The American Way.

In my opinion, the essentials of the Democratic Party "solutions" are are only marginally more effective than the "solutions" offered by the Republicans. That is to say, probably not effective at all.

The problem is vastly larger than either political party can deal with. The political parties must deal primarily with the political impact of any suggested remedies...and none of the "remedies" are going to have much political traction.

The left/right axis outside of the political sphere probably cannot handle this issue either.

A real solution will only be found in a profound and radical break with a dynamic held sacrosanct by both left and right and Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

That "dynamic" is reasonably characterized as "the Protestant work-ethic."

Before any "solution" will be found for the problem being discussed here...the Protestant work-ethic has to be identified as the anachronism it is...and done away with.

Eliminated completely!

IMO - I've never heard a republican advocate for universal healthcare, raising taxes, funding public education, prison reform, etc. Those are ideas that come from the dems and the progress left.

Every position held by republicans and the right is nothing but lies, greed, racism, violence and death.
The dems problem is, they compromise with that agenda.
We would do well to cease and desist with attempting to militarily occupy the planet and float an economic system on speculation and endless war, focusing upon real threats as opposed to political theatrical threats like a “caravan”.
But we won’t.

Pegging the BS meter again snowflake. But we get it, you hate America and love Venezuela. :laugh:

PRISON, LAW AND JUSTICE REFORM should be at the top of the list.

Our inhumane country locks people up in concrete boxes for years for profit because of the color of their skin.

THAT should alarm every American citizen in this country.

What a pile of race hustling bile snowflake. You should get a bullshitter of the year award! :laugh:

The American way, which is promoted by both major parties, can't work in a 21st. century world. Sharing the wealth between the world's countries on an international basis, and sharing the wealth in America are not in sync with the American way.

What does the American Way mean to you?

To start the discussion off: Trump is causing larger wealth inequality which is the exact opposite of what is needed in America. Promotion of that sort of ideology is an example of 'the American way'.

Before I will allow you to discuss this topic, you must demonstrate that Trump is actually causing a greater income inequality.
Before I will allow you to discuss this topic, you must demonstrate that Trump is actually causing a greater income inequality.

I'm not one to miss meating a challenge, even by a no-mind lowlife like you.

It found the average CEO of the 350 largest US firms took home $18.9 million in compensation (including realized stock options), a 17.6% jump from just one year earlier. In contrast, the average worker's compensation climbed just 0.3%.
We just need to stop voting in blue dog dems, moderate dems and DEMS WHO WANT BIPARTISIANSHIP AND COMPROMISE.

As long as we keep compromising with the hate and greed, we wont move forward.

Yes, I can accept that change might need to happen in a gradual way. But I will warn of dirty tricks being played by either of the two major parties in order to hold up the status quo.

I posted on another thread:
It found the average CEO of the 350 largest US firms took home $18.9 million in compensation (including realized stock options), a 17.6% jump from just one year earlier. In contrast, the average worker's compensation climbed just 0.3%.

If you understand that the Dems are a part of that, then you're on the right track and are thinking at least.
When exactly did it work for Blacks? Be specific please.

It worked for the large majority and blacks were probably just thought of as the incidental casualties. Maybe you could think of it as similar to how Nazism worked for the German people of the 30's.

I haven't the time to address all nitpicking so please don't with me.
Capitalism is an oppression tool used by the wealthy white to maintain control. Lots of white people believe in capitalism. ……...just saying.

I get it. Please consider that in Canada we don't really see much difference in the races, except to some degree with our aboriginal, first nations people that sometimes are the exception. For that I apologize.

The US has created it's nightmarish problems with black people as something quite distinctive from other countries. It's a unique problem to the US and a great topic for discussion if you can relate to it. Or even care to try?

For a quick example of what I mean: Black people in Canada fit right in with all of the income quintiles just as whites or other ethnicities do. The exception could possibly be Asians who are usually harder working and more educated as an average.
Look, Putin's stated goal is to destroy western democracy.

No, I don't agree in the least.

At best to address your perspective, Putin is doing the best for his country, while under a constant barrage of economic blackmail, dirty tricks, US military aggression in Syria, US intentions of destroying Iran, and numerous other acts of aggression by the US.

From hereon we have nothing in common and so I'll put an end to our interactions.
The Dems funtion is that of a pressure relase valve when the ruling aristocracy cannot contain itself, they will not be an answer the people can count upon. FDR saved capitalism once. No one on the horizon to do that again, and the american people at the moment are an utterly subjugated lot awaiting a savior from the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class to save them from his own tribe. Highly unlikely.

I find you state the case the best of all. I've lost confidence in a lot of the others accepting and coming to the realization that the American way needs to be condemned as a failure for the 21st. century, and thus thrown out.

From my perspective it's sort of a testing of the water. They will come along on their own time. On the bright side, some are asking questions, disguised as insults, and that's some real progress. Welcome to the discussion. And enjoy reading between the lines to hear that Dems and Repubs alike are starting to get it!

Note that even TruthDetector is close to frantic with his need for attention! Dog almighty, ya gotta love losers and how they go to pieces so quickly!
The US has created it's nightmarish problems with black people as something quite distinctive from other countries. It's a unique problem to the US and a great topic for discussion if you can relate to it. Or even care to try?

You're as ignorant on history as you are on facts and economics snowflake. The US didn't invent slavery; that dates back thousands of years. The vast MAJORITY of black slaves were by other blacks in Africa and the ME.

The only "distinctive" part was that we fought a massive civil war over the issue and eradicated it.
Both major parties will have to adapt to the demographic change that is occurring.

Wrong; Democrats use race in their policies, Republicans need to stay on message. The minorities, with education, will come around to see the massive lie and failure liberal ideologies are.
I find you state the case the best of all. I've lost confidence in a lot of the others accepting and coming to the realization that the American way needs to be condemned as a failure for the 21st. century, and thus thrown out.

Yep; in brain dead low IQ liberal land, America is quite a failure. It's official; you're an idiot.

Note that even TruthDetector is close to frantic with his need for attention! Dog almighty, ya gotta love losers and how they go to pieces so quickly!

English is not your first language is it snowflake? Yeah, I am real "frantic!" :rofl2:
So? Most Americans, except for the lilly Left snowflakes, could give two shits what the rest of the World says. We are NOT the world's bankroll, nor should we be.

You don't need to be a liberal to see how the world as a whole matters. The whole self first, fuck the rest, is the way Germany went. Trumpies even have all the scapegoats, like the Nazi's did. Their demonization is apparent, and sickening to those not committing it, or blind to history. Politics is corrupt on all sides, but this administration is full of tendencies of the wicked. I will never vote republican again, until they cut out the Trump/Nationalists tumor.