The beer thread..

AMEN!!!!! I have never drank that, nor coors light, miller lite...

I tried a few others but only one that had any taste was Amstel light...

That Michelob ultra shouldn't be allowed to be sold as beer........ Poorly carbonated water..

I work with some older people and they just don't get the whole craft beer thing at all. In fact they openly hate it. And all the young people I know, without exception, won't drink anything but a craft beer. It's like rock and roll in the 50's- a generational split.
I work with some older people and they just don't get the whole craft beer thing at all. In fact they openly hate it. And all the young people I know, without exception, won't drink anything but a craft beer. It's like rock and roll in the 50's- a generational split.

Yeah, I see that too.
I love craft beer but do not mind a Coors Light or Bud Light every now and then. If I am at a buddy's BBQ I am not turning my nose up to a Miller Lite! However I am not buying that shit myself!
I would say that (having never been brave enough to try Olympia Beer) the two most revolting fluids I have ever tasted are Heineken and Michelob Bavarian Wheat.
I would say that (having never been brave enough to try Olympia Beer) the two most revolting fluids I have ever tasted are Heineken and Michelob Bavarian Wheat.

I like Heineken but it is usually a bit skunky.. Never tried that other one......

Consider yourself fortunate to never have tried "Oly"... Horrid..

Back in the day the beers were pretty bad.. Hamms, pabst, burgi etc..... Not surprising most of them are not around any more.. Pabst?? I guess cause it's cheap :dunno:
Nice conversation.. Yea, I forgot about SLitz... Last time I bought a 12 I gave it away...

It is popular here I guess, I just don't get it either..
Pabst is wildly popular in Seattle-proper as the light beer of choice. It is typically on tap everywhere downtown. Everywhere else, and it's your standard Bud/Miller/Coors.

Evidently, it's the hipsters at fault, as noted in this Yelp discussion by people in San Fran:

They still make Pabst? I don't see it here and the brewery used to be here. That used to be some good beer if you wanted a cheap weekend.
The best cheap beer is Matts, made in Utica NY. It used to be cheaper than soda and had a nice creamy flavor.
The best cheap beer is Matts, made in Utica NY. It used to be cheaper than soda and had a nice creamy flavor.

Never heard of it... Lager??

One that was good from that area~west of there was Rolling Rock (ice cold on a hot day) but once they got bought it was tasteless..
When I was younger I used to buy 30 packs of Meisterbrau for $4.99.

Decent beer when it's chilled but if you let it get warm oh my fucking God. It was horrible.
While still in high school we would drive across the Mexican border to the Tecate Brewery where they sold Tecate and Carte Blanca in bottles for 6 bucks a twelve pack on ice.
They used to have Tecate on tap at the local Mexican restaurant. It's actually superior to Corona, Pacifica, Modelo Especial, and Dos Equis.

IMO, a tough call between Guinness. Guinness has a deep flavor, where as Obsidian Stout has a deep perfect flavor. Not too heavy. Just right.