just start blurting out whatever is on your mind. Does anybody care whether it's 'Religion', 'Politics', or some 'News Event' that just happened? 50 people all rushing in to post some "Hey, let me Enlighten you!" ... and then goes on to post whatever has grabbed his fancy.
Can YOU define the importance of posting on specific 'Forums'?
(again, just an observation)
chat is a continuous scroll. it's mindlessly scrolling onward whether the moving finger has writ or not.
the Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit. Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
Message board is dialogue format. mindless actors talking back and forth.
:) Exactly. You have proved my point. (nobody cares)
yes they do. If i want to see philosophy or religion i look there. a little organization ensures I see the content

Junking up Current Events with that silliness like pics of Trump's face is just bilge to slog thru
to find something worth posting on
well our general philosophy is we hold ourselves to the conduct as any other user, that means trolling and shittalking and all, we are all unbiased when it comes to actual moderation. we aren't fake. also it's easy for us to do it this way because we dont have many rules to enforce. we basically don't censor people here

The owner of this forum could fix this yesterday, but he is evidently content with a forum that never attracts new members, and is a haven for the rejects and dregs of the internet. I like the idea of "lightly moderated", but this place is a free for all.
yes they do. If i want to see philosophy or religion i look there. a little organization ensures I see the content

Junking up Current Events with that silliness like pics of Trump's face is just bilge to slog thru
to find something worth posting on

(sigh) May I quote you?

"Message board is dialogue format. mindless actors talking back and forth." (the keyword being 'mindless')
You may be under the impression (mistaken in my view) that JPP is filled with a bunch of Ph.D. candidates, ... rather than the more obvious 'People in search of the elusive G.E.D.' group.
(of course, this is just another 'opinion' of one of the 'G.E.D. seekers' here) :(
The owner of this forum could fix this yesterday, but he is evidently content with a forum that never attracts new members, and is a haven for the rejects and dregs of the internet. I like the idea of "lightly moderated", but this place is a free for all.

'Naked Guy' was a 'New Member'. And what did YOU do. As usual ... COMPLAIN.
Otherwise the children will never learn if you don't set a good example.

I used to be more careful what I post -but the trolls and the idiots just post EVERY LITTLE THING
in Current events -why should I be the adult when the kids run wild?

we do, you fucking retard.
The owner of this forum could fix this yesterday, but he is evidently content with a forum that never attracts new members, and is a haven for the rejects and dregs of the internet. I like the idea of "lightly moderated", but this place is a free for all.

we get new members all the time.

and yes, jpp is free. it will always be free.