The backyard patio

Mornin' EE!

Some pretty heavy thunderstorms rolled through last night. Think I'm goin' groundhog hunting in about an hour or so.
Mornin' EE!

Some pretty heavy thunderstorms rolled through last night. Think I'm goin' groundhog hunting in about an hour or so.

Morning RB. Yea it poured here all day. we even had flash flood warnings. This storm was weird most of our storms come out of the southwest going northeast. This one came out of the southeast headed northwest.
EE: "The backyard patio"
Jack: Where's the fucking food?

EE: "A place to just shoot the breeze."
Jack: Where's the fucking Beer?

EE: "Any subject is acceptable."
Jack: I've got to put up with RB and another one of his 'Car Stories'?!?

Where's the Ban List? Chinks, Wet Backs, Niggers, Kikes, and that fucking Limey, Havana, can just wonder in and out of here??? (What happened to the Confederate Battle Flag that you used to have out front?)
EE: "The backyard patio"
Jack: Where's the fucking food?

EE: "A place to just shoot the breeze."
Jack: Where's the fucking Beer?

EE: "Any subject is acceptable."
Jack: I've got to put up with RB and another one of his 'Car Stories'?!?

Where's the Ban List? Chinks, Wet Backs, Niggers, Kikes, and that fucking Limey, Havana, can just wonder in and out of here??? (What happened to the Confederate Battle Flag that you used to have out front?)

Without an effective Thread Ban, people like Mason are going to come in and disrupt things.
He'll drink your Beer, eat your food, clog up your toilet, and get fresh with your wife.
Is that what you want, EE?
Without an effective Thread Ban, people like Mason are going to come in and disrupt things.
He'll drink your Beer, eat your food, clog up your toilet, and get fresh with your wife.
Is that what you want, EE?

I don't drink beer
Well, EE. What's your thoughts on the rampant looting of American cities?
Do you think Trump is letting it happen because it will increase his re-election chances?
I'll have to talk at you later, EE. Going to the Store. Having a hard time finding Frozen Mangoes and Frozen Peaches for some reason. (?)
Without an effective Thread Ban, people like Mason are going to come in and disrupt things.
He'll drink your Beer, eat your food, clog up your toilet, and get fresh with your wife.
Is that what you want, EE?

He gets fresh with my bride and let me put it this way
Ever been locked in a cage with an angry wolverine?
Well, EE. What's your thoughts on the rampant looting of American cities?
Do you think Trump is letting it happen because it will increase his re-election chances?

I believe Trump is making a bad mistake going after the protesters. He should be trying to understand why there is so much anger out here in the heartland. If he wants to be reelected he had better start being a uniter not a divider. Clearly it is time to mend Americas wounds.
Calm down tiger. Don't worry EE, Mason's harmless. He's like the old guy with no teeth chewing beef jerky. Both are shriveled up.

You misunderstood, I meant when riled my bride can be meaner than an angry wolverine. :laugh: