The Antifa Conspiracy Theory

But doesn't rioting and looting just make them look bad, thus helping the Republicans? The rioting took attention away from the murder of George Floyd and made it acceptable to condemn the protesters.

You stupid fuck. Here's reality: An organized group of almost 100 tried to storm the White House. 50 Secret Service were injured. This thing is internationally planned.

So, do tell how 50 secret service got injured because the commies aren't trying to take over the world?

1st link I came across.

This is when "Trump went down into the bunker." Yeah you know what? Good call!

We're gonna kill the fucking commies if they keep it bitch!
-A Real American

You communist pieces of shit will not win this battle, and will be beaten into irrelevancy before long.
The people you wish to try and conquer have not even begun to fight. You're barking up the wrong tree, you stupid fucks.

You got like..1-2 more chances at most and then're fucked!

Americans will defend America, you stupid fucks, and we are the ones with guns and know how to use them.
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You stupid fuck. Here's reality: An organized group of almost 100 tried to storm the White House. 50 Secret Service were injured. This thing is internationally planned.

So, do tell how 50 secret service got injured because the commies aren't trying to take over the world?

1st link I came across.

This is when "Trump went down into the bunker." Yeah you know what? Good call!

We're gonna kill the fucking commies if they keep it bitch!
-A Real American


Here was my question, which you didn't answer: "But doesn't rioting and looting just make them look bad, thus helping the Republicans? The rioting took attention away from the murder of George Floyd and made it acceptable to condemn the protesters."

One more question. By getting so triggered, do you think you're acting like a snowflake?

Here was my question, which you didn't answer: "But doesn't rioting and looting just make them look bad, thus helping the Republicans? The rioting took attention away from the murder of George Floyd and made it acceptable to condemn the protesters."

One more question. By getting so triggered, do you think you're acting like a snowflake?

IDGAF about that. These pieces of shit have mounted an all-out assault on my country, bitch! That's not gonna fly! Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?

There's gonna be dead motherfuckers stacking up soon. Americans ain't playing the ANTIFA/BLM "I ain't got a job so I'm gonna riot" funded by communist bullshit. They could have been put down already, not too many chances left for them. National Guard and the citizenry comes next. They ain't gettin' past us. Nope. Time for a return to Law and Order. Or die, you thieving POS!
I'm going to refer the 2nd amendment at this point. And know that after White Americans, Black Americans are also going to defend America as well. Real Black Americans aren't going to put up with this bullshit either, and we're gonna stand united as Americans, you fucking commies bit off more than you can chew on this thing here. You can take that to the bank.
Even my black friend that was institutionalized for a while, he'll be standing up next to me and I'll provide him with a weapon to kill your commie asses! We're all in this thing together, except for commie pieces of shit!
GTFO America, you communist fucking assholes! You got no business here, whatsoever. Americans ain't ain't playing that game. Doubt me if you want to and die.
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IDGAF about that. These pieces of shit have mounted an all-out assault on my country, bitch! That's not gonna fly! Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?

There's gonna be dead motherfuckers stacking up soon. Americans ain't playing the ANTIFA/BLM "I ain't got a job so I'm gonna riot" funded by communist bullshit. They could have been put down already, not too many chances left for them. National Guard and the citizenry comes next. They ain't gettin' past us. Nope. Time for a return to Law and Order. Or die, you thieving POS!

That's nice, but it's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the conspiracy theory that Fascists have about Antifa being funded by Democrats.
That's nice, but it's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the conspiracy theory that Fascists have about Antifa being funded by Democrats.

Oh..Democrats? No..Do Democrats support the communist stuff? Yeah. Directly funded by's more international than that. Do those same international parties contribute to the Democrats? Yes.

PS: You don't even know what a fascist is, faggot. Name 1 fascist you know of.
Oh..Democrats? No..Do Democrats support the communist stuff? Yeah. Directly funded by's more international than that. Do those same international parties contribute to the Democrats? Yes.

So these "internationalist parties" support left-wing politics, correct? Why are they paying people to riot and loot when that helps Republicans?

PS: You don't even know what a fascist is, faggot. Name 1 fascist you know of.

I will if you calm down and ask nicely. No need to get so #triggered.
Some questions for the conspiracy theorists who believe in this one.

If Antifa is so well-funded, how come they only show up with black clothes? How come they don't have badass riot gear? Can't Soros or Obama or whoever afford to give them better gear?

