The best arguments atheists and religionists have been able to muster

Religion was created by humans.
Global Warming and Climate Change are certainly man-made religions.

Humans have the ability to reason and exercise common sense.
Humans, such as yourself, have the ability to refuse to reason and to refuse to exercise common sense. Why should any rational adult believe as you believe regarding your Climate faith?

Religion adds nothing.
You are addicted to yours. Your religion adds something to your life that consumes you and that compels you to be irrational to the point of denying science.

I could write a common sense book today that would put the Bible to shame.
I could write a common sense book today that would put you to shame.
Your belief in the Climate Change religion is absolutely religious. Why do you believe that it is true?
I don't believe, definitively, in climate change and never have. The question was whether or not there is reason to believe in climate change. A belief, based on the science, isn't a religion. It's the opposite of religion. Religion is based on fairytales and faith... "faith" is another way of saying you believe something on bad/no evidence.
Jesus is the most well-attested Palestinian Jew of the first century, hands down.
Gibberish. You have no evidence of the historicity of Jesus. You have only evidence that the account of Jesus is merely an urban legend. All you have are after-the-fact accounts that directly emulate urban legend propagation. For you to be consistent in your logic, you have to believe in the historicity of the "Nigerian banker" and of the "Tale of Ms. Smith's cookies."

Your position is stupid.

His execution is considered a virtual historical certainty
Nope. His execution can only be considered as part of the urban legend you are depicting.

Christianity is a matter of faith, not a matter of historicity or of thettled thienth. You should probably stop pretending that Christianity is ready for the application of the scientific method.

by all reputable scholars of antiquity.
You don't speak for any scholars and you don't speak for any dead people.

The arrests and executions of the apostles Paul, James, Peter, Andrew are attested to in Acts and in a pantheon of early Christian writings.
It would have been easier and more honest to have simply written that the arrests and executions of the apostles are not supported by any first-hand accounts.

People do not willingly die for lies, half-truths, fabrications.
They do in fictional stories and urban legends.

That is why it seems very plausible the apostles believe they saw Jesus after he was crucified.
You have explained why it is very plausible that the account of the life of Jesus could be an urban legend. You have not touched upon any reasons that a rational adult should adopt Christianity.
I don't believe, definitively, in climate change and never have.
As usual, you are engaging in a fallacy, i.e. a No True Scotsman fallacy. Let's correct that and focus on the belief that you do have in Climate Change. Why do you believe that the faith that you do have is correct?

The question was whether or not there is reason to believe in climate change.
The question was "Why should any rational adult believe in the Climate Change religion?" You never provided any rational basis for any belief in Climate Change. In fact, you never provided any unambiguous defintions that didn't violate science, math and logic, for the terms that you used.

A belief, based on the science, isn't a religion.
You are scientifically illiterate and you don't have any science-based beliefs. All of your beliefs are based on violations of physics.
As usual, you are engaging in a fallacy, i.e. a No True Scotsman fallacy. Let's correct that and focus on the belief that you do have in Climate Change. Why do you believe that the faith that you do have is correct?

The question was "Why should any rational adult believe in the Climate Change religion?" You never provided any rational basis for any belief in Climate Change. In fact, you never provided any unambiguous defintions that didn't violate science, math and logic, for the terms that you used.

You are scientifically illiterate and you don't have any science-based beliefs. All of your beliefs are based on violations of physics.
"All of your beliefs are based on violations of physics."

This is why I stopped discussing the topic with you and Into the Night. IF you had any understanding of how climate change is believed to work, you wouldn't be making these claims. Since you have no interest in understanding how climate change is believed to work, you continue to repeat falsehoods.

It's the equivalent of me trying to have a scientific discussion about the earth with someone who believes the earth is flat and refuses to even look at the facts about the earth that shows it's not flat. You're basically doubling down on ignorance.
It's the correct one for me! Although I didn't chose it,I was Chosen for it!
That is your guess...that you were chosen.

Lots of people think they they are chosen.

Entire ethnicities, in fact.

Could be correct.

Which is one way to say, "Could be nonsense."