The Alliance of Thoughtful Threadstarters.

Something tells me that the thread in question would have never warranted the slightest bit of Grind outrage if it had been making fun of RBG faces or Obama faces or Anthony Weiner di... er, faces.
well you (mods) didn't here.
i'm on this board most every day, and the very few times a thread is move is notable.

save the retard talk for the retards -TY I appreciate the board/mods and want the same

i mean, we don't announce when we move threads most of the time. so many times you may not even know a thread has been moved.
Something tells me that the thread in question would have never warranted the slightest bit of Grind outrage if it had been making fun of RBG faces or Obama faces or Anthony Weiner di... er, faces.

um no i have said the same thing about conservative moronic posts. for example ive said many times people need to stop their simpleton threads about AOC.
The owner of this forum could fix this yesterday, but he is evidently content with a forum that never attracts new members, and is a haven for the rejects and dregs of the internet. I like the idea of "lightly moderated", but this place is a free for all.
That's what makes it unique.

There are a million boards with power tripping assholes "moderating" -- read that, removing widdle words from the screens of grown adults in faraway lands-- which is fucking ridiculous.

If you want an echo chamber or babysitter, find another board please.
That's what makes it unique.

There are a million boards with power tripping assholes "moderating" -- read that, removing widdle words from the screens of grown adults in faraway lands-- which is fucking ridiculous.

If you want an echo chamber or babysitter, find another board please.

Thank You, LiG.
I love when you give 'Countryboy' a well deserved spanking.
yes they do. If i want to see philosophy or religion i look there. a little organization ensures I see the content

Junking up Current Events with that silliness like pics of Trump's face is just bilge to slog thru
to find something worth posting on

This actually makes sense.
What if you are a High Brow, and you come to JPP for some stimulating exchange about 'Philosophy' or 'Religion'?
You would go to THAT Forum and not have to wade through the Rabble that usually takes up the Front Page.
Thank You, LiG.
I love when you give 'Countryboy' a well deserved spanking.
Not trying to do that but I don't understand when people demand more moderation. I came here because of the lack of moderation.

If he wants other adults to monitor the words he might read on his screen and delete them so he doesn't have to, he should head on over to a million other boards happy to oblige.

I'm an adult so I don't need that bullshit.
This actually makes sense.
What if you are a High Brow, and you come to JPP for some stimulating exchange about 'Philosophy' or 'Religion'?
You would go to THAT Forum and not have to wade through the Rabble that usually takes up the Front Page.
Hello Blissful Wizard,

Could we also try typing out a paragraph every now and then? Please, ...

I do it all the time. I get accused of writing too much. Anything more than a sound byte is too much for some, so I don't worry about it.

There is so much that requires more explicit description than is possible with a sound byte. One of the problems with our politics is this tendency to want everything in a nutshell. Complex issues cannot be over simplified without losing purpose and meaning.

The twitter mentality is not America's best.

If you as a poster don't get accused of writing too much from time to time then you are not writing enough.

Or you have no political position, you're just copying a generic one.
Not trying to do that but I don't understand when people demand more moderation. I came here because of the lack of moderation.

If he wants other adults to monitor the words he might read on his screen and delete them so he doesn't have to, he should head on over to a million other boards happy to oblige.

I'm an adult so I don't need that bullshit.

Agreed completely. This is an issue on, of which I got perma-banned from since the mods there got sick of me calling out their bullshit (so they made up the lie that I had a "sock" account, even though I never use "socks")... The moderation over there is too controlling and "clique oriented". It was definitely a weird place.

The moderation here is MUCH better. Much more "hands free"...
Not trying to do that but I don't understand when people demand more moderation. I came here because of the lack of moderation.

If he wants other adults to monitor the words he might read on his screen and delete them so he doesn't have to, he should head on over to a million other boards happy to oblige.

I'm an adult so I don't need that bullshit.

LiG. Could you do me a Favor?
Please inform USF that I have put him on 'Ignore'.
--->This message is hidden because USFREEDOM911 is on your ignore list.<---
It's not so much for me, it's for his own personal health.
I'm becoming concerned.
That's what makes it unique.

There are a million boards with power tripping assholes "moderating" -- read that, removing widdle words from the screens of grown adults in faraway lands-- which is fucking ridiculous.

If you want an echo chamber or babysitter, find another board please.

You make some valid points, but there is also such a thing as too much of a good thing. If by "unique", you mean overrun with trolls, then yes, it's VERY unique. How much meaningful debate occurs here? Very little.
Guys, we need to talk

a lot of you, are simply retarded. you make really retarded threads.

I am not talking about political opinions, I am talking about the quality of your thought.

Now before anyone says all I do is make weed threads, thats' in off topic. that is the home for that stuff.

For example centerleft today made some retarded thread where it's literally just pictures of macron and trump and some really banal commentary on his part.

Can we just agree if we are going to make threads, in current events, ... that regardless of our political opinions, we try not to just post a bunch of pictures from Could we also try typing out a paragraph every now and then? Please, lets stop being retarded. thank you.

Unless you enforce this kind of thing it's not likely to change. Keep current events and general politcs clean is a good idea though. You have enough political trolling in general politics. Legion, ILA, Guno, and Evmetro are the ones doing that the most.
Opie seems to be struggling with the mainstream opposition of Donald Trump!

Naturally, he finds pictures of Donald Trump being Donald Trump on the world stage, embarrassing! Who wouldn't?

Opie's struggles with reality and discontent with the main-stream media is much like Donald Trump's- "Why does the press keep embarrassing Donald Trump by capturing on film for everyone to see- Donald Trump making an ass out of himself on the public stage?

You make some valid points, but there is also such a thing as too much of a good thing. If by "unique", you mean overrun with trolls, then yes, it's VERY unique. How much meaningful debate occurs here? Very little.
How much "thoughtful debate" occurs on any political message board where people masquerade under anon monikers? I'll tell you. Zero.

People discussing volatile subjects like politics anonymously are never "thoughtful" and civil. All bets are off and anything goes. Here's another little nugget of wisdom. No one has ever changed their political views by reading the screeds of others on a political message board.

If you want "thoughtful debate", join a gardening or any other interest besides politics board.
How much "thoughtful debate" occurs on any political message board where people masquerade under anon monikers? I'll tell you. Zero.

People discussing volatile subjects like politics anonymously are never "thoughtful" and civil. All bets are off and anything goes. Here's another little nugget of wisdom. No one has ever changed their political views by reading the screeds of others on a political message board.

If you want "thoughtful debate", join a gardening or any other interest besides politics board.

This is EXACTLY correct, ... and everyone knows it. We all come here for our 15 minutes of bloviating.