What exactly is the point in paying them to riot? Doesn't this only make the Left look bad and distract from the murder of George Floyd? If anything, isn't it more likely that Rightists are paying them to do this?

How come nobody has been able to prove Antifa is being funded or engages in actual terrorism? I saw the Project Veritas video, it was pretty funny, but totally failed to confirm any of these claims. Is that the best the conspiracy theorists can do?

Well everyone knows the deep state is protecting them & the liberal media is covering for them..........

It is only a matter of time before trumps justice dept catches some real card caring antifa traders, then we can have some show trials & beat some confessions out of them about biden...........

You know rumor has it that all the money biden & hillary made @ the pizza parlor is going to bank roll this... After buying all of them new black clothes, skate boards & a couple forties after every riot, things are gettin a little lean..

But Xi & Putin are going to be kicking in some cash soon, as soon as Soros gives the go head.......... Batman & The Hulk can't even stop this!!!

Well everyone knows the deep state is protecting them & the liberal media is covering for them..........

It is only a matter of time before trumps justice dept catches some real card caring antifa traders, then we can have some show trials & beat some confessions out of them about biden...........

You know rumor has it that all the money biden & hillary made @ the pizza parlor is going to bank roll this... After buying all of them new black clothes, skate boards & a couple forties after every riot, things are gettin a little lean..

But Xi & Putin are going to be kicking in some cash soon, as soon as Soros gives the go head.......... Batman & The Hulk can't even stop this!!!

I'll be doing my part to stop this by saying a prayer to Saint Trump.
So these "internationalist parties" support left-wing politics, correct? Why are they paying people to riot and loot when that helps Republicans?

I will if you calm down and ask nicely. No need to get so #triggered.

So..yeah, you got nothing, amirite? Fuck off you commie POS!
Well you still haven't answered the question.
How come you Fascists are so afraid of defending your beliefs?

I'm not a fascist, and go fuck yourself, you commie piece of shit!

Your communist dreams get shot down in flames within 48 hours, bet!
You're about to have a bad time.
You should not have fucked with America. America does not play.
I'm not a fascist, and go fuck yourself, you commie piece of shit!

Your communist dreams get shot down in flames within 48 hours, bet!
You're about to have a bad time.
You should not have fucked with America. America does not play.

Calm down, snowflake. :laugh:
And I'm not a Communist. I don't think Communism is possible on a large scale.

So are you ready to answer the question?
You'll see in couple days when arrests start being made. Watch and learn.

Sure thing, Buckwheat.

"U.S. Attorney General William Barr has repeatedly blamed anti-fascist activists for the violence that has erupted during demonstrations over George Floyd's death, but federal court records show no sign of so-called antifa links so far in cases brought by the Justice Department.
"The single instance in which an extremist group is mentioned in court documents is a case against three Nevada men. Federal prosecutors allege the trio belong to the right-wing Boogaloo movement that wants to bring about a civil war. The men have been charged with plotting violence during Las Vegas protests."
Sure thing, Buckwheat.

"U.S. Attorney General William Barr has repeatedly blamed anti-fascist activists for the violence that has erupted during demonstrations over George Floyd's death, but federal court records show no sign of so-called antifa links so far in cases brought by the Justice Department.
"The single instance in which an extremist group is mentioned in court documents is a case against three Nevada men. Federal prosecutors allege the trio belong to the right-wing Boogaloo movement that wants to bring about a civil war. The men have been charged with plotting violence during Las Vegas protests."

I do enjoy the "you'll see!" arguments that Fascists use. I'm still waiting for Obamagate to finally all come out.
antifa is funded by oligarchs and large corporations. they're the epitome of fascist. they're just upset with trump because he stands in the way of completely selling out america. national governments are the last defense the people have against the ravages of globalist corporatism aka internationalist fascism.
Some questions for the conspiracy theorists who believe in this one.

If Antifa is so well-funded, how come they only show up with black clothes? How come they don't have badass riot gear? Can't Soros or Obama or whoever afford to give them better gear?

What exactly is the point in paying them to riot? Doesn't this only make the Left look bad and distract from the murder of George Floyd? If anything, isn't it more likely that Rightists are paying them to do this?

How come nobody has been able to prove Antifa is being funded or engages in actual terrorism? I saw the Project Veritas video, it was pretty funny, but totally failed to confirm any of these claims. Is that the best the conspiracy theorists can do?
