The backyard patio

I believe Trump is making a bad mistake going after the protesters. He should be trying to understand why there is so much anger out here in the heartland. If he wants to be reelected he had better start being a uniter not a divider. Clearly it is time to mend Americas wounds.

Using a Bible and a church as props for a photo op,is beneath contempt
I believe Trump is making a bad mistake going after the protesters. He should be trying to understand why there is so much anger out here in the heartland. If he wants to be reelected he had better start being a uniter not a divider. Clearly it is time to mend Americas wounds.

Tru DaT!!! IMHO Mattis was totally on the money.......

Part of his job, & @ times of crisis, most of his job is keeping the country united/together............ He isn't pretending to try......... :(:(
I am taking a linguistics class, and Berber had to be one of the weirdest languages in the world. This bloody thing has almost no vowels.

Here is a phonetic illustration of some Berber words >

Feed = ks
Give = fk
Fade away = sxf
Irritate = fqqs
Shrunk = tqssf
Tru DaT!!! IMHO Mattis was totally on the money.......

Part of his job, & @ times of crisis, most of his job is keeping the country united/together............ He isn't pretending to try......... :(:(

I keep seeing videos that show the police are getting out of hand. I believe we need police reform and we need it now. This is the latest that really pisses me off.

I keep seeing videos that show the police are getting out of hand. I believe we need police reform and we need it now. This is the latest that really pisses me off.

Yeah. You'd think they would stop and render aid.
There's something about 20-something Cops pushing around senior citizens that is unsettling.
I think someone said he was 75. (?)
I keep seeing videos that show the police are getting out of hand. I believe we need police reform and we need it now. This is the latest that really pisses me off.

Yep, totally agree.

I hear many police chiefs blame the contracts/unions but cities/counties etc have agreed to them.

How a city can allow those being paid to protect the citizens to trample the rights of those citizens is beyond me....

We have rights that no gubments agency should be able to bargain away.........

Rotten to the core....... The local DA is most certainly a part of the problems....... Clearly Amy is an expert on the topic..
Yeah. You'd think they would stop and render aid.
There's something about 20-something Cops pushing around senior citizens that is unsettling.
I think someone said he was 75. (?)

Yep..... If anyone here did that we would be in jail, no doubt...

WTF gives these thugs w/ a badge license??
Yep..... If anyone here did that we would be in jail, no doubt...

WTF gives these thugs w/ a badge license??

"New Bill Would Abolish Qualified Immunity, Make It Easier To Sue Cops Who Violate Civil Rights"

"“The brutal killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police is merely the latest in a long line of incidents of egregious police misconduct,” Congressman Amash wrote in a letter to his colleagues posted on Twitter. “This pattern continues because police are legally, politically, and culturally insulated from consequences for violating the rights of the people whom they have sworn to serve. That must change so that these incidents of brutality stop happening.”"